Comments about George Wither

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bullskadan: george and i have been playing minecraft and we actually killed the wither for the first time ever... i am really proud because i hid like a little bitch pot shotting it with my bow and george died because it hated him especially hard

bullskadan: avery cam: (hiding behind a tree, poking head out only to shoot arrows) george cam: (running for life, destruction all around, wither right behind him)

ShakesisterGrim: That’s friendship, and true love indeed, That firm abides in time of need - George Wither

CONYERSTHREE: Can the Right let George Soros wither in peace? the man is 92 years old. He is not pulling the strings you think he is. For christ sake.

sirenbite: He was holding him so tightly that his arms were shaking uncontrollably. But George didn’t move. He tried CPR. He tried everything. But George was…lifeless. George was gone. And Dream felt his soul wither away with every second that passed without a pulse.

__Cry_B4byy__: pov: the cookies had wither effect and no one found out about it bc Sapnap and George didn’t make it to the finals together…

janelporter65: Yet another redesign of George Square while the beautiful Winter Gardens of the Peoples Palace was allowed to wither & die. Not on! Glasgow's George Square set to get play areas and water feature under redesign plans - Glasgow Live

mike_senters: If I enter politics I will become the next George Wallace but instead of doing segregation to preserve racists institutions I will segregate very stupid and silly white out from the rest of the population. They can choose wither they want to live in Ohio or Florida. That's it.


happy_at_home_: Though I am young, I scorn to flit On the wings of borrowed wit. -George Wither “The Shepherd’s Hunting” (1622) “Young Man Greeted by Seven Liberal Arts” Sandro Botticelli 1490

ImogenPeck2: It Regicide Day! Or, as George Wither put it, 'this is the Day, whereon our Yoke / Of Norman Bondage, first was broke/ And, England from her chains made free'. There's more about its commemoration in this blog I wrote...

SeaOfThieves: From matchmaking improvements to pet rocks, and without a John in sight, your first broadside of Sea of Thieves News for 2023 is here! Minotaur-inspired outfits, oar emotes and George Orton's increasing chin hedge also feature. All that's left now is to watch it. Go on then.

joyfulmoocher: Santos Shows Early Signs of Dementia

DriXander: The racial reckoning led to lots of talk but little real change:

SteelersMafiaa: Martin Emerson is Literally George Pickens Son.

puckinspirit: Publication alert: my first written piece on George Wither and his unique attitude to women in his emblem book just came out, and is available here (I am pursuing this curious guy further: a bad poet but he writes w highly intriguing cultural relevance.)

HarisKSherwani: George Wither Christmas Quote 20 Best Christmas Quotes: Christmas Quotes By Famous People:

QueenAlphaSigma: "The winds were wither'd in the stagnant air, And the clouds perish'd; Darkness had no need of aid from them- ...She was the universe." -Lord Byron (George Gordon)

MelanieJaxn: Then wherefore in these merry days, Should we, I pray, be duller? No, let us sing some roundelays To make our mirth the fuller. And, whilst thus inspired, we sing, Let all the streets with echoes ring, Woods, and hills, and everything Bear witness we are merry. -George Wither

MelanieJaxn: Now all our neighbors' chimnies smoke, &Christmas blocks are burning; Their ovens they with baked meats choke, &all their spits are turning. Without the door let sorrow lie, & if for cold it hap to die, We'll bury it in a Christmas pie, &evermore be merry. -George Wither

MelanieJaxn: Without the door let sorrow lie, And if for cold it hap to die, We'll bury 't in a Christmas pie, And evermore be merry. ― George Wither

EmmanuelDiran: The secret of being miserable is to have the leisure to bother about whether you are happy or not. - George Bernard Keep busy. The worried person must lose himself in action, lest he wither in despair.

