Comments about Richard Lovelace

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monovhrome: Richard Lovelace once wrote, her bosom is love's paradise, there is no heaven but in her eyes; she's chaster than the turtle-dove, and fairer than the queen of love: yet all perfections do combine to beautifie my Valentine. ♥︎

Pathfindergpusa: Some good nuggets here. I also took Dr. Richard Lovelace’s class on Revival at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. Important book. But, one who discounts classical Pentecostal theology and experience of the Holy Spirit does so at their own spiritual loss.

FXMC1957: 18 March 1834. 6 farm labourers were each sentenced to 7 years transportation to a penal colony in Australia for organising a trade-union in the Dorset-shire village of Tolpuddle. Their leaders were George and James Loveless (Lovelace). They were known as the “Tolpuddle Martyrs”.

abdalmo96239152: Stone walls do not a prison make,Nor iron bars a cage.,Richard Lovelace, To Althea, from Prison,attitude, cage, prison,

timothyjlutz: Iron bars do not a prison make. Richard Lovelace Plato's cave is the norm.

Satanlevelaadmi: Stone walls do not a prison make, nor iron bars a cage Richard Lovelace

olamipo_writer: "Some walls do not a prison make, Nor iron bars a cage; Minds innocent and quiet take That for an hermitage; If I have freedom in my love And in my soul am free, Angels alone, that soar above Enjoy such liberty." - To Althea, From Prison (Richard Lovelace)

SkierMon3964: If I have freedom in my love, And in my soul am free, - Angels alone that soar above, Enjoy such liberty.,Richard Lovelace,Love, Freedom, Soul ,

iswearenglish: To Althea, from Prison Poem by Richard Lovelace Summary Analysis - To Althea, from Prison by Richard Lovelace 1617 – 1657

Scorpipeen6616: Stone walls do not a prison make, Nor iron bars a cage; Minds innocent and quiet take That for an hermitage; If I have freedom in my love And in my soul am free, Angels alone, that soar above, Enjoy such liberty.,Richard Lovelace, To Althea, from Prison,freedom, love, prison,

iswearenglish: The Scrutiny Poem by Richard Lovelace - Summary Analysis - The Scrutiny by Richard Lovelace 1617 – 1657

bottingkruger: Sir Richard Nixon was an inventor and mechanical engineer, Nixon, along with Ada Lovelace, is best known for the modern period of (1/2)

thobi_ezweni: We need to listen with care and sensitivity for the distinctive notes of true Christianity expressed in unfamiliar patterns.-Richard Lovelace

DecayingTimon: truly the zoomer's richard lovelace

PatrickKMiller_: I first encountered Keller’s work in 2007 shortly after I became a Christian. I voraciously read every PDF I could find w/ his work. He led me to John Owen, Richard Lovelace, Jack Miller, Ed Clowney & more.

melodyhart153: "Yet this inconstancy is such          As you too shall adore; I could not love thee (Dear) so much,          Lov’d I not Honour more." ~ Richard Lovelace.

NancySheedy12: History in the making! Paradox. Richard Lovelace

Bryanzfitz: As we enter this season of Lent through Ash Wednesday, these words of Richard Lovelace seemed pertinent, "One man's piety is often another man's poison."

JeremyLudemann: Clue from tonight's Jeopardy: For their gallant verses & loyalty to Charles I, 1600s poets like Richard Lovelace were known as these mounted knights...

Don_Pucik: “…our experience of the Holy Spirit becomes less subjective and more clearly identifiable, as gradually we learn to distinguish the strivings of the Spirit from the motions of our flesh.” ~ Richard F. Lovelace (1930-2021) =>

GordonConwell: "We can and should expect that a true awakening will bring about greater mission or outreach" is one of the many points by the late Dr. Richard Lovelace that President Sunquist quotes in this week's blog about what's taking place at Asbury University.

tngraham: Based on the ToC of Richard Lovelace's Dynamics of Spiritual Life, the book looks likely to be very salient in view of the outbreak of the revival at Asbury. Can anybody who's read it confirm/deny?

snowdoniapix: “Stone walls do not a prison make, Nor iron bars a cage; Minds innocent and quiet take That for an hermitage; If I have freedom in my love And in my soul am free, Angels alone that soar above, Enjoy such liberty.” — Richard Lovelace

TGC: Revival is a pattern repeatedly used by the Holy Spirit to reconnect Christian communities with the power of the gospel.  

