Comments about Rudyard Kipling

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MisesWeb3: "If you can dream By and not make dreams your master." ~ Rudyard Kipling

JarvisCross4: "If you can dream By and not make dreams your master." ~ Rudyard Kipling

Hitomo10446: "If you can dream By and not make dreams your master." ~ Rudyard Kipling

CHARLES57899841: A woman's guess is much more accurate than a man's certainty.,Rudyard Kipling,women,

Bye74Byegon: But that is another story.,Rudyard Kipling,story, telling,

kalt37820: Though I've belted you and flayed you By the livin' Gawd that made you You're a better man than I am Gunga Din.,Rudyard Kipling,man,

WISEWISDOMQUOTE: This is a brief life, but in its brevity it offers us some splendid moments, some meaningful adventures. - Rudyard Kipling

juditha38756812: Make ye no truce with Adam-zad - the Bear that walks like a man.,Rudyard Kipling,man,

z2Bm9: "If you can dream By and not make dreams your master." ~ Rudyard Kipling

BeansterGoods: BARRACK ROOM BALLADS by Rudyard Kipling - Miniature Book Littl by BeansterGoods

ReferDavidPlush: “San Francisco has only one drawback – it is hard to leave.” – Rudyard Kipling...

EarleOsborn1: "If you can dream By and not make dreams your master." ~ Rudyard Kipling

supabucks: QUOTE OF THE DAY "We have forty million reasons for failure, but not a single excuse." - Rudyard Kipling

WillowparkAc: Last weeks Poetry slam was a great success. Here are our Year 4 class performing 'The Lord of the Jungle ' by Rudyard Kipling.

nookmta1721: "If you can dream By and not make dreams your master." ~ Rudyard Kipling

shareabottle: Check out The Jungle Book: Templar Classics by Rudyard Kipling (Hardcover, 2006)

style_minds: „One cannot resist the lure of Africa.”  Rudyard Kipling

PhonenGallary: The poem is spoken by a British soldier Rudyard Kipling who admires the courage and skill of the Hadendoa warriors who fought against the British army in Sudan He says that they were the best enemies he ever faced, and that they managed to break the British infantry square,

monacoinlovers: "If you can dream By and not make dreams your master." ~ Rudyard Kipling

TamsinVegas: “. . . keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you,    . . . trust yourself when all men doubt you, . . . . . . . . . meet with Triumph and Disaster and treat those two impostors just the same . . .” —Rudyard Kipling

Fayaass58: "If you can dream By and not make dreams your master." ~ Rudyard Kipling

1ioZO: "If you can dream By and not make dreams your master." ~ Rudyard Kipling

Gregsonna65: "If you can dream By and not make dreams your master." ~ Rudyard Kipling

osvaald145: "If you can dream By and not make dreams your master." ~ Rudyard Kipling

LimerickBard: Rudyard Kipling.

eiAUc: "If you can dream By and not make dreams your master." ~ Rudyard Kipling

wY1XK: "If you can dream By and not make dreams your master." ~ Rudyard Kipling

lakenaf114: "If you can dream By and not make dreams your master." ~ Rudyard Kipling

oqula149: "If you can dream By and not make dreams your master." ~ Rudyard Kipling

ManOfLaBook: Fun Facts Friday: Rudyard Kipling

Elvinars48: "If you can dream By and not make dreams your master." ~ Rudyard Kipling

BuckyFullerBot: And, it seemed absolutely logical to humanity when early in this century, Rudyard Kipling, the English poet, said "East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet."

