Who is Dame Edith Sitwell

Dame Edith Louisa Sitwell (7 September 1887 – 9 December 1964) was a British poet and critic and the eldest of the three literary Sitwells. She reacted badly to her eccentric, unloving parents and lived much of her life with her governess. She never married but became passionately attached to Russian painter Pavel Tchelitchew, and her home was always open to London's poetic circle, to whom she was generous and helpful.

Sitwell published poetry continuously from 1913, some of it abstract and set to music. With her dramatic style and exotic costumes, she was sometimes labelled a poseur, but her work was praised for its solid technique and painstaking craftsmanship. She was a recipient of the Benson Medal of the Royal Society of Literature.

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Dame Edith Sitwell Poems

  • When Cold December
    When cold December
    Froze to grisamber
    The jangling bells on the sweet rose-trees-
    Then fading slow...
  • The Web Of Eros
    Within your magic web of hair, lies furled
    The fire and splendour of the ancient world;
    The dire gold of the comet's wind-blown hair;
    The songs that turned to gold the evening air...
  • The Fan
    Lovely Semiramis
    Closes her slanting eyes:
    Dead is she long ago.
    From her fan, sliding slow,...
  • Interlude
    Amid this hot green glowing gloom
    A word falls with a raindrop's boom…

    Like baskets of ripe fruit in air...
  • Clowns' Houses
    Beneath the flat and paper sky
    The sun, a demon's eye,
    Glowed through the air, that mask of glass;
    All wand'ring sounds that pass...
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Top 10 most used topics by Dame Edith Sitwell

Cold 6 Hair 4 Dance 3 Bright 3 Snow 3 Long 3 Green 3 Joy 3 Light 3 Mind 2

Dame Edith Sitwell Quotes

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Comments about Dame Edith Sitwell

B3ckybr0wn: lovely little bit of bryher - here in kaye webb’s peacock edition for penguin, published in 1964, ten years after the first ed. was drawn in by the introduction (‘a masterpiece’ says dame edith sitwell[!]) but stayed for the nature writing rather than the saxons and danes
Queeredr: "i am not eccentric. it's just that i am more alive than most people. i am an unpopular electric eel set in a pond of goldfish." ~ dame edith sitwell, (1887-1964), british poet and critic and the eldest of the three literary sitwells
Andr6wmale: i wrote about the brilliant american writer james purdy, whose strange hallucinatory books foresaw the madness of trump's america. his ashes will be interred next to dame edith sitwell's grave on wednesday.
Queeredr: 7) "i am patient with stupidity but not with those who are proud of it." ~ dame edith sitwell, (1887-1964), british poet, critic and delightful eccentric (as much as she insisted she was not an eccentric)
Dean_frey: "i have a great feeling of gratitude. the mirror published my first poem - in 1913 - when no other paper or publisher would have anything to do with my work." - edith sitwell this goodwill towards her paper allowed doreen spooner to take this amazing shot of dame edith, in 1962.
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Poem of the day

Felicia Dorothea Hemans Poem
Night-Scene In Genoa
 by Felicia Dorothea Hemans

In Genoa, when the sunset gave
Its last warm purple to the wave,
No sound of war, no voice of fear,
Was heard, announcing danger near:
Though deadliest foes were there, whose hate
But slumber'd till its hour of fate,
Yet calmly, at the twilight's close,
Sunk the wide city to repose.

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