Comments about Yehuda Amichai

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CzaiaZach: Love this poem by Yehuda Amichai, ‘I Want To Mix Up The Bible.’ Poems like this one do religious people like me a world of good. Remind us that PLAY is at the heart of learning and discovery.

Gplastrik: "Let it come like wildflowers, suddenly, because the field must have it: wildpeace." -Yehuda Amichai

BeineckeLibrary: Photograph of Yehuda Amichai with Robert Frost in Yehuda Amichai papers

YahiaLababidi: Look, just as time isn't inside clocks love isn't inside bodies: bodies only tell the love. — Yehuda Amichai

MayaCPopa: Always love this poem by Yehuda Amichai:

COLLiveNews: At a special event in Crown Heights in the presence of the Rebbe's secretary and Chairman of Aguch Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky, Israel's Minister of Heritage Rabbi Amichai Eliyahu announced the establishment of a large and innovative center to make the Rebbe's …

edwereddie: Yehuda Amichai, From an interview with Lawrence Joseph (1992) and a Poem ("Memorial Day for the War Dead")

GrandmasDowry: Rare book Love Poems Hebrew-English Yehuda Amichai, 1981

BillKristol: "It isn’t indulgent to wish to say—to borrow one of Walzer’s epigraphs, from the poet Yehuda Amichai, Even though I know I’ll die And even though I know the Messiah won’t come, I feel good."

LorcanBlack: March 12th. “A pity. We were such a good And loving invention. An aeroplane made from a man and wife. Wings and everything. We hovered a little above the earth. We even flew a little.” -‘A Pity, We Were Such A Good Invention’, Yehuda Amichai. Translated by Assia Gutmann.

UshaymTariq: In a modern museum In an old synagogue In the synagogue I Within me My heart Within my heart A museum Within a museum A synagogue Within it I Within me My heart Within my heart A museum - Endless Poem, Yehuda Amichai from Selected Poems.

GiedreP: From Yehuda Amichai’s poem “Late Marriage”: “The pressure of my life brings my date of birth closer to the date of my death, as in history books where the pressure of history has brought those two numbers together next to the name of a dead king with only a hyphen between them.”

GrandmasDowry: Rare book Love Poems Hebrew-English Yehuda Amichai, 1981

MBudha: The words are still in my memory, But I’ve forgotten on which side of the door they were said, Inside or out. And from the one letter I wrote you I only remember the taste Of the stamp’s bitter glue on my tongue... Yehuda Amichai.

ArunKum38053152: A man doesn't have time, when he loses he seems, when he finds he forgets, when he forgets ,he loves, when he loves , he begins to forget. YEHUDA AMICHAI

pesachology: “The past throws stones at the future, And all of them fall on the present.” —Yehuda Amichai

TrinityWallSt: What do we need to let go of as we seek God? What have we got to lose? Listen to the Ghana National Symphony Orchestra, read poetry by Yehuda Amichai, and dive deep into John 3:16 in this week’s reflection on Sunday’s scripture.

GrandmasDowry: Rare book Love Poems Hebrew-English Yehuda Amichai, 1981

tingkun55: 1680: I Wasn’t One of the Six Million: And What Is My Life Span? Open Closed Open | Yehuda Amichai: exceptindreams — LiveJournal

op109: 'And who will remember the rememberers? […] And what is the best time for remembering? At noon when shadows are hidden beneath our feet, or at twilight when shadows lengthen like longings that have no beginning, no end, like God?' Yehuda Amichai, from Open Closed Open, 2006

revgpp: From Yehuda Amichai 'The place where we are right'.