BayouBomber: Finally getting around to reading Mastery by George Leonard. He talks about using the plateau as a staging ground for cultuvating your craft. Like farmland, you must have flat land to hold the water or it will roll away leaving your crops to wither and die.

patchesalt: dream saying dnf isn’t real in the vlog and calling him and george besties like when the joke shifts from you and your best friend dating to you and your best friend *not* dating then maybe there’s something going on there lol


dteam_lvr: i need to change my layout. i want wither george or dream, both or dteam and theres too many pics to choose from

schills: “I don’t know who he is but my mom talks about him a lot” - a freshman on GEORGE CLOONEY excuse me while I wither and die

George_Mann: Newbury & Hobbes has made it to China! The new issue of Science Fiction World has two short stories by me (Seasons of Wither and The Word of Menamhotep) in translation. Plus a beautiful illustration.

George_Anglican: Wither the Russian Orthodox Church?

george_koma: How to Detect and win Spiritual Wars

llull_rafael: Wither George Kittle?

dreamewastaken: george is in florida.

owain_george: We are planting seeds, some will bear fruit, some will die, some will wither away but we have to plant those seeds. And when you want to collect the fruits of your labor it will be months, sometimes years from now, but the work needs to be done today. Good things takes time

rk70534: RUNOTAR George Wither(1588-1667)

g_sharp_major: Grey’s Anatomy S2:E18 Poor George. Meredith will use him up and leave him to wither away. I WANT Cristina + Burke to work, but they want different things. Izzie will be okay if she doesn’t get attached. And the Shepherds…He’s still cruel, and Addison will probly break.

bymichaelwright: George Wither's Emblem Book (1635) combined art, symbols, and poetry into pithy moral lessons. (The full title was "A collection of emblemes, ancient and moderne quickened with metricall illustrations, both morall and divine : and disposed into lotteries")

always0nny: Her true beauty leaves behind Apprehensions in my mind Of more sweetness than all art Or inventions can impart; Thoughts too deep to be expressed, And too strong to be suppressed.... George Wither

always0nny: ... What pearls, what rubies can Seem so lovely fair to man, As her lips whom he doth love When in sweet discourse they move: Or her lovelier teeth, the while She doth bless him with a smile! Stars indeed fair creatures be; George Wither

always0nny: Yet amongst us where is he Joys not more the whilst he lies Sunning in his mistress' eyes. Than in all the glimmering light Of a starry winter's night? George Wither

always0nny: Note the beauty of an eye, And if aught you praise it by Leave such passion in your mind, Let my reason's eye be blind. Mark if ever red or white Anywhere gave such delight As when they have taken place In a worthy woman's face. Her Beauty George Wither

ECOWARRIORSS: It not just Africa Europe is becoming a drought ridden desert where crops no longer grow but wither Another wave of extreme heat targets Europe, prompting alerts London and Paris are forecast to reach 18 to 27 degrees (10 to 15 Celsius) above normal

sfw_china: Science Fiction World: Translations Issue 522-August 2022 CONTENTS: The Foxwoman – Kij Johnson Making History – K.J. Parker Everything's Fine - Matthew Pridham The Women who Sing for Sklep – Kay Chronister Glass Bottle Dancer – Celester Rita Baker Seasons of Wither – George Mann

george_w_moody: If the West cuts of the dragons head [economically] the body will wither & die with it. White House decries China rhetoric over Nancy Pelosi Taiwan visit

annakaa77: ♥️ George Wither's Works, These.♥️ ♣️

emodmetals: Different whistles commanded different orders to the sailors. The whistle was high enough to hear above the noise of the ship, men and adverse weather as described in George Wither's 'Tuba-pacifica' (1664):

Supervacuo: George Wither, wish-casting for all of us in 1645

chukygeorge: Psalms 1:3 And he(George) shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. Chai, see God! I prosper in all things. Even in loving my woman, I prosper.

sa_hara_: United States my ass. We are divided. And have been since the beginning of our era as Americans. And even George Washington warned us about the dangers of the party system, as two sides are going to fight to emerge victorious while the other parties wither.

TelBabe: One thing is for sure, if Labour form a government, the Rwanda plane will never take off; Brexit will wither on the vine and we will limp back to Brussels and the unions will again be in control of our country. The only people who don't see this coming never experienced the 70s.

PriorQc: Criminal barristers who defend cases are, with great regret, taking part in days of action to demonstrate that without substantial change our profession will wither and die. Our colleagues in other areas of law have expressed support for us. We need their support more than ever.