CorinaCallaha11: "If you can dream By and not make dreams your master." ~ Rudyard Kipling

OthaMontoya3: "If you can dream By and not make dreams your master." ~ Rudyard Kipling

GCnMq4vs: "If you can dream By and not make dreams your master." ~ Rudyard Kipling

0xAzierl: "If you can dream By and not make dreams your master." ~ Rudyard Kipling

FinvagSvein: If by Rudyard Kipling - Read by Sir Michael Caine

BrianDangeno: “They promised perpetual peace. They swore, if we gave them our weapons, that the wars of the tribes would cease. But when we disarmed They sold us and delivered us bound to our foe…” -Rudyard Kipling

nestienn138: "If you can dream By and not make dreams your master." ~ Rudyard Kipling

duhromantis: "If you can dream By and not make dreams your master." ~ Rudyard Kipling

AthleticdotNet: "If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster And treat those two imposters just the same... If you can fill the unforgiving minute With sixty seconds worth of distance run Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it, And which is more-you'll be a Man my son!" - Rudyard Kipling

BizMarketplace: Writers Inspirational Quotes I keep six honest serving men. (They taught me all I know); Their names are What and Why and When and How and Where and Who. - Rudyard Kipling

ElvinSpencer4: "If you can dream By and not make dreams your master." ~ Rudyard Kipling

MAJHIMajhi0: Heart touching poem If by Rudyard kipling- Read Sir Michael Caine

FPennest: If by Rudyard Kipling - Read by Sir Michael Caine

iiNvL3: "If you can dream By and not make dreams your master." ~ Rudyard Kipling

eemmanuels4: This Guy: Shere Khan from the Jungle Book. His entire point was that he was trying to protect the jungle from human encroachment. His methods may not have been ideal. But he definitely had fair reasoning. The book reflects author Rudyard Kipling’s worldview.

ThePandaKen: It was not suddenly bred, It will not swiftly abate, Through the chill years ahead, When Time shall count from the date That the English began to hate." -- Rudyard Kipling (1917)

Bendettaa20: "If you can dream By and not make dreams your master." ~ Rudyard Kipling

Eissara42: "If you can dream By and not make dreams your master." ~ Rudyard Kipling

samwindrim: Imagine someone asked ChatGPT to write a Rudyard Kipling poem in the style of an arsehole...

NonaPrisa: "If you can dream By and not make dreams your master." ~ Rudyard Kipling

belle_joyeux: When Rudyard Kipling proclaimed himself an "Anglo Indian" and waxed poetic about the streets of Bombay, he was utterly sincere. Colonization was an act of sheer dominance tempered by a heart-felt desire to educate & free the "benighted" native from their tragic "ignorance."

Edvard_J: POEMS BY RUDYARD KIPLING - "IF". This poem is voiced by 8 professional artists using artificial intelligence.

ludwiglaborda: "I keep six honest serving-men: /(They taught me all I knew)/ Their names are What and Where and When/And How and Why and Who." —Rudyard Kipling --- I live by the sword!

Treffen192: "If you can dream By and not make dreams your master." ~ Rudyard Kipling

belanda1978: "If you can dream By and not make dreams your master." ~ Rudyard Kipling

Galvinest69: "If you can dream By and not make dreams your master." ~ Rudyard Kipling

Quzaam170: "If you can dream By and not make dreams your master." ~ Rudyard Kipling

7CWZUiKQ: "If you can dream By and not make dreams your master." ~ Rudyard Kipling

HanyaNewbiSaja: "If you can dream By and not make dreams your master." ~ Rudyard Kipling

superandroit: "If you can dream By and not make dreams your master." ~ Rudyard Kipling

sunilddesai: We're all islands shouting lies to each other across seas of misunderstanding. Rudyard Kipling

EnpEndo: "If you can dream By and not make dreams your master." ~ Rudyard Kipling

RufusSidorova: "If you can dream By and not make dreams your master." ~ Rudyard Kipling

cabisbee: “If” - Rudyard Kipling

UnshakenMe: If you can fill the unforgiving minute With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run, Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it, And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son! -Rudyard Kipling, "If-"

ASFleischman: Roald Dahl and Rudyard Kipling and Mark Twain and George Orwell, they all wrote stuff you couldn't write now and that's part of the value of their work.