MarkHallock: Three more books on revival that have been super helpful...recommended: - A God-Sized Vision by Collin Hansen and John Woodbridge - Dynamics of Spiritual Life: An Evangelical Theology of Renewal by Richard Lovelace - When God Comes to Church by Ray Ortlund

donalynette: To Althea, from Prison by Richard Lovelace | Poetry Foundation

shortridgej: Spiritual life flows out of union with Christ, not merely imitation of Christ. Richard F. Lovelace, Dynamics of Spiritual Life

collinhansen: Richard Lovelace had three heroes in Jonathan Edwards, David Brainerd, and Cotton Mather. He named his two sons Jonathan and David. Students joked that it's a good thing he never had a third son.

thediscocat: Let it not be lost on us that Ada has the poet Richard Lovelace as an ancestor, something to be said for the ability to craft code as poetry

jake_meador: James Walden considers the Niebuhr and Carson work on cultural engagement before making his own contribution with help from Richard Lovelace, Lesslie Newbigin, and others.

Roberta9996: Stone walls do not a prison make Nor iron bars cage Richard Lovelace to Althea from Prison 1642

jeffreyscott88: Stone Walls do not a Prison make, Nor Iron bars a Cage; Minds innocent and quiet take That for an Hermitage. If I have freedom in my Love, And in my soul am free, Angels alone that soar above, Enjoy such Liberty. ~Sir Richard Lovelace, “From Prison” 1642

Missionaries: Spiritual life flows out of union with Christ, not merely imitation of Christ. ~ Richard F. Lovelace

hanihassan26: "Stone Walls do not a Prison make, Nor Iron bars a Cage; Minds innocent and quiet take That for an Hermitage." (Richard Lovelace: To Althea, from Prison - 1649)

09courtreporter: Watch "Richard Lovelace "To Althea, from Prison" Read Aloud w/ Analysis" on YouTube

kirkcowman: “As pain tells us of the need for healing, worry tells us of the need for prayer.” -Richard F Lovelace, Dynamics of Spiritual Life

andrewhebert86: “True spirituality is not a superhuman religiosity; it is simply true humanity released from bondage to sin and renewed by the Holy Spirit.” — Richard Lovelace

aaronjhann: “Matthew 18:15-18 states that erring members should ultimately be brought before the church. Unfortunately this passage does not tell us what to do if the majority of the church sides with the member in error.” Richard Lovelace, Dynamics of Spiritual Life

_nimrit_: NIMRIT YOU ROCK I could not love thee, Dear, so much, Loved I not Honour more.:-Richard Lovelace, The Lucasta Poems..

Gandalf1948: John de Critz, "Ritratto di Margaret, Lady Lovelace, moglie di Richard, 1° Lord Lovelace".

CrookedChagrin: Yet this inconstancy is such As you too shall adore; I could not love thee (Dear) so much, Lov’d I not Honour more. Richard Lovelace

gothspiderbitch: The editorial was called “The Fabled Enchantresses” and featured Marilyn Monroe dressed as five iconic stars including her idol, Jean Harlow, Lillian Russell, Clara Bow, and Theda Bara. Richard Avedon printed limited edition posters of all the photos, except for Marlene Dietrich.

dragonis_eth: GM. Freedom doesn’t come with money. It starts with cutting tethers that bind you. Most are in your mind. Others are electronic. A sweet poem by Richard Lovelace in “To Althea, from Prison”

donovanbaldwin: "I could not love thee, Dear, so much, Loved I not Honour more." -- "To Lucasta, going to the Wars" by Richard Lovelace. 1618–1658

PinchbeckUnited: On this day…. 2018 - Pinchbeck United 4-0 Kirby Muxloe (HT 3-0) Lee Beeson Nicholas Bishop Stacey Cartwright Tony Edwards Nick Jackson Richard Lovelace Oliver Maltby X2 Ryan Oliver Andrew Tidswell Luke Wilson Tyler Wright X2

barbkiser: On Ada Lovelace's birthday, just revisiting Richard Holmes's magisterial essay on her accomplishments and her fascinating, all-too-short life.

aliterarybot: Wise emblem of our politic world, Sage snail, within thine own self curl'd —Richard Lovelace, 'The Snail'

compeyson: 17th century English poet Richard Lovelace versed:- “Walls do not a prison make” Delhi has govt provides the proof in the 21 st century. The jailed jail minister Satyendra Jain continues to be a minister despite being in prison for months. The prison a massage parlour for him.

