1:1 Life is ephemeral,
Heroes are long forgotten,
Tis is unbearable,
Wailing with sorrowful hearts,
Oh! Death thou are pitiless.

1:2 "I am death,"says death,
A creature not known for favour,
Death laughed ha ha ha,
A braggart they say,
It's my job and what am created for,
Great punisher of all living,
" I am death" says death.

1:3 Riches and wealth are obsolete,
Fame and honour all gone,
Oncoming heirs death await,
Death thou are not known for favour

1:4 Oh life full of phantasmagoria
Unknown destination,cruel fate,
Philosopher's possessed nothing
think for a way out of this predicament
Oh nature I beseeched
Death! death!! Thou are nothing,

1:5 Victory the supreme triumph over death
Where is thy honour?
Died and resurrected,that I know
Oh death,let thy servant accomplish all
Before thou come knocking.