Thousands of questions awaited me
Yet I decide not to flee
My capabilities seemed new born to them
Still I juggled in proving them
Agreed to be a friend of snail
Agreed to be destined to fail
But let my wings meet the wind
Let me step forward from being hind
May I take longer time than others
May I reconsider my decisions frequently
But at least accept my diligence to the goal
To judge may be a ritual
To compare may be a tradition to them
However, every river has its way to the oceans
Creator has provided each with different cuisine
And sweet 'n' sour are just two folds of it
I am not perfect and even cannot be
I fall once , twice and may be several times
But I'll get up and continue the journey
Not just to show or impress others
But to be headed to sky being on land
And to reach a point where those questions turn to full stops.