92NYPoetry: “But the world is beautifully made for doing good and for resting” — Yehuda Amichai

GrandmasDowry: Rare book Love Poems Hebrew-English Yehuda Amichai, 1981

ilya_poet: Today, once again, this poem comes to mind-- "The Diameter of a Bomb" by Yehuda Amichai, translated by Chana Bloch:

JFGW: The Israel at 75 Virtual Book Series begins tomorrow in partnership with Moment Magazine! Register now to discuss the poetry of Yehuda Amichai (1924-2000), who is widely beloved as Israel’s “national poet.” Click here to register:

faheyaksup: The Poetry of Yehuda Amichai (The Copenhagen Trilogy Book 2) A0U2DKF

MrRavoon: James Fenton on Yehuda Amichai

GrandmasDowry: Rare book Love Poems Hebrew-English Yehuda Amichai, 1981

infinita_fiori: will, like the fingers of an empty glove a table weighed with silence like a parting the sea outside. and a shoe filled with nothing, looking for a foot that took its leave (...) yehuda amichai יהודה עמיחי

princessekateri: “And as we stray further from love we multiply the words, words and sentences so long and orderly. Had we remained together we could have become a silence.” ― Yehuda Amichai

princessekateri: “To live is to build a ship and a harbor at the same time. And to complete the harbor long after the ship was drowned.” ― Yehuda Amichai, Amen

GiedreP: I AM INVITED TO LIFE Yehuda Amichai I am invited to life. But I see that my hosts show signs of fatigue and impatience. Trees sway, clouds fall ever more silent. Mountains move from place to place, the heavens gape.

GrandmasDowry: Rare book Love Poems Hebrew-English Yehuda Amichai, 1981

ImDanJordan: "When you smile, serious ideas get exhausted. At night the mountains keep quiet beside you, in the morning the sand goes with you down to the beach. When you do nice things to me all the heavy industries shut down." - Yehuda Amichai

RachelMFleming: i just remembered the Yehuda Amichai poem "when i banged my head on the door" so that made today a little better

snarkademic: 4. When you smile serious ideas suddenly get drowsy all night the mountains keep silent at your side-- at morning, the sand goes out with you, to sea when you do nice things to me all heavy industry shuts down. --Yehuda Amichai, "Songs for a Woman" (trans. David Rosenberg)

ferezmanuel: "Only death requieres that we be precise" Yehuda Amichai.

peterfisher: When traveling I love going to local bookshops but this can be challenging when you don’t speak the language. Recently in Jerusalem I picked up a translation of Yehuda Amichai after seeing his work posted publicly. And this is common, find a local author, pickup a translation.

ImDanJordan: "Sometimes I come crashing down inside myself without anyone noticing" - Yehuda Amichai

PourquoiPasToi: My heart was covered with dreams. (Yehuda Amichai)

TheRaDR: Don’t stop after beating the swords into plowshares, don’t stop! Go on beating and make musical instruments out of them. Whoever wants to make war again will have to turn them into plowshares first. – Yehuda Amichai

GrandmasDowry: Rare book Love Poems Hebrew-English Yehuda Amichai, 1981

JayVictor78: beguines: When you smile serious ideas suddenly get drowsy all night the mountains keep silent at your side— at morning, the sand goes out with you, to sea when you do nice things to me all heavy industry shuts down. Yehuda Amichai, from...

mkimdorman: Amen (for Yehuda Amichai) Today I met my father on the street. After all these years he was still dead. I could feel his heart beat in my chest. The heart wasn’t mine. It belonged to his son. Who I no longer was. - John Phillips

Giles18U: The Selected Poetry Of Yehuda Amichai (Literature of the Middle East) ZYRVZPJ

KS1729: 166. 'Songs of Continuity' by Yehuda Amichai From a 1976 collection titled 'Behind All This a Great Happiness is Hiding', Translated from Hebrew by Chana Bloch

Shelley_Walters: "The past throws stones at the future. And all of them land in the present..." - Yehuda Amichai, poet.

GiedreP: QUICK AND BITTER by Yehuda Amichai The end was quick and bitter. Slow and sweet was the time between us, slow and sweet were the nights when my hands did not touch one another in despair but in the love of your body which came between them.

theraventravels: “the rain is speaking quietly, you can sleep now” — yehuda amichai, trans. stephen mitchell

AmyEmerick2: "Behind all this, some great happiness is hiding.” Yehuda Amichai

krzhbrndtt: “You are with me like a translated language / mine and yet foreign.” — Yehuda Amichai (via google search)

FishAlex1974: “Behind all this, some great happiness is hiding.” Yehuda Amichai

azforeman: In which I read Yehuda Amichai's שנינו ביחד וכל אחד לחוד in Hebrew and in my English translation "My love has changed me, it seems plain, As the salt sea to drops of sweet first rain. I am brought to you slowly and falling, my dear. Receive me. No angel redeems us here..."

azforeman: My English translation of one of Yehuda Amichai's more famous earlier poems from Hebrew "The moon is sawing the clouds in two. Let hand-to-hand love bring me against you. We alone will make love where the two camps fight. Perhaps we can still make everything right...."

