Poetry Books by Gabriela Mistral

Gabriela Mistral Books, Gabriela Mistral poetry book Jaar SCL 2006 Authors: Alfredo Jaar, Sandra Accatino, Sala de Arte Fundación Telefónica (Santiago, Chile), Galería Gabriela Mistral (Santiago, Chile)
Publisher: Actar-D
Published Date: 2006
Categories: Art
A re-encounter with Chilean audiences after an absence of twenty-five years. An anthology of works better known to the rest of the world than to his native country. A frank, demanding dialogue with a new public and a new generation of intellectuals. Jaar's work evolves from project to project, as he continually shapes and renews his poetic thinking on such themes such as: the contemporary status of images, the role of artists and intellectuals in society, and an ethical imperative expressed in an aesthetics of resistance.

Gabriela Mistral Books, Gabriela Mistral poetry book Women Authors: Gabriela Mistral
Publisher: White Pine Press
Published Date: 2000
Categories: Literary Collections
Exquisite word portraits of women by one of the past century's greatest women writers. Theserecados--brief, descriptive essays--paint vivid pictures of some of the most extraordinary women of Mistral's generation--and give us insights into Mistral herself. In these pieces, Mistral infuses the traditionally objective essay form with the intimate and subjective, thereby creating an alternate space for women intellectuals in the public sphere. Her subjects range from her own beloved mother to well-known writers such as Victoria Ocampo and Emily Brontë, artists such as Chilean sculptor Laura Rodig and dancer Isadora Duncan, and to topics including feminism, women and politics, and women and education. Gabriela Mistral (1889--1957) is the only woman from Latin America to win the Nobel Prize. A native of Chile, she spent the final years of her life in the United States.

Gabriela Mistral Books, Gabriela Mistral poetry book A Bilingual Edition of Desolación (1923) Authors: Gabriela Mistral
Publisher: Latin Amer Literary Review Press
Published Date: 2014
Categories: POETRY
This is the first bilingual translation into English of an important work by Gabriela Mistral, one of the premier Latin American poets of the 20th century and the first Latin American author to receive the Nobel Prize in Literature. For the first time, it allows English readers to appreciate the integrity and expressive power of this foundational book in the life and works of Gabriela Mistral. The translation is based on the most reliable and accurate text in Spanish, the 1923 edition of Nascimento, which will be of interest and importance both to a Spanish-speaking public as well as to specialists in the field.

Gabriela Mistral Books, Gabriela Mistral poetry book Elefante Y Su Secreto Authors: Doris Dana, Gabriela Mistral
Publisher: Atheneum Books for Young Readers
Published Date: 1974
Categories: Fables
The elephant carries the mountain's secret with him as he sets off to see the world, a knowledge that helps him save all the animals.

Gabriela Mistral Books, Gabriela Mistral poetry book Motivos Authors: Gabriela Mistral
Publisher: Bilingual Review Press (AZ)
Published Date: 2013
Categories: Literary Collections
"In this superb critical edition, Horan has collected, edited, and translated the various prose texts that Gabriela Mistral devoted to St. Francis, a figure of utmost importance to the deeply religious poet and to the spirituality of Latin American literature and art. The inspired translation of Mistral s idiosyncratic Spanish prose into English captures the rhythm and the delicate, lyrical quality of the original, a feat made even more admirable by the addition of an elucidating and comprehensive critical afterword. This is the definitive edition of a work that had yet to be presented in its entirety in such an organized and illuminating way." Santiago Dayd -Tolson, The University of Texas at San Antonio

Gabriela Mistral Books, Gabriela Mistral poetry book Gabriela Mistral's Letters to Doris Dana Authors: Gabriela Mistral
Publisher: University of New Mexico Press
Published Date: 2018-06-15
These letters, published in Spanish in 2010 and now translated for the first time into English, provide insight into her work as a poet and illuminate her perspectives on politics, especially war and human rights.

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sad fox: its nice i gess

Poem of the day

Michael Drayton Poem
Sonnet Lii: What? Dost Thou Mean
 by Michael Drayton

What? Dost thou mean to cheat me of my heart?
To take all mine and give me none again?
Or have thine eyes such magic or that art
That what they get they ever do retain?
Play not the tyrant, but take some remorse;
Rebate thy spleen, if but for pity's sake;
Or, cruel, if thou canst not, let us 'scourse,
And, for one piece of thine, my whole heart take.

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