LoveQuoteOfThe2: (Richard Lovelace Quotes) has been published on Love Quote Of The Day -

CastleBarberII1: I could not love thee half as much,loved I not honor more. -Richard Lovelace

scottspuppet: Richard Dreyfuss as Lovelace

nila3333: Stone walls do not a prison make nor do iron bars a cage mind innocent and quiet takes that for an Hermitage : Richard Lovelace from prison.

inxstape: Imagine if you were dating Richard Kelly & some raised post smart phones -doesn’t know how to use a rotary or what a telegram is. couldn’t start a fire to save his life- thinks ada lovelace is an adult film star- unimaginative child. Just goes “Richard Kelly is a iduit” like, no.

ethansmithws: I can’t believe I’m reading this from folks in the Reformed camp, but apparently Christian nominalism is okay to some? Richard Lovelace begs to differ: “nominally Christian countries, which ought to be gardens of Messianic transformation, are jungles of corruption.“

NancyRubeck: Richard Lovelace Sr. 1h The Devil is strong tonight on my property. I walked about 8 hundred feet to my mailbox to check the mail. I almost did not make it back. Three probes attacked to my spine and microwire running for my Brain they have all control over my Nervous system

NancyRubeck: 1 Richard Lovelace Sr. 19h · Targeted Individuals if you get sick from being irradiated with radiation or electricity or Pandemics and have to go to the Doctor or hospitals please Exsplain to Doctor or hospitals to check the electrical part of the body could be way to high and

ethansmithws: “The shallowness of many people who are ‘saved’ may be due to the fact that they have never known themselves to be lost.” — Richard Lovelace

derekradney: Richard Lovelace on "the world" in "Renewal as a Way of Life": "The world can be defined as corporate flesh–a pattern of drives & actions resulting from the interrelationship of all the individual flesh...[I]t makes some forms of evil (such as racism & economic oppression)... 1/3

revjkessler: “Modern man is not immune to the impact of traditional Christian terminology; he is simply inert in the presence of answers to questions he has not yet been induced to ask.” -Richard Lovelace, on preaching sin to a modern audience.

pastorjimtvc: “True spirituality is not a superhuman religiosity; it is simply true humanity released from bondage to sin and renewed by the Holy Spirit.” - Richard Lovelace, Dynamics of Spiritual Life

pastorjimtvc: “Concentration on reformation without revival leads to skins without wine; concentration on revival without reformation soon loses the wine for want of skins.” -Richard F. Lovelace, Dynamics of Spiritual Life: An Evangelical Theology of Renewal

johnbiegel84: This coming Lord’s Day we’ll be looking at Galatians 2:11-16, with special appearances by Martin Luther, John Owen, and Richard Lovelace.

LearningMaths: A few years ago my daughter (yr3 ish at the time) told her headteacher (who was on gate duty that day) that it was Ada Lovelace Day. She doesn’t love maths (I know!) but was/is fascinated by the stories of the people who had developed and use it, and her Head (who listened and…

mullytweets: We are not saved by the love we exercise, but by the love we trust. Richard Lovelace

jackvelbar: Started off Galatians this Lord’s Day for the next weeks leading up to Advent. This was a massive encouragement. Quote by the late Richard Lovelace

jackvelbar: Richard Lovelace still speaking to us after he is gone on why FV ain’t it

RiviasHunter: To Lucasta, Going to the Wars By Richard Lovelace Tell me not (Sweet) I am unkind,          That from the nunnery Of thy chaste breast and quiet mind          To war and arms I fly. True, a new mistress now I chase,          The first foe in the field; >

barbkiser: The historian Patricia Fara on the real contributions of Babbage and Lovelace:

CentroLeaks: As of this leak, we now know the following details about the next Nintendo Switch console: - T239 SoC - 8-core CPU, likely to be ARM Cortex A78C/A78 - Ampere-based GPU that may incorporats Lovelace features - The 2nd gen Switch graphics API references DLSS 2.2 and raytracing

killingjaxx: dollsgaze:What is a home if not the first place you learn to run from? Richard kadrey // Clementine von Radics // Taylor Swift // Alice (1988) // Amanda Lovelace // sue zhao // ? // Édouard Levé //Emily Berry // ?

TVanguardnews: Traffic congestion is something Deputy Mayor Pamela Lovelace says could be addressed with the help of the Nova Scotia Government including park and ride services along the 103, 102 and Trunk 7 | SaltWire

jeffamanning: We should all read Richard Lovelace’s *Dynamics of Spiritual Life”. That’s all.

quizbot6: Doug Simons of NYU buzzed in on a tossup on Lovelace, Richard, negged with The Feast of the Gods (Bellini), threw a jacket, and got sent home.

wes_net: "Justification is being treated as if we were sinless, even though we are not. . . . This is indeed 'good news.' Initially it does strike us as too good to be true. If it were not clearly taught in Scripture, none of us could persist in believing it." -- Richard Lovelace

BoeingSvetlana: Stone walls do not a prison make, Nor iron bars a cage; Minds innocent and quiet take That for an hermitage; If I have freedom in my love And in my soul am free, Angels alone, that soar above, Enjoy such liberty. ~ Richard Lovelace

