Nothing lasts forever
Forever I will remember this
As they are the words you said to me
Me and and I
Had an unbreakable bond
So they were right; 'till death do as part

I was the castle and you my pillar
Held me firm on the ground
No storm managed to degrade your work
You handled responsibilities tirelessly

Best stories are in writings
But your oral skill was an exception
Exceptionally the best stories I have ever heard came from your mouth
So alluring was your voice that it denied me sleep
Very captivating a voice you had

But now you are gone
I am only left with those memories
There is no reality in them
Just illusions and hallucinations
As I remember taking a glimpse at your lifeless body inside that cocoon
Gone to soon

I used to sing songs of adoration
Not anymore as dirges have dominated my mouth
The poems of praise that I used to write make no sense now
I have ended up composing elegies
I used to celebrate parents day but nowadays I am left celebrating mothers day
You taught me how to be happy and I had not mastered it well
That's why I ended up sad with tears rolling down my cheeks...