Yes I'm a Negro
I look good on Afro
I'm proud to be Dark
I love my tribal Mark

I'm a proud Negro
I cry aloud to grow
I trek many miles
To assemble my wiles

Black is my race
I'm proud of my place
Though I wear rags
Sack cloth, my pant sags
I'm a bloody Negro

I wear barefoot
To defend my father's root
I read Nelson Mandela
I sung Baba Fela

I was sold
To slave trade
I was told
To shave blade
My thigh and neck
Ark of chains
The ever sad story
That perfumes my glory

No black, no white
I am a thick black
The world originated
From the dark
With black dust
We were created

I write for my rights
My voice cracks for the wacks
Give me air
Give me water
I don't care
For a shelter
I can survive anywhere.

Hugovictor Barine