Who is Friedrich Schiller

Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller (German: [ˈjoːhan ˈkʁɪstɔf ˈfʁiːdʁɪç fɔn ˈʃɪlɐ], short: [ˈfʁiːdʁɪç ˈʃɪlɐ] (listen); 10 November 1759 – 9 May 1805) was a German playwright, poet, and philosopher. During the last seventeen years of his life (1788–1805), Schiller developed a productive, if complicated, friendship with the already famous and influential Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. They frequently discussed issues concerning aesthetics, and Schiller encouraged Goethe to finish works that he had left as sketches. This relationship and these discussions led to a period now referred to as Weimar Classicism. They also worked together on Xenien, a collection of short satirical poems in which both Schiller and Goethe challenge opponents of their philosophical vi...
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Friedrich Schiller Poems

  • Resignation
    Yes! even I was in Arcadia born,
    And, in mine infant ears,
    A vow of rapture was by Nature sworn;- ...
  • Zenith And Nadir
    Wheresoever thou wanderest in space, thy Zenith and Nadir
    Unto the heavens knit thee, unto the axis of earth.
    Howsoever thou attest, let heaven be moved by thy purpose,
    Let the aim of thy deeds traverse the axis of earth!...
  • The Artifice
    Wouldst thou give pleasure at once to the children of earth and the righteous?
    Draw the image of lust adding the devil as well!

  • Hero And Leander. [34] A Ballad
    See you the towers, that, gray and old,
    Frown through the sunlight's liquid gold,
    Steep sternly fronting steep?
    The Hellespont beneath them swells, ...
  • Verses Written In The Album Of A Friend. (herr Von Mecheln Of Basle.)
    Nature in charms is exhaustless, in beauty ever reviving;
    And, like Nature, fair art is inexhaustible too.
    Hail, thou honored old man! for both in thy heart thou preservest
    Living sensations, and thus ne'er-ending youth is thy lot!...
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Top 10 most used topics by Friedrich Schiller

Earth 72 Sweet 72 Bright 67 Life 62 Soul 61 Heart 58 World 52 High 51 Long 50 Never 49

Friedrich Schiller Quotes

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Comments about Friedrich Schiller

3stoneentertain: our own heart, and not others'opinions of us, forms our true honor. -friedrich von schiller
Jojo116461: “even the weak become strong when they are united.” –friedrich von schiller
Putin_world: we have found a way to convert beer to batteries:chemists of the friedrich schiller yensk university have developed a method, for the help of which beer output can be converted from carbonaceous material with high energy. selected carbon materials serve as electrodes in batteries
Olhandopapi: “great souls suffer in silence.” –friedrich schiller
Cyberalgo: “happy he who learns to bear what he cannot change.” —friedrich schiller
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Poem of the day

Michael Drayton Poem
Sonnet Lii: What? Dost Thou Mean
 by Michael Drayton

What? Dost thou mean to cheat me of my heart?
To take all mine and give me none again?
Or have thine eyes such magic or that art
That what they get they ever do retain?
Play not the tyrant, but take some remorse;
Rebate thy spleen, if but for pity's sake;
Or, cruel, if thou canst not, let us 'scourse,
And, for one piece of thine, my whole heart take.

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