Minute rice grains gather,
Form a single meal.

Short words uttered,
Make up a fleeting speech.

From a single meal,
Saved a broken man.

Through a stuttered speech,
Changed, is a ruined country.


You nail a nail,
On a rigid wall,
You nail and nail,
Buy nay, you fail.

You ring a ring,
Forever, you stall,
It rings and rings,
Buy nay, you fail.

You wish a wish,
Praying your all,
You wish and wish,
Buy nay, you fail.

You run a run,
Feet hurt, legs ail,
You run and run,
Buy nay, you fail.

You try and try,
Till bitter the end.
You try and try,
Till it be a trend.

Yet once again.
Yet one more time.
Yet another step,
Yet another second
in hope.

One day, any day,
Sometime, anytime,
Through chance or trail,
You will succeed.