IVXXIIMCMXCVI: for i will for no man’s pleasure change a syllable or measure; pedants shall not tie my strains to our antique poet’s veins; being born as free as these, i will sing as i shall please. — george wither

CynicalMallu: “By the murmur of a spring, Or the least bough's rustling; By a daisy, whose leaves spread Shut when Titan goes to bed; Or a shady bush or tree— She could more infuse in me Than all nature's beauties can In some other wiser men.” —George Wither (1588-1667)

borntodayfamous: [June - 11, 1588] George Wither, English writer (d. 1667) was born on this day in history.

_ishingMachine: Happy Birthday George Wither!!!

Book_Addict: Happy birthday to English poet and writer George Wither (June 11, 1588).

its_charloo: The 5th Prof. George Wajackoyah Praiss to the most high. A nation without its roots shall wither and die.


mwagiru_george: Some women are pleased with flowers that will sooner or later wither away. While some others prefer........ lets go....

lvandriest: A quote from

KylieMinogue108: George McInerney finds this interesting: Adriatic ecosystems withstand major climate shifts but wither under human impact

DurhamWASP: "Women who do not marry wither up - they wither up like aspidistras in back-parlour windows; and the devilish thing is that they don’t even know they’re withering." George Orwell, A Clergyman's Daughter

awilliams_a: Good morning all! Night begins to muffle up the day. ~ George Wither

GNFmeoww: i think it might be sapnap posting the flog- or wither george post the vlog on his main channel

bs_on3: George Frideric Handel - Ah! Wither Should We Fly; As with Rosy steps (Theodora)

EricLostCoast: Because 100 million freezing and starving Americans are totally going to sit idly by while their kids wither away. They absolutely wouldn’t use any means necessary, up to and including murder, to ensure their kids don’t die of hunger. You’ll be safe in the city George, stay put.

kl_elliott: Though I am young, I scorn to flit On the wings of borrowed wit. -George Wither “The Shepherd’s Hunting” (1622)

SandraFornever: george: HE FELL HE SUCKS also george: dies from wither skeleton, lava, fall damage, etc..

Heron_Tree: "When words whisper meaning, / question, sigh, wither, dream, / what might happen?" We launch HERON TREE volume 9 with "Ars Poetica" by Karen George, created from "The Dragon's Teeth" by Nathaniel Hawthorne (1853). Come look!

cubytes: naturally there's of course a better archive/webapp/source for the material I am currently researching.

Strawb1rryMochi: Charlie said to hang onto what they find If you press the wrong button it gets hit by lightning They all get wither roses They start pressing the buttons George’s hair turns into a bush Quackity gets a chicken on his head Sapnap presses a button and gets a lever


owain_george: We are planting a lot of seeds, some bear fruits, some die, some wither away, but we have to plant those seeds. And when you want to collect the fruits of your labor it will be months, sometimes years from now, but the work needs to be done today. Good things take time

George_A_Callas: I still think even money is on Congress passing some portion of BBB, but there is a credible theory of the case that they have already decided to move on and will just let it wither on the vine w/o ever pronouncing it dead.

likeryebread: sapnap: blazeborn. karl: phantom. quackity: avian. dream: (idk this is hard) shulk or wolf. george: floran. bad: wither. punz: shulk. foolish: sharkian.

avoiding_bears: building a time machine so I can go back to the seventeenth century and introduce George Wither to the concept of NFTs

ASUUte: “So when our Sickness, and our Poverty Had greater wants than we could well supply; Strict Orders did but more enrage our grief, And hinder in accomplishing relief.” George Wither - 1625

George_Hendley: EVIL WILL GROW UNHINDERED IF THIS IS NOT STOPPED! When will law abiding people unite in prayer and cause this kind of satanic insanity to wither and die?? Satanic Temple Starts Elementary School Club to Indoctrinate Children -

SocialHistoryOx: When the Royalist Sir John Denham learned that his rival poet George Wither had been captured fighting for Parliament, he pleaded with the King not to hang him, for, he said, so long as Wither lived, he himself could never be the worst poet in England.

