
“Why this fever-why this sighing?-
Why this restless longing-dying
For-a something-dreamy something,
Undefined, and yet defying
All the pride and power of manhood?

“O these years of sin and sorrow!
Smiling while the iron harrow
Of a keen and biting longing
Tears and quivers in the marrow
Of my being every moment-
Of my very inmost being.

“What to me the mad ambition
For men's praise and proud position-
Struggling, fighting to the summit
Of its vain and earthly mission,
To lie down on bed of ashes-
Bed of barren, bitter ashes?

“Cure this fever? I have tried it;
Smothered, drenched it and defied it
With a will of brass and iron;
Every smile and look denied it;
Yet it heeded not denying,
And it mocks at my defying
While my very soul is dying.

“Is there balm in Gilead?-tell me!
Nay-no balm to soothe and quell me?
Must I tremble in this fever?
Death, O lift thy hand and fell me;
Let me sink to rest forever
Where this burning cometh never.

Sometimes when this restless madness
Softens down to mellow sadness,
I look back on sun-lit valleys
Where my boyish heart of gladness
Nestled without pain or longing-
Nestled softly in a vision
Full of love and hope's fruition,
Lulled by morning songs of spring-time.

“Then I ponder, and I wonder
Was some heart-chord snapped asunder
When the threads were soft and silken?
Did some fatal boyish blunder
Plant a canker in my bosom
That hath ever burned and rankled?

“O this thirsting, thirsting hanker!
O this burning, burning canker'
Driving Peace and Hope to shipwreck-
Without rudder, without anchor,
On the reef-rocks of Damnation!”

Invisible Angel:

“Jesus-Son of Virgin Mary;
Lift the burden from the weary:
Pity, Jesus, and anoint him
With the holy balm of Gilead.”


“Yea, Christ Jesus, pour thy blessings
On these terrible heart-pressings:
O I bless thee, unseen Angel;
Lead me-teach me, holy Spirit.”


“There is balm in Gilead!
There is balm in Gilead!
Peace awaits thee with caressings-
Sitting at the feet of Jesus-
At the right-hand of Jehovah-
At the blessed feet of Jesus;-Alleluia!”