Maria Gowen Brooks Poems

  • 1.
    To meet a friendship such as mine
    Such feelings must thy heart refine
    As seldom mortal mind gives birth,
    'Tis love, without a stain of earth,
  • 2.
    CANTO I.

  • 3.
    Thy home seemed not of earth - so blest
    But there has fall'n a shaft of fate
    The dove is stricken; and the nest
    She warmed and cheered is desolate.
  • 4.
    Thou who wert born of Psyche and of Love
    And fondly nurst on Poesy's warm breast
    Painting, oh, power adored!
    My country's sons have poured
Total 4 Poems by Maria Gowen Brooks

Top 10 most used topics by Maria Gowen Brooks

Tender 4 Earth 4 Early 3 Great 3 Soft 3 Morning 3 White 3 Sweet 3 Pure 3 Soul 3

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Poem of the day

Ella Wheeler Wilcox Poem
Answered Prayers
 by Ella Wheeler Wilcox

I prayed for riches, and achieved success;
All that I touched turned into gold. Alas!
My cares were greater and my peace was less,
When that wish came to pass.

I prayed for glory, and I heard my name
Sung by sweet children and by hoary men.
But ah! the hurts - the hurts that come with fame.

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