LeVostreGC: Last Christmas Ich gave thee my hearte. The verye next daye ther came a horse Craftid of shadowes and quiet as rayne - And the horse stole my hearte and fled To a ruined castel biyonde all starres. Fynde my hearte wythin a yeare and a daye, Lest it wither. Thys ys thy queste!

MelanieJaxn: So now is come our joyful'st feast, Let every man be jolly. Each room with ivy leaves is drest, & every post with holly. Tho some churls at our mirth repine, Round your foreheads garlands twine, Drown sorrow in a cup of wine, & let us all be merry. -George Wither (1588-1667)

dwtdecaf: clay, george, nick, finn, sol, wither, orpheus, cypher, elliot, jay, jax, gabi, chatty, milo, leo, other clay and delainy

OpulusX: George Wither 1588-1667 "I Loved A Lass"

OpulusX: George Wither

MelanieJaxn: Then wherefore in these merry days Should we, I pray, be duller? No, let us sing some roundelays To make our mirth the fuller. & whilst we thus inspired sing, Let all the streets with echoes ring; Woods&hills&everything Bear witness we are merry. -George Wither

Oswin_Coleman: 7th of December: One year ago today, Jenna Coleman recited an extract of a Christmas carol by George Wither, as part of the Charlie Waller Virtual Carol Service

MelanieJaxn: Now all our neighbors' chimnies smoke, &Christmas blocks are burning; Their ovens they with baked meats choke, &all their spits are turning. Without the door let sorrow lie, & if for cold it hap to die, We'll bury it in a Christmas pie, &evermore be merry. -George Wither

IAM_SHAKESPEARE: PETRUCHIO. Now, by Saint George, I am too young for you. KATHERINA. Yet you are wither'd. PETRUCHIO. 'Tis with cares.

FloorKoeleman: My favorite emblem from George Wither’s book “A Collection of Emblemes” (London: 1635). Based on the proverb “What use are a candle and eyeglasses, if the owl does not want to see?” This roughly means that stubborn people are not easily encouraged to be open to new insights.

BryonySeries: So now is come our joyful feast, Let every man be jolly; Each room with ivy leaves is dressed, And every post with holly. "A Christmas Carol" by George Wither

dandeliongnf: pls talk abt c!george more before i just collapse and wither away

theSteveNichols: George Wither’s (4 x56) Minor Arcanaii TARO OF THE FOUR WINDS

NokooTV: were right to explore and value them. Without dimensions beyond the flat universe, our lives and visions wane and wither. — George Gilder

SteveLeoGrace1: All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost; the old that is strong does not wither, deep roots are not reached by the frost. Still round the corner there may wait, A new road or a secret gate. J. R. R. Tolkien

kylytra: dream choking on his laughter while spawning in 56 wither skeletons on george during the ice bath video

owain_george: We are planting a lot of seeds, some will bear fruit, some will die, some will wither away but we have to plant those seeds. And when you want to collect the fruits of your labor it will be months, sometimes years from now, but the work needs to be done today. It takes time

koi_dona: Syndicate!George Wither!blade in a business deal with moobloom!gnf so that he doesn't die ever 5 minutes


GardensNewport: I have a fantasy that Colin was the guy who gave George W. Bush the black eye. Then I wither back into reality. Shrug. But not so fast.

_salaspl: The fullness of goodness is holy meditation on death. Therefore while you have life, remember (your) death. -George Wither

mrglenn: The problem with third parties is that they've only had any serious success - at least since the rise of the Republicans - when there was some sort of singularly dramatic figure leading it: George Wallace; Ross Perot, etc. The parties wither when they're not on the ticket.

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Poem of the day

Michael Drayton Poem
Sonnet Lii: What? Dost Thou Mean
 by Michael Drayton

What? Dost thou mean to cheat me of my heart?
To take all mine and give me none again?
Or have thine eyes such magic or that art
That what they get they ever do retain?
Play not the tyrant, but take some remorse;
Rebate thy spleen, if but for pity's sake;
Or, cruel, if thou canst not, let us 'scourse,
And, for one piece of thine, my whole heart take.

Read complete poem

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