Who is Louise Imogen Guiney

Louise Imogen Guiney (January 7, 1861 – November 2, 1920) was an American poet, essayist and editor, born in Roxbury, Massachusetts.


The daughter of Gen. Patrick R. Guiney, an Irish-born American Civil War officer and lawyer, and Jeannette Margaret Doyle, she was raised as a Christian and educated at the Notre Dame convent school in Boston and at the Academy of the Sacred Heart in Providence, Rhode Island, from which she graduated in 1879.

Over the next 20 years, she worked at various jobs, including serving as a postmistress and working in the field of cataloging at the Boston Public Library. She was a member of several literary and social clubs, and according to her friend Ralph Adams Cram was "the most vital and creative personal influence...
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Louise Imogen Guiney Poems

  • A Seventeenth-century Song
    She alone of Shepherdesses
    With her blue disdayning eyes,
    Wo'd not hark a Kyng that dresses
    All his lute in sighes: ...
  • Among The Flags
    In Doric Hall, Massachussetts State House

    Dear witnesses, all-luminous, eloquent,
    Stacked thickly on the tessellated floor! ...
  • Brook Farm
    Down the long road, bent and brown,
    Youth, that dearly loves a vision,
    Ventures to the gate Elysian,
    As a pilgrim from the town. ...
  • Sunday Chimes In The City
    Across the bridge, where in the morning blow
    The wrinkled tide turns homeward, and is fain
    Homeward to drag the balck sea-goer's chain,
    And the long yards by Dowgate dipping low; ...
  • The Atoning Yesterday
    Ye daffodilian days, whose fallen towers
    Shielded our paradisal prime from ill,
    Fair Past, fair motherhood! let come what will,
    We, being yours, defy the anarch powers. ...
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Top 10 most used topics by Louise Imogen Guiney

I Love You 13 Love 13 Heart 12 Long 12 Sea 9 Night 9 Wind 8 Light 8 Sun 7 Star 7

Louise Imogen Guiney Quotes

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Comments about Louise Imogen Guiney

Tghancock88: no pure wills. 'it was time to admit that individual character, even the greatest, was not self-created, wrote louise imogen guiney, a boston poet, in 1897. rather, "we are the poor relations of every conceivable circumstance."' do we have more or less agency today? (less)
Wsugglighting: a lovely old poem ‘the lights of london’: by louise imogen guiney. quite apt during this time of year! we hope you enjoy.
Rajoyceucb: —louise imogen guiney, “firstlings”
Punchpattie: stamped out (and in) – frank mcnally on the irish-american poet and postmistress louise imogen guiney, who survived a boycott
Irishtimesoped: stamped out (and in) – frank mcnally on the irish-american poet and postmistress louise imogen guiney, who survived a boycott
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Write your comment about Louise Imogen Guiney

Kate Drew-Wilkinson: Louise Imogen Guiney is my Great Great Aunt. She took my young Mother, Louise Guiney and my great Aunts Grace and Ruth Guiney to England, to Oxford and cared for them until her death. I have stories and many images of her with family, thanks to Grace and Ruth making a family album. Pictures by Fred Holland Day. I have pictures of her with her cat Wee -one.. and I will spend the rest of my days reading, researching and enjoying, now that I am 83. I would love to hear from any of those who know and love her work, or any way I can be led to some Guiney relatives..The only ones I knew and knew well were my Great Aunts, living outside Oxford.

Poem of the day

Felicia Dorothea Hemans Poem
Night-Scene In Genoa
 by Felicia Dorothea Hemans

In Genoa, when the sunset gave
Its last warm purple to the wave,
No sound of war, no voice of fear,
Was heard, announcing danger near:
Though deadliest foes were there, whose hate
But slumber'd till its hour of fate,
Yet calmly, at the twilight's close,
Sunk the wide city to repose.

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