Aloft! the north wind blew,
As meek as fiery,
Lowly and slowly,
Hardened the heart of men,
Awake! I came,
She fiddled pain; sullen and fiendish,
What! grandi cried,
She scoffed; lazy-bone!
The north wind blew,
Even fiercer; hot and warm,
Swallowed in disgust;
Dwelled in disguise,
Lethargic I laid,
Scrambled I fell.

Aloft! The west wind blew,
Heavy and fiery,
Softened the heart of men,
Mightily it came on me;
Lowly I slumbered,
Had there been a wind like this?
With legs and arms,
Generic and specific,
Her words easy; her skin freezing,
Lived above mountains,
Dwell on valley!
Tossed men to sleep,
Brushed men to hunger,
Her enemies growled and howled,
In pain they screech.