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Dashaun Snipes Poems

  • Dashaun ( Version #2 )
    In a world of black and white
    Dashaun stood out with his light
    A unique soul with a spark
    Living life without a mark ...
  • Dashaun ( Version #1 )
    In words, a painting I will create
    Each stroke and rhyme, a masterpiece to celebrate
    For my muse, none other than Dashaun
    A name so graceful, my pen is drawn ...
  • A High Succubus
    A High Succubus, my boyfriend dear
    With every touch, I'm consumed with fear
    For when you lay me down and take control
    My body trembles, my mind unfolds ...
  • Aftermath
    Aftermath: A Mathematical Odyssey In the realm of numbers, where logic prevails, A tale of aftermath, my heart unveils. Where logarithms dance with point-slope's grace, And distance formula paints a vibrant space. Integers, steadfast in their whole embrace, Guide us through ratios, a numerical chase. Pie formula, a sweet delight to savor, Unveils the secrets of a circular flavor. Inequalities, a world of balance and strife, Equations, a language that breathes in life. Algebraic expressions, like whispers in the air, Unravel mysteries with precision and care.Mean, a measure of a collective's heart, Mediation, a bridge when conflicts start. Range, a spectrum of values untold, Quadratic functions, tales of parabolas unfold.Binomials, a duo in mathematical flight, Trinomials, a trio that shines so bright. Pythagorean theorem, a triangle's embrace, Unveils the harmony of angles and space.Scientific notation, a language of the stars, Calculates the vastness of Jupiter and Mars. And in the realm of calculus, where limits reside, We explore the infinite, with passion as our guide. In the aftermath of numbers, a symphony is born, Where logic and beauty intertwine and adorn. Each concept, a brushstroke on a canvas so vast, Creating a masterpiece that will forever last. But amidst the equations and theorems so grand, There lies a deeper truth, a truth that expands. For mathematics is not just numbers and rules, It's a language of discovery, where wisdom fuels. In the aftermath of learning, we find our way, Through the labyrinth of numbers, day by day. With each concept mastered, a new door opens wide, Revealing the wonders that math can provide. So let us embrace the aftermath of this quest, For in the world of numbers, we are truly blessed. To explore the depths of logic and reason, And uncover the beauty of this mathematical season. In the aftermath, let us stand tall and proud, For we have conquered the challenges, we have vowed. To unlock the secrets that numbers hold dear, And in doing so, let our hearts be filled with cheer. For in the aftermath of this mathematical tale, We find not just answers, but a love that will prevail. A love for the beauty that numbers can bring, And the infinite possibilities they can sing. So let us celebrate the aftermath of this rhyme, A tribute to the world of numbers, so sublime. For in their embrace, we find solace and grace, And in their language, we find our rightful place.

  • Aftermath
    Aftermath: A Mathematical Odyssey In the realm of numbers, where logic prevails, A tale of aftermath, my heart unveils. Where logarithms dance with point-slope's grace, And distance formula paints a vibrant space. Integers, steadfast in their whole embrace, Guide us through ratios, a numerical chase. Pie formula, a sweet delight to savor, Unveils the secrets of a circular flavor. Inequalities, a world of balance and strife, Equations, a language that breathes in life. Algebraic expressions, like whispers in the air, Unravel mysteries with precision and care.Mean, a measure of a collective's heart, Mediation, a bridge when conflicts start. Range, a spectrum of values untold, Quadratic functions, tales of parabolas unfold.Binomials, a duo in mathematical flight, Trinomials, a trio that shines so bright. Pythagorean theorem, a triangle's embrace, Unveils the harmony of angles and space.Scientific notation, a language of the stars, Calculates the vastness of Jupiter and Mars. And in the realm of calculus, where limits reside, We explore the infinite, with passion as our guide. In the aftermath of numbers, a symphony is born, Where logic and beauty intertwine and adorn. Each concept, a brushstroke on a canvas so vast, Creating a masterpiece that will forever last. But amidst the equations and theorems so grand, There lies a deeper truth, a truth that expands. For mathematics is not just numbers and rules, It's a language of discovery, where wisdom fuels. In the aftermath of learning, we find our way, Through the labyrinth of numbers, day by day. With each concept mastered, a new door opens wide, Revealing the wonders that math can provide. So let us embrace the aftermath of this quest, For in the world of numbers, we are truly blessed. To explore the depths of logic and reason, And uncover the beauty of this mathematical season. In the aftermath, let us stand tall and proud, For we have conquered the challenges, we have vowed. To unlock the secrets that numbers hold dear, And in doing so, let our hearts be filled with cheer. For in the aftermath of this mathematical tale, We find not just answers, but a love that will prevail. A love for the beauty that numbers can bring, And the infinite possibilities they can sing. So let us celebrate the aftermath of this rhyme, A tribute to the world of numbers, so sublime. For in their embrace, we find solace and grace, And in their language, we find our rightful place.

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Michael Drayton Poem
Sonnet Lii: What? Dost Thou Mean
 by Michael Drayton

What? Dost thou mean to cheat me of my heart?
To take all mine and give me none again?
Or have thine eyes such magic or that art
That what they get they ever do retain?
Play not the tyrant, but take some remorse;
Rebate thy spleen, if but for pity's sake;
Or, cruel, if thou canst not, let us 'scourse,
And, for one piece of thine, my whole heart take.

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