Who is Ben Jonson

Benjamin Jonson (c. 11 June 1572 – c. 16 August 1637) was an English playwright and poet. Jonson's artistry exerted a lasting influence upon English poetry and stage comedy. He popularised the comedy of humours; he is best known for the satirical plays Every Man in His Humour (1598), Volpone, or The Fox (c. 1606), The Alchemist (1610) and Bartholomew Fair (1614) and for his lyric and epigrammatic poetry. "He is generally regarded as the second most important English dramatist, after William Shakespeare, during the reign of James I."Jonson was a classically educated, well-read and cultured man of the English Renaissance with an appetite for controversy (personal and political, artistic and intellectual) whose cultural influence was of unparalleled breadth upon the playwrights and the poet...
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Ben Jonson Poems

  • Cupid
    Beauties, have ye seen this toy,
    Called love, a little boy
    Almost naked, wanton, blind,
    Cruel now, and then as kind? ...
  • A Sonnet, To The Noble Lady, The Lady Mary Wroth
    I that have been a lover, and could show it,
    Though not in these, in rhymes not wholly dumb,
    Since I exscribe your sonnets, am become
    A better lover, and much better poet. ...
  • An Ode To Himself
    Where dost thou careless lie,
    Buried in ease and sloth?
    Knowledge that sleeps doth die;
    And this security, ...
  • To John Donne
    Donne, the delight of Phoebus and each Muse
    Who, to thy one, all other brains refuse;
    Whose every work of thy most early wit
    Came forth example, and remains so yet; ...
  • To Sir Robert Wroth
    How blest art thou, canst love the countrey, Wroth,
    Whether by choyce, or fate, or both!
    And, though so neere the Citie, and the Court,
    Art tane with neithers vice, nor sport: ...
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Top 10 most used topics by Ben Jonson

Love 33 I Love You 33 Good 31 Light 29 Life 26 Night 26 Sweet 25 Great 22 Thought 22 Face 21

Ben Jonson Quotes

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Comments about Ben Jonson

Cgtnafrica: uk secretary of state for defence ben wallace and the swedish minister for defence pål jonson give a news conference after a bilateral meeting.
Shakespearearg: ben jonson work from 1603 may contain ‘lost’ shakespeare sonnet, say experts
Sussyredpanda: he was a practitioner, a working playwright and an actor himself. he plied his craft, especially given that he had very good competition with ben jonson and christopher marlowe; but there were many more.
Ha_palin: following joe, we now have ruth connolly presenting on "early modern punctuation: the rhetoric of pointing in ben jonson's letters to his patrons" - connolly discusses how punctuation can control meaning, especially for the prevention of implicating oneself☝️;:.?!
Deveresocietyuk: new video from alexander waugh! ben jonson's discoveries discovered!
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Faiza: Benjonson was my favourite playwright

Poem of the day

Michael Drayton Poem
Sonnet Lii: What? Dost Thou Mean
 by Michael Drayton

What? Dost thou mean to cheat me of my heart?
To take all mine and give me none again?
Or have thine eyes such magic or that art
That what they get they ever do retain?
Play not the tyrant, but take some remorse;
Rebate thy spleen, if but for pity's sake;
Or, cruel, if thou canst not, let us 'scourse,
And, for one piece of thine, my whole heart take.

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