Who is Edwin Muir

Edwin Muir CBE (15 May 1887 – 3 January 1959) was a Scottish poet, novelist and translator. Born on a farm in Deerness, a parish of Orkney, Scotland, he is remembered for his deeply felt and vivid poetry written in plain language and with few stylistic preoccupations.


Muir was born at the farm of Folly in Deerness, the same parish in which his mother was born. The family then moved to the island of Wyre, followed by a return to the Mainland, Orkney. In 1901, when he was 14, his father lost his farm, and the family moved to Glasgow. In quick succession his father, two brothers, and his mother died within the space of a few years. His life as a young man was a depressing experience, and involved a raft of unpleasant jobs in factories and offices, includin...
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Edwin Muir Poems

  • They Could Not Tell Me Who Should Be My Lord
    They could not tell me who should be my lord,
    But I could read from every word they said
    The common thought: Perhaps that lord was dead,
    And only a story now and a wandering word. ...
  • Scotland 1941
    We were a tribe, a family, a people.
    Wallace and Bruce guard now a painted field,
    And all may read the folio of our fable,
    Peruse the sword, the sceptre and the shield. ...
  • The Child Dying
    Unfriendly friendly universe,
    I pack your stars into my purse,
    And bid you so farewell.
    That I can leave you, quite go out, ...
  • Robert The Bruce (to Douglas In Dying)
    'MY life is done, yet all remains,
    The breath has gone, the image not,
    The furious shapes once forged in heat
    Live on though now no longer hot. ...
  • Abraham
    The rivulet-loving wanderer Abraham
    Through waterless wastes tracing his fields of pasture
    Led his Chaldean herds and fattening flocks
    With the meandering art of wavering water ...
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Top 10 most used topics by Edwin Muir

Place 11 Great 10 Death 9 Time 8 Away 8 Face 7 Ancient 7 Long 7 World 7 Heart 7

Edwin Muir Quotes

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Comments about Edwin Muir

Dorsetwriter: the labyrinth by edwin muir | 1949 edition | faber books | flickr
Stephenwatt_: publisher: ok edwin muir, hugh macdiarmid has already written heaps of poems about scotland, maybe you should as well. edwin muir: cool, well i've done it, think this might be my most hopeful patriotic poem yet. i mean i've only moaned about john knox for four lines!
Dorsetwriter: edwin muir v. hugh macdiarmid! from my library. on the left, edwin muir, on the right hugh macdiarmid. i read them both. i don't take sides on the language question. i return to muir's poetry more often than i do to macdiarmid's. at present i am focused on willa muir!
Dorsetwriter: edwin and willa muir: a literary marriage - the late margery mcculloch - google books
Dorsetwriter: edwin muir on the british council, 1954, from books, the journal of the national book league, no. 284, march-april 1954.
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Poem of the day

Michael Drayton Poem
Sonnet Lii: What? Dost Thou Mean
 by Michael Drayton

What? Dost thou mean to cheat me of my heart?
To take all mine and give me none again?
Or have thine eyes such magic or that art
That what they get they ever do retain?
Play not the tyrant, but take some remorse;
Rebate thy spleen, if but for pity's sake;
Or, cruel, if thou canst not, let us 'scourse,
And, for one piece of thine, my whole heart take.

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