The afternoon shines like morning
The sea sparkle like that twinkle in your eyes
The green trees standing tall as that of your persistence
The skies moves and so do you

Everyday is an opportunity we continue to take
The phenomena that has no end
But will continue to be covered with both lightness and darkness
Happiness and sadness
Dreams and nightmares
Oughts and tires

The unending pain and lesson
Love and joy
Passion and faith
Revolution and evolution
Its the constant thing we had to bent even

Fighting through its odds
Through its basic stabs
Through its thick and thins
One will only stick
And its YOU and your dull sleek
Who continue with your kick

Dont give up on yourself
It may be imperfect
But its the best
You got

You need to live
To see
You have to see
To explore
You are to explore
To discover
You discover
To uncover
The one that hinder
You to grow

See the bright behind
Keep the bind
Of the blind
its hands blend
With knees bended

No escaping
No moving
A way to reality
Is breathing
The key to living
Is dying