Comments about Condoleezza Rice

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TrueVoice200: The Condoleezza Rice Confronts Washington’s Sludge

KimMarieLucas: The Avoidable U.S.-China War – A Conversation with Condoleezza Rice and ...

weadhitter: they let me specifically vote 6 times. i got top 9 security level perks after i let Condoleezza Rice use my +1 at planet fitness to have an extramarital affair in the sauna. i can vote on whatever i want even if there's not an election. they let me do UN shit! i'm just some guy!

USinHolySee: After serving as the National Security Advisor for four years for President George W. Bush, Dr. Condoleezza Rice was selected as Secretary of State.

DaCloudKicka: Condoleezza Rice sounds like a Mexican dish maybe we should put her on a plate and send her back to Mexico

zeke820: Why do I absolutely ADORE and RESPECT Condoleezza Rice and vehemently ABHOR and DISRESPECT Kamala Harris? CONTENT of CHARACTER! Plain and simple!

ElAmerican_: What Condoleezza Rice didn't say

MadeUpShitBot: According to an excerpt of the an experiment publicized by Spirit Infant Daycare Center biology administration, contrary to popular belief, Condoleezza Rice are a euphemism for student loans.

TrueVoice200: The Condoleezza Rice Confronts Washington’s Sludge

GarrityForPA: As we close out Women's History Month, I am proud to recognize Condoleezza Rice for her remarkable achievements and service to our country. Thank you for paving the way for future generations of women.

firstandpen: If the $6 billion bid for the Commanders by the Harris group is approved, Magic Johnson would join Mellody Hobson, Condoleezza Rice and Lewis Hamilton as Black NFL team owners. Story:

EynoufElizabeth: Condoleezza Rice Nashville Police Release Bodycam Footage of Cops Heroically Taking Out Transgender Shooter

TrueVoice200: The Condoleezza Rice Confronts Washington’s Sludge

YudhisAfiat: Baca argumen antara USA dan Human Rights Watch and I just know Condoleezza Rice and her friends are laughing at me

TrueVoice200: The Condoleezza Rice Confronts Washington’s Sludge

ppppp1245688: Just learned about the Hoover Institution and that Condoleezza Rice is the director of it. That's...hmmm. But these Princeton Classics look amazing! Beautiful covers. When I'm done with my sales work, I can't wait to spend the rest of the year resting and reading.

MohaleLouw: Where is the international court for Tony blair, George Bush & Condoleezza Rice the once that lied about Iraq and killed innocent people?

KTVU: Condoleezza Rice talks about her role in former President George W. Bush's administration when she became the first woman to be national security adviser.

ElAmerican_: What Condoleezza Rice didn't say

TrueVoice200: The Condoleezza Rice Confronts Washington’s Sludge

Rajprasong_News: Rice said this 2 month ago, she has a point/that Biden is too slow at sending tanks/Planes to help Ukraine

knoxrob1: Enjoyed my day at U.S. Capitol with several of our HBCU Presidents during the annual HBCU Fly-In. Heard from many senators today including Bernie Sanders and Raphael Warnock as well as secretary Condoleezza Rice. Appreciate the advocacy behind the scenes supporting HBCUs.

angwin_smith: Differences can be a strength. – Condoleezza Rice

ElAmerican_: What Condoleezza Rice didn't say

JComm_BlogFeeds: Once Upon A Time, Palestinian Arabs Did Consider Peace With Israel (Daled Amos): So just how did Gazans feel about Israel in 2006? Earlier this year, I posted about an odd statement by former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice in 2006,…

ZaidHamdany: The Creative Chaos in Baghdad, a brainchild of Condoleezza Rice!!

CSPANschedule: 1-Condoleezza Rice Discusses Russia & Foreign Policy Challenges 2-U.S. Marine Corps Commandant on Readiness 3-Former White House Lawyer on Democracy & Presidential Elections

CSPANschedule: 1-Condoleezza Rice Discusses Russia & Foreign Policy Challenges 2-Hearing on Gun Regulations & Public Safety 3-Panel on Classified Information & the Media

daniel_dsj2110: Somehow I missed this MasterClass:

AmericanVoice14: Condoleezza Rice Confronts the Washington Muck

thecommanderin1: “Plate sin with gold, and the strong lance of justice hurtless breaks: arm it in rags, a pigmy’s straw does pierce it.” Quote of the day. I’m humbled by the great literature that we have. Not so amused by the article below. I think it is highly

TrueVoice200: The Condoleezza Rice Confronts Washington’s Sludge

AmericanVoice14: Condoleezza Rice Confronts the Washington Muck

AppleJak59: Tucker Carlson and John Stewart have flipped. Tucker calling for George Bush to be arrested and John kissing up to Hilary Clinton and Condoleezza Rice. What crazy world do we live in?

