Andrew Bugembe Poems

  • 1.
    In shadows cast by deeds concealed,
    Where morals yield to greed's appeal,
    Corrupt officials, with hearts of stone,
    In halls of power, they've made their throne.
  • 2.
    In the butcher house,
    A place of horror, where death is so near,
    No joy or delight,
    Only sorrow and despair reign.
  • 3.
    Imagine a life full of sorrow, regret and pain!!
    From the very first to the very last,
    With every day seeming the same,
    No joy, no laughter or smile,
  • 4.
    Heavy thick lumps of blood on the streets of Kampala,
    Loud noise and cries from all the corners
    from old and young moppets,
    Bullet sounds, and teargas fume pollutions,
Total 4 Poems by Andrew Bugembe

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Poem of the day

Charles Baudelaire Poem
Spleen I
 by Charles Baudelaire

Pluviôse, irrité contre la ville entière,
De son urne à grands flots verse un froid ténébreux
Aux pâles habitants du voisin cimetière
Et la mortalité sur les faubourgs brumeux.

Mon chat sur le carreau cherchant une litière
Agite sans repos son corps maigre et galeux;
L'âme d'un vieux poète erre dans la gouttière

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