Posh Poems

  • 1.
    I looked back and found scars in me,
    I looked and turned myself in the mirror of my life and noticed I'm crippled.
    I searched down and as I journed down the memory lane I realized that I'm wounded
    I spent days trying to close the wounds and injuries and the sores but as I was trying i was in pain and agony and found myself hurting myself more so I tried to stop but couldn't cause they had a smell
Total 1 Poems by Posh

Top 10 most used topics by Posh

Fun 1 Deep 1 Smell 1 Start 1 Reach 1 Stand 1 Hold 1 Enjoy 1 Isolate 1

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Poem of the day

Alfred Lord Tennyson Poem
In Memoriam A. H. H. OBIIT MDCCCXXXIII: Part 071
 by Alfred Lord Tennyson

Sleep, kinsman thou to death and trance
And madness, thou hast forged at last
A night-long Present of the Past
In which we went thro' summer France.

Hadst thou such credit with the soul?
Then bring an opiate trebly strong,
Drug down the blindfold sense of wrong

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