NTarnopolsky: PM Netanyahu & Finance Uber-Minister Bezalel Smotrich have named as Acting Director of the Conversion Authority Rabbi Yehuda Amichai, who in 2009 ruled that eating strawberries was unkosher because "today bugs stick to the dots on the fruit and remain even after a good washing."

beherenow365: And do not forget that the fist was also once an open hand and fingers. -Yehuda Amichai

infinita_fiori: her hairs whispered to one another like conspirators. in the dark corners between sea and ship the counting started, quietly. a solitary bird sang in the permanent trill of her blood. yehuda amichai tr. c.bloch and s. mitchell

AviMelamed: Rocket fired last night landed in Israel. Poor judgment of National Security Minister doesn't stem from stupidity. But from worldview that disregards all evidence & needs of people who have a different opinion. As Yehuda Amichai said: “what grows in the place where we are right.”

wrighting: From the place where we are right flowers will never grow in the spring. The place where we are right is hard and trampled like a yard. --- Yehuda Amichai

kunze51tgf: The Poetry of Yehuda Amichai (The Copenhagen Trilogy, 2) 9FSL73U

ryanxizc: The Poetry of Yehuda Amichai (The Copenhagen Trilogy Book 2) XXITLFO

streich7umymk: The Selected Poetry Of Yehuda Amichai (Literature of the Middle East) SU7FBLZ

fahey9qmk: The Poetry of Yehuda Amichai (The Copenhagen Trilogy, 2) ZMOZZXD

mads_pj: 2022 top 10: 'either/or' elif batuman, 'snow' orhan pamuk, 'love's work' gillian rose, 'getting lost' annie ernaux, yehuda amichai poems, 'a strange woman' leylâ erbil, 'grey bees' andrey kurkov, 'inferno' eileen myles, 'cold enough for snow' jessica au, 'transit' rachel cusk

mmk_pn: The Poetry of Yehuda Amichai (The Copenhagen Trilogy Book 2) OTFCUQN

hijadellviento: Yehuda Amichai, from The Selected Poetry of Yehuda Amichai; “And as far as Abu Ghosh".

strosinxnesc: The Selected Poetry Of Yehuda Amichai (Literature of the Middle East) KLXJCBU

robel76zds: The Poetry of Yehuda Amichai (The Copenhagen Trilogy Book 2) TH6VBO3

Mallory19N: The Poetry of Yehuda Amichai (The Copenhagen Trilogy, 2) X8BU36J

poemakontsa: Loose change from a poet I don't read often. Or at all. Yehuda Amichai. The line knocked me over. - What's this? This is an old toolshed. - No, this is a great past love.

brooding_alien: To live is to build a ship and a harbor at the same time. And to finish the harbor long after the ship has gone down. - Yehuda Amichai

Wakeupandresist: "I've often said that all poetry is political. This is because real poems deal with a human response to reality and politics is part of reality, history in the making. Even if a poet writes about sitting in a glass house drinking tea, it reflects politics." -Yehuda Amichai

abbottrzniy: The Selected Poetry Of Yehuda Amichai (Literature of the Middle East) CIRKORI

poetrykoan: From the place where we are right flowers will never grow in the spring. YEHUDA AMICHAI

Jawnmard1: Not like a cypress, not all at once, not all of me, but like the grass, in thousands of cautious green exits, to be hiding like many children while one of them seeks. — Yehuda Amichai

Jawnmard1: And what a wonderful between we made for each other between body and body. A between of eyes, between waking and sleep. A twilight betweenlight, not day and not night. — Yehuda Amichai (2/2)