RiviasHunter: Song to Amarantha, that she would Dishevel her Hair BY RICHARD LOVELACE Amarantha sweet and fair Ah braid no more that shining hair! As my curious hand or eye Hovering round thee let it fly. Let it fly as unconfin’d As its calm ravisher, the wind, >

SallyThomasNC: Up today: me on the Cavalier poet Richard Lovelace.

judsontaylor: Easy to say when Richard Lovelace isn’t around to speak for himself.

cristian_murgu: "As pain tells us of the need for healing, worry tells us of the need for prayer." Richard Lovelace

jamesrwoodtheo1: And his mentor, Richard Lovelace, would resist that false dilemma/dualism.

dustinwmesser: “Love is a far more reliable measure of spirituality than our gifts or works or theological acuity.” -Richard Lovelace

nixieblue17: If I have freedom in my Love, And in my soul am free, Angels alone that soar above, Enjoy such Liberty. ~ Richard Lovelace

RiviasHunter: The Scrutinie By Richard Lovelace I Why should you sweare I am forsworn, Since thine I vow’d to be? Lady it is already Morn, And ’twas last night I swore to thee That fond impossibility. II Have I not lov’d thee much and long, A tedious twelve houres space? I must all other

mmatalpur: “Stone walls do not a prison make, Nor iron bars a cage; Minds innocent and quiet take That for an hermitage; If I have freedom in my love And in my soul am free, Angels alone, that soar above, Enjoy such liberty.” Richard Lovelace Born9 December 1617--Died1657.


ChampionshipWs: The first ever card for the first ever WCC Championship Wrestling from Aurora is shaping up Most Notorious Crew vs The Insurrection Liberty Darling vs Sprinkle Star Cyrus Lovelace vs Axl Irvine Tre Baldwin vs Richard Blood III And Million $ Mia Ferrari vs a mystery opponent

timkellernyc: We are not saved by the love we exercise, but by the love we trust. -Richard Lovelace

TGC: Revival is a pattern repeatedly used by the Holy Spirit to reconnect Christian communities with the power of the gospel.

NancyRubeck: 1 of more *Richard Lovelace Sr. FB I was studying and researching for Molecular Crystal's like my program Nano Bots that are 30 to 50 times harder than Dimond right after I was diagnosed having Programed Nano bots in 2016. A professor at the University of Lancaster South

_cmcgee13: “Faith that…is able to warm itself at the fire of God’s love, instead of having to steal love and self-acceptance from other sources, is actually the root of holiness" - Richard Lovelace

Blake_Odgers: "Christians who are no longer sure that God loves them in Jesus (apart from their present spiritual achievements) are radically insecure persons... and such insecurity can easily hinder progress in Christian living." —Richard Lovelace

DrJulieShafer: If I have freedom in my love, And in my soul am free, Angels alone that soar above, Enjoy such liberty. -Richard Lovelace

ArtDelgado10: The anesthetic of grace is constantly needed in the healing process of sanctification along with the surgical ministry of the law. – Richard F. Lovelace ‘Dynamics of Spiritual Life’

tomjenen: I'd probably have put Ada Lovelace in here over Richard Branson. Just a start.

dhanabarger: Our responsibility is to respond to him in love on every level, within the bounds of what is possible and practicable." - Richard Lovelace

AtThyWord777: Revival is an infusion of new spiritual life imparted by The Holy Spirit to existing parts of Christ's body. - Richard Lovelace

AtThyWord777: Revival is an infusion of new spiritual life imparted by The Holy Spirit to existing parts of Christ's Body. - Richard Lovelace.

LeoTheLess: I could not love thee (Dear) so much, Lov’d I not Honour more. —Richard Lovelace

Sami001Haq: "Stone walls doe not a prison make, Nor iron bars a cage; Mindes innocent and quiet take That for an hermitage; If I have freedome in my love, And in my soule am free, Angels alone that sore above Enjoy such liberty." ~ Richard Lovelace

daneortlund: Redemption comes under the direction of leaders whom God raises up in his sovereign mercy in response to the deep longing and intercession of the laity generated under the pressure of defeat or suffering. Richard Lovelace

Write your comment about Richard Lovelace

ilara: This man is not so intresting

Poem of the day

Felicia Dorothea Hemans Poem
Night-Scene In Genoa
 by Felicia Dorothea Hemans

In Genoa, when the sunset gave
Its last warm purple to the wave,
No sound of war, no voice of fear,
Was heard, announcing danger near:
Though deadliest foes were there, whose hate
But slumber'd till its hour of fate,
Yet calmly, at the twilight's close,
Sunk the wide city to repose.

Read complete poem

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