Once prominently coloured
Before our great, great , great grandsons could witness.
How freely she lived
Before, Exemption
Frith and the love of humanity
Went dead

My, Our World
Black moon
Black stars
Black seas
All black soon

The dark nation
Lords never reside on their thrones
They have erect and everlasting reigns
No divorced gleam dares to be present
An owl's hoot is mute
Sound waves barely circumnavigate their way to nobody's pinna
Birds no longer fly
Bioluminescent bettles scared to corrusccate

My World, Your World, Our World
Somewhere in the midst of nowhere
From trumpets to roars
Roars, moos
Moos to mews
Twits, whispers to silence

Suckers sook each other
Predators no longer feel or scent prey
Grazers now carnivorous scavengers
Darkness ate all body's senses

Sorrows substituted souls
Arrows and strings parted with bows
Whos, wheres,whats, whys and whichs hates hows
From silver platers now served in wooden bowls
The wise has become fools
They can't distinguish barks from howls,
Goods from fouls
Cuddly paws from deadly and ugly claws

Our World
Heaven for few
Inferno for all
They grouped the deviant and malignant of them all, Made them part of Our Universe