TrueVoice200: The Condoleezza Rice Confronts Washington’s Sludge

GeoffYoung4KY: Well, Condoleezza Rice might have been right, once we answer the question: Is the USA a democratic republic today? I say no, not since about 1970.

TrueVoice200: The Condoleezza Rice Confronts Washington’s Sludge

lifecoachspeak: Ummmm... Sandra Day O'Connor? Condoleezza Rice? Do they not count in your little video??

PrenzelThor: How many of those calling for Putin’s arrest were complicit in the illegal invasion of Iraq? | George Monbiot

Filth_Collins: underrated 30 Rock joke is when Jack breaks up with Condoleezza Rice because she kept shouting in movie theaters

aredharris: So incredibly offensive to leave out the first black female SOS Condoleezza Rice and the first female SCJ, Sandra Day O'Connor. And done on a Government account no less. Just wow. This is **clearly** about an agenda and not uplifting the accomplishments of all women.

JamesGr98256265: The Hoover Institute Interview with Condoleezza Rice on her vision for America's future

golfweek: Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice shows up to women's 2022 NCAA Championship to support her Stanford Cardinal

TrueVoice200: The Condoleezza Rice Confronts Washington’s Sludge

TrueVoice200: The Condoleezza Rice Confronts Washington’s Sludge

GWorldComments: How many of those calling for Putin’s arrest were complicit in the illegal invasion of Iraq? | George Monbiot

snowystrassburg: Is the U.S. a democracy? Is Canada? Condoleezza Rice (U.S. secretary of state, 2005-2009) explains:

andreathehag: I think that’s too obvious though. I’m reading Pamela Anderson’s memoir right now. When I was little I was obsessed with her and all the big boobed blondes that everyone underestimates. She always told me she wished I had a better hero, like condoleezza rice (!!)

BlackDouglas: Hillary the Hawk was well supported by her coven consisting of the appalling Samantha Powers, Condoleezza Rice and Madeleine Albright!

Ngo1Peter: Archive: Condoleezza Rice: Why Democracy Matters

_AdamFitzgerald: Condoleezza Rice Public Hearing 9/11 Commission (Remarks By Rice. Clarke, And Others: A Comparison) (4-8-2004)

TrueVoice200: The Condoleezza Rice Confronts Washington’s Sludge

jenkins1938: How many of those calling for Putin’s arrest were complicit in the illegal invasion of Iraq? | George Monbiot

jbendery: Condoleezza Rice isn't even running and she's tied with all these people positioning themselves to run

MacombBoC: Today's Women's History Month quote was selected by Commissioner Grot! "I'm an American, nothing is impossible." - Condoleezza Rice

bagofbeets: The inner product of my mouth is saliva, but Condoleezza Rice has wise words too.

TattMuttle: She’s not even running but they only Republican on this list I’d even think of voting for would be Condoleezza Rice.

ElAmerican_: Opinion | What Condoleezza Rice didn't say

JamesCh22367033: Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Condoleezza Rice should be punished as war criminals!!!

WhomTer: "President George W. Bush and seven of his administration’s top officials, including Vice President Dick Cheney, National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, made at least 935 false statements"

HerbKimseyRE: How does this society keep barfing up one warmonger after another-Nikki Haley, Victoria Nuland, Samantha Power, Susan Rice, Condoleezza Rice, Hillary, etc.?

hettinger11fcne: Condoleezza Rice: A Memoir of My Extraordinary, Ordinary Family and Me MAHQEP0

bookscache: In 2004, there was concern a terrorist attack could be timed to disrupt first election after 9/11, & it was reported that election could be delayed if such an attack took place. But then NSA Condoleezza Rice sought to shut down speculation, citing the country’s precedent. 4/5

TrueVoice200: The Condoleezza Rice Confronts Washington’s Sludge

evolutionarypsy: An interesting comment on a podcast noted that vast majority of GOP primary voters have already voted for Trump twice and it’s tough to switch horses…you have a relationship with them at that point. Also Condoleezza Rice and Rand Paul? Lol.

herandrews: "Kennan drove Condoleezza Rice, in particular, absolutely nuts. His criticisms started right after 9/11 and increased as the Iraq war approached." Michael Anton on George Kennan, featuring some amusing inside scoop:

TrueVoice200: The Condoleezza Rice Confronts Washington’s Sludge

GrahamWarwick9: How many of those calling for Putin’s arrest were complicit in the illegal invasion of Iraq? | George Monbiot

GuardianUS: How many of those calling for Putin’s arrest were complicit in the illegal invasion of Iraq? | George Monbiot

ICLMG: ... who should be in the dock w George W. Bush, Dick Cheney & Condoleezza Rice; how large should Iraq’s reparations be & when can we impose on ourselves something like the constitutional ban on the use of military force to settle disputes that we imposed on Japan after WW2?" 4/4