Jawnmard1: “Words helped me to regain a balance in my life. You have to accept life on its own terms. If you try to fight it, you’ll break.” — Yehuda Amichai

JodieSpinka: The Poetry of Yehuda Amichai (The Copenhagen Trilogy Book 2) BD786CU

StreetsofC: "In my life are many windows and many graves. Sometimes they exchange roles: then a window is closed forever, then by way of a gravestone I can see very far.” — Yehuda Amichai Photo: Abandoned Jewish graveyard outside Oak Woods Cemetery, Chicago. December 2022

PStefan74: The Poetry of Yehuda Amichai (The Copenhagen Trilogy Book 2) NE4P0TM

Timothy22V: The Selected Poetry Of Yehuda Amichai (Literature of the Middle East) BGROHDZ

SirJoshBennett: Love is not the last room: there are others / after it —Yehuda Amichai

nonchalantly_: adonis and yehuda amichai. yes

RoyalRunolfsso2: The Poetry of Yehuda Amichai (The Copenhagen Trilogy Book 2) HN0TFBC

parisreview: “A poet’s state of mind is seeing the world with a double exposure.” —Yehuda Amichai

DunhillStephen: Thoughtful poem by the Israeli poet Yehuda Amichai written in the 1970s. It resonates so strongly with events in Ukraine.

nonchalantly_: the german's hesitation at heine is understandable, i suppose; but how anyone can read yehuda amichai and feel nothing short of the most profound and heart-shattering enthusiasm is beyond me. the relationship between the Vaterland and the Jews is probably incomporable to that

janakp14: A Man Doesn't Have Time in His Life by Yehuda Amichai

ErickaWalker40: The Selected Poetry Of Yehuda Amichai (Literature of the Middle East) BH8NEID

konsetelasi: Happy Monday… Today’s Poem is Six Poems for Tamar by Yehuda Amichai. May the coming day and week be kind to us.

CSteuber70: The Poetry of Yehuda Amichai (The Copenhagen Trilogy, 2) SBP0VVT

WeilFan420: interesting that I skimmed the futurist manifesto yesterday bc that's very pertinent we don't want that violence and death are not absolute laws of nature, that's a legitimizing myth for this horrible machinery of death (there's a Yehuda Amichai line about that)

Fannie411: The Poetry of Yehuda Amichai (The Copenhagen Trilogy Book 2) FRLKCZN

SikotiHamiltonR: 'The rain is my home now' - Yehuda Amichai, in West Auckland this morning

readalittlepoem: “we didn’t know then that the debris of joy is like the debris of any wreckage...” — Yehuda Amichai, from “Hamadiya”

tsitsitfringe: Ismena Quartet and soprano Rebecca Lea take their bows, following their world premiere performance of Jeffrey Joseph’s Five Yehuda Amichai Songs in front of a packed audience at Burgh House.

iShaikhah_22: And death is when someone keeps calling you and calling you and you no longer turn around to see who it is. —Yehuda Amichai

65rosesauthor: The Place Where We Are Right by Yehuda Amichai From the place where we are right Flowers will never grow In the spring. The place where we are right Is hard and trampled Like a yard. But doubts and loves Dig up the world Like a mole, a plow

pesachology: “Sometimes I come crashing down inside myself without anyone noticing. I'm like an ambulance on two legs, hauling the patient inside me to Last Aid with the wailing cry of a siren, and people think it's ordinary speech.” -Yehuda Amichai

am_galadriel: "I sleep, but my heart waketh: it is the voice of my beloved that knocketh, saying, Open to me" ‘Jerusalem is a port city on the shore of eternity’ (Yehuda Amichai), and this is where I set my anchor.

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Poem of the day

Michael Drayton Poem
Sonnet Lii: What? Dost Thou Mean
 by Michael Drayton

What? Dost thou mean to cheat me of my heart?
To take all mine and give me none again?
Or have thine eyes such magic or that art
That what they get they ever do retain?
Play not the tyrant, but take some remorse;
Rebate thy spleen, if but for pity's sake;
Or, cruel, if thou canst not, let us 'scourse,
And, for one piece of thine, my whole heart take.

Read complete poem

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