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Bernard O'dowd Poems

  • Prosperity
    Enlaced with gardened jewelry
    My basking villas nest
    Where sifted sunshine soothes the eye
    And cosy hillocks rest. ...
  • May Day
    Come Jack, our place is with the ruck
    On the open road today,
    Not with the tepid "footpath sneak"
    Or with the wise who stop away. ...
  • Auster Rampant!
    A larger Argo ploughs our clearer blue!
    Your Zephyr won no such auroral bride
    As her I woo! The South is whence the tide
    Springs downhill to refresh the North and you! ...
  • The Bush
    I wonder if the spell, the mystery,
    That like a haze about your silence clings,
    Moulding your void until we seem to see
    Tangible Presences of Deathless Things, ...
  • Our Duty
    Yet what were Love if man remains unfree,
       And woman's sunshine sordid merchandise:
    If children's Hope is blasted ere they see
       Its shoots of youth from out the branchlets rise: ...
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Top 10 most used topics by Bernard O'dowd

God 15 Love 11 I Love You 11 Song 8 Time 8 Life 7 World 6 Never 6 Hope 6 Earth 6

Bernard O'dowd Quotes

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Comments about Bernard O'dowd

Curtinlibrary: the choice of book is also an interesting one, with bernard o'dowd a famously radical poet whose lecture 'the poet militant' inspired a young katharine susannah prichard in 1909.
Book_addict: happy birthday to australian writer/poet/journalist bernard o'dowd (april 11,1866), author of "the silent land” (1906) et al.
Ngvthing: bernard o'dowd 1924 john shirlow
Rcbot19: elizabeth o'dowd of lineage which, the support, by his vigil of bernard kiernan's licensed premises of meteoric showers about
Harrywatson63: today is australia day so what better poem than 'australia' by bernard o’dowd last sea-thing dredged by sailor time from space, are you a drift sargasso, where the west in halcyon calm rebuilds her fatal nest? or delos of a coming sun-god’s race?
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Poem of the day

Felicia Dorothea Hemans Poem
Night-Scene In Genoa
 by Felicia Dorothea Hemans

In Genoa, when the sunset gave
Its last warm purple to the wave,
No sound of war, no voice of fear,
Was heard, announcing danger near:
Though deadliest foes were there, whose hate
But slumber'd till its hour of fate,
Yet calmly, at the twilight's close,
Sunk the wide city to repose.

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