Harken onto me oh LORD!
Hear my voice; turn not thy ears from me,
For I walketh from pole to pole,
Shouting and searching where my help cometh;
For the sons of perdition lay wait with snare;
They confined among themselves and say of me:
"His God has left him,
Come, let's go quickly and trap him;
Least he regain his stand and gain God's favor."
Come quickly oh LORD for they are determined.

Thou hast made me your portrait,
Wilt thou let thy precious image be destroyed?
Wilt thou allow thy work to be ruin in vain?
Rise; save me now oh LORD for thee I gain;
Nothing do I want; less thy Godly breath:
Not castles nor wealth nor fame;
Not prosperity nor selfish desires;
Nor pleasures that ruineth the soul;
Nor what the world giveth; save thy breath,
For thy breath is life; in thy life, I have it all.