Hey bud,
Take a walk with me, one last time.
Trying to rebuild broken rusted bridges, I see.
But that's too late, fam. I already fell and hit the sea beneath.
Drowning, I realized that the only one who's truly there for me is me. So I saved myself. It was that simple.
Don't give me the whole cocktail of "you're wrong.... I'm sorry..." Save it. Shove it up where the sun doesn't shine, if you will. I've come to expect the worst, so I'm prepared for the worst and when the worst comes, I'm ready.
Don't bother "saving" me. You can't even save yourself.
You're trying to "free" me but you're the captive in the prison of your own mind.
The beast you've unleashed, you can't kill. Don't try or it'll devour you whole.
You say you're scared, bud?
Hah!! You should be.
After all, your love made me Prince charming.
It's only fair that this heartbreak is the creator of the beast you see before you.
You made me.
Now, scurry along bud. This is where our paths divide.
Have a nice life.