Is the world different, or is it you that is?
Is one weak, or are you?
Does one seem pathetic to give up easlily?
Or is it you who gives up in watching weather they will grow?
Are you making valid reasons or are you only defending yourself?
Are you correct or do you just have supporters?
Are you superior? Or are you just majority?
Are you unjustified? Or do you just not want to be corrected?
Are you suffering? Sacrificing?
Do you believe?
Are you fighting? Or are you just justifying?
Are you a leader? Or a take over?
Am I rude because I am not to your liking?
Are you given permission to be rude because you are majority?
Are you loved because you are an achiever?
Do you promote this thinking?
Do you love them because others are hopeless? Or is it you who chooses to no longer listen?
Are they abusing you or are you misusing them?
Are they against you or do you misunderstand?
Are you love or are you entertainment?
Are you a victim of killing or are you a victim for killing?
Are you sure you are right?
And if you are fighting for justification, are you sure you are right?
Are you sure they are right?
What makes you think they are wrong?
What makes you think you are the one who needs to be justified?
What makes you think you suffer a lot?
What makes you think giving up attention for others makes you better?
What makes you think you deserve to live?
What makes you think it is right to die?
What makes you think it is right to blabber words without thinking?
What makes you think that thinking silently of defense is not cheating?
And are you sure balance is the key?
Are you sure we really need equity?
Are you sure you are right?
Are you sure what you think of is worth a shot?