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William Stafford Poems

  • Walking West
    Anyone with quiet pace who
    walks a gray road in the West
    may hear a badger underground where
    in deep flint another time is ...
  • Waking At 3 A.m.
    Even in the cave of the night when you
    wake and are free and lonely,
    neglected by others, discarded, loved only
    by what doesn't matter--even in that ...
  • Bi-focal
    Sometimes up out of this land
    a legend begins to move.
    Is it a coming near
    of something under love? ...
  • An Oregon Message
    When we first moved here, pulled
    the trees in around us, curled
    our backs to the wind, no one
    had ever hit the moonâ??no one. ...
  • Bess
    Ours are the streets where Bess first met her
    cancer. She went to work every day past the
    secure houses. At her job in the library
    she arranged better and better flowers, and when ...
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Top 10 most used topics by William Stafford

World 10 Life 10 Away 9 Deep 9 People 8 Night 8 Place 8 Home 7 River 7 Long 7

William Stafford Quotes

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Comments about William Stafford

Grahamallen_1: know their names william kinney, 9 evelyn dieckhaus, 9 hallie scruggs, 9 katherine koonce, 60 cynthia peak, 61 mike hill, 61
Hubineer: 'just thinking' by william stafford
Bizmarketplace: writers inspirational quotes i am not learning definitions as established in even the latest dictionaries. i am not a dictionary-maker. i am a person a dictionary-maker has to contend with. i am a living evidence in the development of language. - william stafford
Kaba46057: the ocean and i have many pebbles to find and wash off and roll into shape.,william stafford,sea,
Uuabq: “...no guarantees in this life. but some bonuses, like morning, like right now…” william stafford read stafford's full poem at
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Poem of the day

Felicia Dorothea Hemans Poem
Night-Scene In Genoa
 by Felicia Dorothea Hemans

In Genoa, when the sunset gave
Its last warm purple to the wave,
No sound of war, no voice of fear,
Was heard, announcing danger near:
Though deadliest foes were there, whose hate
But slumber'd till its hour of fate,
Yet calmly, at the twilight's close,
Sunk the wide city to repose.

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