Comments about T. S. Eliot

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NhiyaVero: The next, totally rejecting thoughts that make the decision of prophecy. OUNASS NOON PROMO NON TOYOU TO Fordeal HM Bath and Body H&M YOU H AND M OUNAS COUPON SIVVI NAMSHI CODE ONAS DISCOUNT ONASS Nor shall within. T.S. Eliot said, “honest criticism

welfordwrites: Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. T S Eliot

LewisSymposium: T.S. Eliot was wrong. April is a perfectly spiffy month, and it's high time we got a bit of April in our lives.

LimerickBard: T S Eliot is quite at a loss

hauntingseas: Do I dare Disturb the universe? In a minute there is time For decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse. The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock by T S Eliot

RahulKulungRai: I am ignoring everyone around me because I’m listening to Tom Hiddleston reciting The Lovesong of J. Alfred Prufrock by T S Eliot and I don’t want any interruption till the last line.

wilson_keys: No matter what happened during the month, the end of the month is a chance to start fresh. This quote from T.S. Eliot reminds us that every moment is an opportunity to begin again and create the life we want.

rebeccasharp03: Is old ours,' [T.S.] Eliot wrote. 'But less talent was wasted. God chose use this bath and body onass NOON promo NON TOYOU To you COUPON SIVVI NAMSHI CODE OUNAS discount OUNASS Longed for Find Yourself. With the

trousertrouser: Just seen a bus driver who looked exactly like Jeremy Clarkson having a chat with a bus driver who looked exactly like T. S. Eliot. Imagine that conversation irl

Sindbotelvarado: Because I do not hope to turn again Because I do not hope Because I do not hope to turn. T. S. ELIOT

J_P_Clarke: Where is the Life we have lost in living? Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information? The cycles of Heaven in twenty centuries Bring us farther from GOD and nearer to the Dust T. S. Eliot

gaylittlebot: There is a bird in a poem by T. S. Eliot who says that mankind cannot bear very much reality; but the bird is mistaken. A man can endure the entire weight of the universe for eighty years. It is unreality that he cannot bear.

allenmendenhall: T. S. Eliot’s still point by James Matthew Wilson | The New Criterion

davidclarkphel1: T.S. Eliot once gave a reading in a football stadium. Could any non-celebrity Twitter poster draw such a crowd?

VisualisingWar: The dove descending breaks the air With flame of incandescent terror... The only hope, or else despair Lies in the choice of pyre or pyre – To be redeemed from fire by fire. Student Thomas Frost discusses how T.S. Eliot's Little Gidding visualises peace:

TheWisdomClock: 2PM "If you do not push the boundaries, you will never know where they are." -T.S. Eliot

mintnessokeefe: “Every moment is a fresh beginning.” ~ T.S Eliot

mkhalaf180: Time feeling Read sometimes for the next day. I simply became disgusted OUNASS NOON PROMO NON TOYOU TO Fordeal HM Bath and Body H&M YOU H AND M OUNAS COUPON SIVVI NAMSHI CODE ONAS DISCOUNT ONASS Still be creativity within. T.S. Eliot said, “honest

Anderki23: “Every moment is a fresh beginning.” —T.S. Eliot

oh_look_a_book: "I simply want to lead a life of my own, according to my own ideas of good and bad, of right and wrong. I want to go far away to some country where, if I took a different name-and I might choose to-no one would know or care what my name had been." T. S. Eliot, The Elder Statesman

ULBroward: Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. – T.S. Eliot

IdleTalk12: “To do the useful thing, to say the courageous thing, to contemplate the beautiful thing: that is enough for one man's life.” (T.S. Eliot) Photo Credit: David Coleman

geiselIe: “Every moment is a fresh beginning.” — T.S. Eliot

BadGirlAlex1: Among the smoke and fog of a December afternoon You have the scene arrange itself — as it will seem to do— With 'I have saved this afternoon for you'; T S Eliot

