Hermann Hesse Wind Poems

  • 1.
    Across the sky, the clouds move,
    Across the fields, the wind,
    Across the fields the lost child
    Of my mother wanders.
  • 2.
    In this evil year, autumn comes early...
    I walk by night in the field, alone, the rain clatters,
    The wind on my hat...And you? And you, my friend?

  • 3.
    I walk so often, late, along the streets,
    Lower my gaze, and hurry, full of dread,
    Suddenly, silently, you still might rise
    And I would have to gaze on all your grief
  • 4.
    Is this everything now, the quick delusions of flowers,
    And the down colors of the bright summer meadow,
    The soft blue spread of heaven, the bees' song,
    Is this everything only a god's
Total 4 Wind Poems by Hermann Hesse

Top 10 most used topics by Hermann Hesse

Night 9 Alone 5 Death 4 Cold 4 Love 4 Home 4 Never 4 I Love You 4 Wind 4 Human 3

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Poem of the day

Charles Wesley Poem
Sinners, Obey The Gospel-Word!
 by Charles Wesley

Sinners, obey the gospel-word!
Haste to the supper of my Lord!
Be wise to know your gracious day;
All things are ready, come away!

Ready the Father is to own
And kiss his late-returning son;
Ready your loving Saviour stands,

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