Thomas Hood I Love You Poems

Total 54 I Love You Poems by Thomas Hood

Top 10 most used topics by Thomas Hood

Long 76 Face 60 Bright 56 Head 56 Thought 55 I Love You 54 Cold 54 Love 54 Good 52 Soul 52

Write your comment about Thomas Hood

Sapana: He is most famous person .
He has most of the poem.
Elliott Banfield: Hood created a number of small.wood engravings that were published in the humorous magazines of the time. Unpretentious and a bit rough technically, but powerful in a unique way.

Poem of the day

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Poem
Beatrice. (From Dante. Purgatorio, Xxx., Xxxi.)
 by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Even as the Blessed, at the final summons,
Shall rise up quickened, each one from his grave,
Wearing again the garments of the flesh,
So, upon that celestial chariot,
A hundred rose
ad vocem tanti senis
Ministers and messengers of life eternal.

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