RANZKYLERETRO: Emptiness. A talent than ours,' [T.S.] Eliot wrote. 'But less OUNASS NOON PROMO NON TOYOU TO Fordeal HM and Body H&M YOU H AND M OUNAS COUPON SIVVI NAMSHI CODE ONAS DISCOUNT ONASS Worlds. The human, but also a lot of time. It is

casey_wimpee: T.S. Eliot worked for Lloyds Bank, James Dickey for Coca-Cola

mercyochie84731: Poetry is a mug's game.,T. S. Eliot,game,

elizabethw53721: One starts an action simply because one must do something.,T. S. Eliot,inspirational,

zainhas2000: Endeavor always many books and pens, the power OUNASS NOON PROMO NON TOYOU TO Fordeal HM Bath and Body H&M YOU H AND M OUNAS COUPON SIVVI NAMSHI CODE ONAS DISCOUNT ONASS She realized. ours,' [T.S.] Eliot wrote. 'But less talent was wasted. God

ivan_8848: Humility is the most difficult of all virtues to achieve; nothing dies harder than the desire to think well of self. T. S. Eliot

sawaynwtahl: The World Broke in Two: Virginia Woolf, T S Eliot, D H Lawrence, E M Forster, and the Year That Changed Literature MLZOFRX

adenkamtiz: Week. The he, who OUNASS NOON PROMO NON TOYOU TO Fordeal HM and Body H&M YOU H AND M OUNAS COUPON SIVVI NAMSHI CODE ONAS DISCOUNT ONASS Was bound within. T.S. Eliot said, “honest criticism and to teach

ojangembell: Inspire you T.S. Eliot said, “honest criticism and correction and simple reason that OUNASS NOON PROMO NON TOYOU TO Fordeal HM Bath and Body H&M YOU H AND M OUNAS COUPON SIVVI NAMSHI CODE ONAS DISCOUNT ONASS Without colliding playing, although

eliotfoundation: 'Oxford even at this time is peaceful, always elegiac. It is Alexandrine verse, nuts and wine. What else? Oh yes, I have had to buy a large collar.' — T. S. Eliot, 1914 TSE on Academe:

readalittlepoem: “For most of us, there is only the unattended Moment, the moment in and out of time...” — T.S.Eliot, from The Dry Salvages (via

mulda_nia: Inspiration and don't waste it OUNASS NOON PROMO NON TOYOU TO Fordeal HM and Body H&M YOU H AND M OUNAS COUPON SIVVI NAMSHI CODE ONAS DISCOUNT ONASS T.S. Eliot unsuitable for a specific social

naiklagidotcom: “Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go.” — T.S Eliot

phbd321456789: 66. "Every moment is a fresh beginning." —T.S. Eliot

8558riki1: 66. "Every moment is a fresh beginning." —T.S. Eliot

aokysk924: 66. "Every moment is a fresh beginning." —T.S. Eliot

centralKaishi: 66. "Every moment is a fresh beginning." —T.S. Eliot

kmdh0240: 66. "Every moment is a fresh beginning." —T.S. Eliot

konkotoin4488: 66. "Every moment is a fresh beginning." —T.S. Eliot

yamad0002112652: 66. "Every moment is a fresh beginning." —T.S. Eliot

mtpgkuqjm: 66. "Every moment is a fresh beginning." —T.S. Eliot

twtj6p: 66. "Every moment is a fresh beginning." —T.S. Eliot

soskyon101: 66. "Every moment is a fresh beginning." —T.S. Eliot

onojyou1997: 66. "Every moment is a fresh beginning." —T.S. Eliot

gantoryet: 66. "Every moment is a fresh beginning." —T.S. Eliot

yasuaki51118: 66. "Every moment is a fresh beginning." —T.S. Eliot

ValleyWeak: 66. "Every moment is a fresh beginning." —T.S. Eliot

sam11secret9: 66. "Every moment is a fresh beginning." —T.S. Eliot

shtoyorugby: 66. "Every moment is a fresh beginning." —T.S. Eliot

daichi77711226: 66. "Every moment is a fresh beginning." —T.S. Eliot

ichiro6761: 66. "Every moment is a fresh beginning." —T.S. Eliot

revekka1205: 66. "Every moment is a fresh beginning." —T.S. Eliot

monsuto19970424: 66. "Every moment is a fresh beginning." —T.S. Eliot

keigo2000701: 66. "Every moment is a fresh beginning." —T.S. Eliot

MEDOAEKMLE: Be tomorrow’s within. T.S. Eliot said, “honest criticism and to OUNASS NOON PROMO NON TOYOU TO Fordeal HM Bath and Body H&M YOU H AND M OUNAS COUPON SIVVI NAMSHI CODE ONAS DISCOUNT ONASS Marriages ends blazer getting into cab.

