Day by day passes,
Life full of ticks and crosses,
There's a story, everyone posses,
If it be a boy, tough life phases,
If it be a girl, one thing matters, "faces",
I" ll seem a little harsh in these phrases,
‌As I m here to tell my story's choices!

Born as a baby girl,
The look was as of pearl,
Then a few years swirl,
The girl grew a little tall,
Unknown about the building wall,
She created her own round ball,
Her dream was to appear as a doll,
Suddenly she got a stranger's call,
Her ambitions were going to fall,
Here I am , telling my story to all!

The years rolled by and by,
She was thought to be shy,
Always speak truth, no lie,
Be afraid of unknown guy,
Focus on securance way,
Never rest until you start to pay,
Feeling uneasy, learn to say "okay",
Habits should be a learning ray,
These are the preachments anyway!

Now the thoughts started arising,
The moment of self-realization,
Creator never built any boundation,
It was built by the creation,
He never taught the act of conduction,
We, the creation, run after perfection,
We" re not designed to run after any thing,
We"re not designed to dream of a wing,
We"re designed for the mere work, "living"
Worst part is we are always "expecting',
Desires are so influencing for beings,
Actually here i'm, doubting on my doings!

Humans are made to make mistakes,
Mistakes committed for no repeat backs,
Life was good, scored good marks
Studied hard, not feared from any works,
Talked to everyone , loved the dog barks,
Daily created new games to play in parks,
The change came when I started fearing from dark!

The darkness was always infront of me,
It always kept an eye on me,
It did the things, never imagined by me,
It confused me , disturbed me, haunted me,
I became sensitive, It gave birth to a mature" me",
This girl was nervous, full of anxiety,
This girl was happy but now not" mighty",
The actions performed were unwillingly,
Now the stranger's call worked affectively!

The phase changed , the case was same,
Elements were added like shame and name,
The chart introduced two distinct frame,
The duties and behaviour to earn fame,
The principle to act wise but think lame,
Principle to respect but thoughts should be bare,
Listen to everything , but never forget to share,
Behave, act, respect, that's the reason you're here,
This story is little boring but pretty fair!

The stranger's call turned to be true,
The responses also changed as I grew,
The memories I possess are a few,
This phase introduced me something new,
Jealousy was now a common view,
Insecure, seriousness in every issue,
Worked hard, never heard "proud of you",
Finally gave up ," expectations" I myself threw !