ElAmerican_: Opinion | What Condoleezza Rice didn't say

ullockmains: Monbiot gives sheep farmers a rest today for a change. How many of those calling for Putin’s arrest were complicit in the illegal invasion of Iraq? | George Monbiot

DeCrooRodney: The politicians who lied to us — George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice, Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden to name but a few — extinguished millions of lives, including thousands of American lives, and left Iraq along with Afghanistan, Syria, Somalia, Libya and Yemen in chaos.

lenzkar: How many of those calling for Putin’s arrest were complicit in the illegal invasion of Iraq? | George Monbiot

Sustainable_EN: How many of those calling for Putin’s arrest were complicit in the illegal invasion of Iraq? | George Monbiot

xriskology: still alive. But I will never forget him telling me that story. Just hearing it was traumatic. That's it. No words. I am so angry that Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Condoleezza Rice, and the others got away with such evil.

gilliecriosd: How many of those calling for Putin’s arrest were complicit in the illegal invasion of Iraq? | George Monbiot

syssecserv: What's funny is, my wife is so conservative she makes Condoleezza Rice seem like a Liberal.

RichReps: Condoleezza Rice had an approximate net worth of $1,377,011 in 2004.

ambivalentricky: A few more things about the invasion of Iraq that aren't likely to come up in 2023 recaps and that younger people should know. Feel free to fact-check any of this. 1) The primary architects of the war were Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and Condoleezza Rice.

PeterWillsman: That's not what Condoleezza said 20 years ago!!! 2023 Condoleezza Rice (Bush's national security adviser during Iraq invasion) was asked about invading sovereign countries- "It is against every principle of international law and international order." (Guardian).

SajiAbraham_: How many of those calling for Putin’s arrest were complicit in the illegal invasion of Iraq? | George Monbiot

Ghafupk: How many of those calling for Putin’s arrest were complicit in the illegal invasion of Iraq? | George Monbiot

TimPOrgChange: Its hard to argue with Monbiot or Shakespeare, they have a point It seems trite to say, but justice is only such provided its just. And, while the UK set a number of inquiries in place to test their justice re Iraq, we seem to have ducked the issue here

Con_politician: The politicians who lied to us — George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice, Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden to name but a few — extinguished millions of lives, including thousands of American lives, and left Iraq along with Afghanistan, Syria, Somalia, Libya and Yemen in chaos

darthcueball: "You can suck my culo, chica!!!" - Eric Cartman (and also Condoleezza Rice that one time)

BombardierWells: How many of those calling for Putin’s arrest were complicit in the illegal invasion of Iraq? | George Monbiot | The Guardian

lifeUniverse42: How many of those calling for Putin’s arrest were complicit in the illegal invasion of Iraq? | George Monbiot

WarNuse: Condoleezza Rice. 18 U.S. Code § 2381 - Treason

Marco_Baeger: "The politicians who lied to us — George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice, Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden to name but a few — extinguished millions of lives, including thousands of American lives, and left Iraq along with Afghanistan, Syria, Somalia, Libya and Yemen in…

secular_girl: The politicians who lied to us — George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice, Hillary Clinton & Joe Biden to name but a few — extinguished millions of lives, including thousands of American lives, and left Iraq along with Afghanistan, Syria, Somalia, Libya and Yemen in chaos.

megibenia: A Time for Choosing Speaker Series with Dr. Condoleezza Rice

SpyrosFritz: A Time for Choosing Speaker Series with Dr. Condoleezza Rice

utemnolan: Lest we forget

Floyd_Robichaux: How many of those calling for Putin’s arrest were complicit in the illegal invasion of Iraq? | George Monbiot | The Guardian

wartsandbrawls: Beyond facile. Whatever you think of Iraq, Russia is using rape and kidnap as weapons of war. How many of those calling for Putin’s arrest were complicit in the illegal invasion of Iraq? | George Monbiot

thehorsman: So true! How many of those calling for Putin’s arrest were complicit in the illegal invasion of Iraq? | George Monbiot

ernstgraf: How many of those calling for Putin’s arrest were complicit in the illegal invasion of Iraq? | George Monbiot

tweetsandshout: How many of those calling for Putin’s arrest were complicit in the illegal invasion of Iraq? | George Monbiot

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Poem of the day

Michael Drayton Poem
Sonnet Lii: What? Dost Thou Mean
 by Michael Drayton

What? Dost thou mean to cheat me of my heart?
To take all mine and give me none again?
Or have thine eyes such magic or that art
That what they get they ever do retain?
Play not the tyrant, but take some remorse;
Rebate thy spleen, if but for pity's sake;
Or, cruel, if thou canst not, let us 'scourse,
And, for one piece of thine, my whole heart take.

Read complete poem

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