ElvinSpencer4: "If you can dream By and not make dreams your master." ~ Rudyard Kipling

9H1wu: "If you can dream By and not make dreams your master." ~ Rudyard Kipling

camero57: "If you can dream By and not make dreams your master." ~ Rudyard Kipling

frank62604996: When The English Began To Hate - Rudyard Kipling

mflibra: 1897 Rare First Edition - CAPTAIN COURAGEOUS. A Story of the Grand Banks by Rudyard Kipling. Illustrated. More info:

mflibra: 1897 Rare First Edition - CAPTAIN COURAGEOUS. A Story of the Grand Banks by Rudyard Kipling. Illustrated. More info:

Howard_za: "If you can dream By and not make dreams your master." ~ Rudyard Kipling

ArnulfoHenry3: "If you can dream By and not make dreams your master." ~ Rudyard Kipling

saintagil: If by Rudyard Kipling | « Tu seras un homme, mon fils » | Traduction Fra...

SubtleMotiv: “I always prefer to believe the best of everybody; it saves so much trouble” ― Rudyard Kipling

Chesbaburba: "God could not be everywhere, and therefore he made mothers." ~ Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) Edwin Henry Landseer: A Highland Shepherd's Home, (1802-1873)

wyo_writer: 4 of 5 stars to The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling

iiNvL3: "If you can dream By and not make dreams your master." ~ Rudyard Kipling

tran_lanh: "If you can dream By and not make dreams your master." ~ Rudyard Kipling

StephanHernand5: "If you can dream By and not make dreams your master." ~ Rudyard Kipling

BenDanielParman: If friends are reading this—a Rudyard Kipling If, given the state of Twitter’s algorithm—announcing pronouns is another phase for which I’m developing strength to undergo, or maybe it’s not necessary? Clearly I’m not in a rush, since I’m just coming out at the age of 39. 5/7

sjaffry: "If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster and treat those two imposters just the same,” Rudyard Kipling.Mar 15, 2022 One of the most insightful things we can teach ourselves and our kids

latashaprices: "If you can dream By and not make dreams your master." ~ Rudyard Kipling

forwardnotback: 10. In the stories by Rudyard Kipling, what type of animal was Rikki-Tikki-Tavi

EmangINIAku: "If you can dream By and not make dreams your master." ~ Rudyard Kipling

ichigooookai: "If you can dream By and not make dreams your master." ~ Rudyard Kipling

zyd287: "If you can dream By and not make dreams your master." ~ Rudyard Kipling

WandaCl44526499: "If you can dream By and not make dreams your master." ~ Rudyard Kipling

VVIP_Azat25: "If you can dream By and not make dreams your master." ~ Rudyard Kipling

NbN_8321: "If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch.... "....Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,   And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!" — Rudyard Kipling

rblandford: Rudyard Kipling can't back up any of his Just So stories with evidence from the fossil record. Total chancer.

Maryaann128: "If you can dream By and not make dreams your master." ~ Rudyard Kipling

drewgomuno: "If you can dream By and not make dreams your master." ~ Rudyard Kipling

YvetteChurch11: "If you can dream By and not make dreams your master." ~ Rudyard Kipling

Marcopelli1: People who delight in violence against whites and encourage it are short-sighted and do not know history. Norms & Saxons by Rudyard Kipling:

rizkylicious: "If you can dream By and not make dreams your master." ~ Rudyard Kipling

Timothy04912349: Rudyard Kipling: Poet, Writer and Nobel Prize Winner | Full Documentary ...

Write your comment about Rudyard Kipling

A Schwartz: "Pink Dominoes" in your transcription is missing the last stanza, which contains the punchline! (Sir Julian bribes him to silence by giving him a job.)

Poem of the day

Michael Drayton Poem
Sonnet Lii: What? Dost Thou Mean
 by Michael Drayton

What? Dost thou mean to cheat me of my heart?
To take all mine and give me none again?
Or have thine eyes such magic or that art
That what they get they ever do retain?
Play not the tyrant, but take some remorse;
Rebate thy spleen, if but for pity's sake;
Or, cruel, if thou canst not, let us 'scourse,
And, for one piece of thine, my whole heart take.

Read complete poem

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