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The Bowl

JUST let the Owl of Evil howl;
To mourners of each rank and station, I cry,
Come, troll the Golden Bowl!
And quaff me with a deep potation.

Joseph Skipsey

Mad fools! To think that men can be
Made equal all, when God
Made one well nigh divinity
And one a soulless clod.

Arthur Weir
The Bridal Gift

LAST night at the fair I met light-footed Polly,
And Nanny from Earsdon and bothersome Nell,
And yellow-hair'd Bessy and hazel-eyed Dolly;
But Rosy for sweetness did bear off the bell.

Joseph Skipsey
Just So

JUST let the Owl of Evil howl!
To mourners of each rank and station,
I cry, Come troll the Golden Bowl,
And quaff with me one deep potation!

Joseph Skipsey
The Laboratory-ancien Régime

Now that I, tying thy glass mask tightly,
May gaze thro' these faint smokes curling whitely,
As thou pliest thy trade in this devil's-smithy---
Robert Browning

Robert Browning
The Laboratory



Robert Browning

Robert Browning
The Culprit Fay

“My visual orbs are purged from film, and lo!
“Instead of Anster's turnip-bearing vales
“I see old fairy land's miraculous show!
“Her trees of tinsel kissed by freakish gales,
Joseph Rodman Drake

Joseph Rodman Drake

The world does not need words. It articulates itself
in sunlight, leaves, and shadows. The stones on the path
are no less real for lying uncatalogued and uncounted.
The fluent leaves speak only the dialect of pure being.

Dana Gioia
The Mosque Of Cordoba

The succession of day and night
Is the architect of events.
The succession of day and night
Is the fountain-head of life and death.

Allama Muhammad Iqbal
Laboratory, The



Robert Browning

Robert Browning

O Thou, who's infinite in space,
Alive in ever-moving matter,
Eternal in the flow of time,
God faceless, with a trinity of faces!

Gavrila Romanovich Derzhavin
The Culprit Fay.

"My visual orbs are purged from film, and lo!
"Instead of Anster's turnip-bearing vales
"I see old fairy land's miraculous show!
"Her trees of tinsel kissed by freakish gales,
Joseph Rodman Drake

Joseph Rodman Drake

White ermine/white semen,
green eyes jade from the night.

Eternity falls in sparrow,

Paul Cameron Brown

I’m drawing my pain in your body
A soft touch with the internal loneliness
Vibrating life to a feral reason
Outcome for the outstanding or a melancholic aftermath
Shovan Sarkar

Shovan Sarkar