Who is George Essex Evans

George Essex Evans (18 June 1863 – 10 November 1909) was an Australian poet.


Essex Evans was born in London on 18 June 1863, to Welsh parents. His father, John Evans Q.C., Treasurer of the Inner Temple and a member of the House of Commons, died in 1864 when his son was only a few months old; he left his family £60,000. George Essex Evans was raised and educated by his mother Mary Ann (née Owen), who was one of the Bowens of Llwynwair, an old Welsh family. She was an educated woman, fluent in both Latin and Greek. The family lived in Haverfordwest in Pembrokeshire where Essex Evans attended Haverfordwest Grammar School and then the St. James Collegiate School of Jersey.

Essex Evans was partly deaf and although he was an excellent athlete, his ...
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George Essex Evans Poems

  • Failure
    THE BOY went out from the ranges grim,
    And the breath of the mountains went with him;
    With a song in his heart and a smile on his face,
    And a light in his eyes for a foremost place: ...
  • A Drought Idyll
    It was the middle of the drought; the ground was hot and bare,
    You might search for grass with a microscope, but nary grass was there;
    The hay was done, the cornstalks gone, the trees were dying fast,
    The sun o'erhead was a curse in read and the wind was a furnace blast; ...
  • The Lion's Whelps
    There is scarlet on his forehead,
    There are scars across his face,
    â??Tis the bloody dew of battle dripping down, dripping down,
    But the war-heart of the Lion ...
  • Auri Sacra Fames
    Now that the gods are deadâ??where shall we find us a god?
    Myths of the Greek Olympus have sunk in the surge of Time;
    And Jehovah, the God of Wrath, who stayed the sun at His nod;
    And Jesus, the Nazarene, preaching a dream sublime. ...
  • Altiora Peto
    O for a vision of the perfect light
    To shame the splendour of the morning star!
    O for a breath from out the Infinite
    Where the great heart of Being throbs afar! ...
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Top 10 most used topics by George Essex Evans

Heart 41 Sea 29 World 29 Song 29 Sun 27 Deep 27 Light 26 White 24 Soul 23 Life 22

George Essex Evans Quotes

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Comments about George Essex Evans

Thelohnes: pretty much my favorite time machine ever. between george and ruth, evans’ spectacular calls, and the whole scene it’s a smile-fest the whole time.
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Felicia Dorothea Hemans Poem
Night-Scene In Genoa
 by Felicia Dorothea Hemans

In Genoa, when the sunset gave
Its last warm purple to the wave,
No sound of war, no voice of fear,
Was heard, announcing danger near:
Though deadliest foes were there, whose hate
But slumber'd till its hour of fate,
Yet calmly, at the twilight's close,
Sunk the wide city to repose.

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