Oscar Wilde Sonnet Poems

  • 1.
    CHRIST, dost thou live indeed? or are thy bones
    Still straightened in their rock-hewn sepulchre?
    And was thy Rising only dreamed by Her
    Whose love of thee for all her sin atones?
  • 2.
    I WANDERED in Scoglietto's green retreat,
    The oranges on each o'erhanging spray
    Burned as bright lamps of gold to shame the day;
    Some startled bird with fluttering wings and fleet
  • 3.
    Not that I love thy children, whose dull eyes
    See nothing save their own unlovely woe,
    Whose minds know nothing, nothing care to know,-
    But that the roar of thy Democracies,
  • 4.
    Nay, Lord, not thus! white lilies in the spring,
    Sad olive-groves, or silver-breasted dove,
    Teach me more clearly of Thy life and love
    Than terrors of red flame and thundering.
  • 5.
    I reached the Alps: the soul within me burned,
    Italia, my Italia, at thy name:
    And when from out the mountain's heart I came
    And saw the land for which my life had yearned,
  • 6.
    Tread lightly, she is near
    Under the snow,
    Speak gently, she can hear
    The daisies grow.
Total 6 Sonnet Poems by Oscar Wilde

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Love 60 I Love You 60 Gold 57 White 57 Sea 55 God 48 Red 45 Hair 40 Life 39 Heart 38

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Oscar Wilde Poem
A Villanelle
 by Oscar Wilde

O singer of Persephone!
In the dim meadows desolate
Dost thou remember Sicily?

Still through the ivy flits the bee
Where Amaryllis lies in state;
O Singer of Persephone!


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