Am tired of this, going back and forth arguing about the same thing.
I swear we've been through this way so many times I know every word of it.
My mind accepts the fact that we can never work but why does my heart insist on having you?
You hurt me, hurt me all you can but all it does it bleed out for you!
My heart is laid out for you have you no clue how I feel about you?
Why must you turn me down time and again!
Do you love this, what you're putting me through! The pain?
But I'll take it! I know I'll regret it but my heart can't fake it!
Being without you would just break it, I'd rather have you in my life constantly killing me than away from you and empty,
knowing that you're not missing me.
You say, you're not good for me!
I've been through hell, how bad could you be?

I'll accept you with all the pain to be felt
Let's get this story rolling and off the shelf
Just Love me more than you hate yourself.