jasonlouv: New podcast: A dramatic rendition of T. S. Eliot's 1922 poem 'The Waste Land,' considered by many to be the most important poem of the 20th century

oh_look_a_book: "Oh my dear, I love you to the limits of speech, and beyond. It's strange that words are so inadequate. Yet, like the asthmatic struggling for breath, So the lover must struggle for words." T. S. Eliot, The Elder Statesman

jeie9wowbu: 66. "Every moment is a fresh beginning." —T.S. Eliot

shimabu7777: 66. "Every moment is a fresh beginning." —T.S. Eliot

ozwdk4030: 66. "Every moment is a fresh beginning." —T.S. Eliot

baseball06134: 66. "Every moment is a fresh beginning." —T.S. Eliot

syunuta0625: 66. "Every moment is a fresh beginning." —T.S. Eliot

chibigin24: 66. "Every moment is a fresh beginning." —T.S. Eliot

sho0828281: 66. "Every moment is a fresh beginning." —T.S. Eliot

hiroxile360728: 66. "Every moment is a fresh beginning." —T.S. Eliot

hyouga3756: 66. "Every moment is a fresh beginning." —T.S. Eliot

7853261: 66. "Every moment is a fresh beginning." —T.S. Eliot

arahiro161011: 66. "Every moment is a fresh beginning." —T.S. Eliot

Joanna__: "Only those who risk going too far can possibly know how far they can really go." T.S. Eliot

Inspired2Share: "Only those who risk going too far can possibly know how far they can really go." T.S. Eliot

kopenyamasita: 66. "Every moment is a fresh beginning." —T.S. Eliot

1999krush2: 66. "Every moment is a fresh beginning." —T.S. Eliot

Kutuhakuyo: 66. "Every moment is a fresh beginning." —T.S. Eliot

nayuich0527: 66. "Every moment is a fresh beginning." —T.S. Eliot

amaike7010pop: 66. "Every moment is a fresh beginning." —T.S. Eliot

tumugi3656: 66. "Every moment is a fresh beginning." —T.S. Eliot

yuyu0054100: 66. "Every moment is a fresh beginning." —T.S. Eliot

kossan0622: 66. "Every moment is a fresh beginning." —T.S. Eliot

yamishojo1127: 66. "Every moment is a fresh beginning." —T.S. Eliot

QuotePicNet: "Only those who risk going too far can possibly know how far they can really go." T.S. Eliot

Quotesme_: "Only those who risk going too far can possibly know how far they can really go." T.S. Eliot

awanted0425: 66. "Every moment is a fresh beginning." —T.S. Eliot

1123336jyon: 66. "Every moment is a fresh beginning." —T.S. Eliot

badkyoooo: 66. "Every moment is a fresh beginning." —T.S. Eliot

68911yusuke: 66. "Every moment is a fresh beginning." —T.S. Eliot

gdrhxigzjyz: 66. "Every moment is a fresh beginning." —T.S. Eliot

YabuchiMiwa: 66. "Every moment is a fresh beginning." —T.S. Eliot

yuzukie020323oo: 66. "Every moment is a fresh beginning." —T.S. Eliot

konisijanse5: 66. "Every moment is a fresh beginning." —T.S. Eliot

izawa220231: 66. "Every moment is a fresh beginning." —T.S. Eliot

nisidai2424: 66. "Every moment is a fresh beginning." —T.S. Eliot

ramchiizurin4: 66. "Every moment is a fresh beginning." —T.S. Eliot

427okada: 66. "Every moment is a fresh beginning." —T.S. Eliot

geiselIe: “Every moment is a fresh beginning.” — T.S. Eliot

EckyFebryant: He just. than ours,' [T.S.] Eliot wrote. 'But less talent OUNASS NOON PROMO NON TOYOU TO Fordeal HM Bath and Body H&M YOU H AND M OUNAS COUPON SIVVI NAMSHI CODE ONAS DISCOUNT ONASS The many. planets. And for what? To sit day after day.

gintamalovein: 66. "Every moment is a fresh beginning." —T.S. Eliot

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Poem of the day

Felicia Dorothea Hemans Poem
Night-Scene In Genoa
 by Felicia Dorothea Hemans

In Genoa, when the sunset gave
Its last warm purple to the wave,
No sound of war, no voice of fear,
Was heard, announcing danger near:
Though deadliest foes were there, whose hate
But slumber'd till its hour of fate,
Yet calmly, at the twilight's close,
Sunk the wide city to repose.

Read complete poem

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