William Browne Good Poems

  • 1.
    Underneath this sable herse
    Lies the subject of all verse:
    Sidney's sister, Pembroke's mother:
    Death, ere thou hast slain another,
  • 2.

    Roget, droop not, see the spring
    Is the earth enamelling,
  • 3.
    Unto a pleasant grove or such like place,
    Where here the curious cutting of a hedge:
    There, by a pond, the trimming of the sedge:
    Here the fine setting of well-shading trees:
  • 4.
    Lo, I the man that whilom lov'd and lost,
    Not dreading loss, do sing again of love;
    And like a man but lately tempest-toss'd,
    Try if my stars still inauspicious prove:
  • 5.

    Now that the Spring hath fill'd our veins
    With kind and active fire,
  • 6.
    A gentle shepherd, born in Arcady,
    That well could tune his pipe, and deftly play
    The nymphs asleep with rural minstrelsy,
    Methought I saw, upon a summer's day,
  • 7.
    Underneath this sable herse
    Lies the subject of all verse:
    Sidney's sister, Pembroke's mother:
    Death, ere thou hast slain another
Total 7 Good Poems by William Browne

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Sweet 10 Gentle 8 Good 7 Long 7 Soft 7 Never 6 Earth 6 Hear 6 Pretty 6 Shore 5

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