Nights after nights
My stomach famished,
I cry no one hears my moans,
I stretch my long hand to ping my neighbor's house,
So heavy to make a success

My countable ribs protrude;
Chisel-like they appear,
My strong neck can't hold my head upright,
I shave and shave,
Beard after beard to make it light,
No change

Always indoors,
Not that I can't move out,
I'm hungry and weak,
Ring ring; my phone rings
Hoping for office response,
Dear customer repay your loans!

Three nights no one hears my cry,
Not even my own thoughts can please my flourishing heart,
So helpless my inflamated stomach aches
No food no water!

Not even able to blame the fate of my parents,
My own empire is drained,
Gates crossed and abandoned,
Downing down my throat,
Help is least expected
Cry and wipe away your owns tears,
The plague thrifts the strength of ambition.