Comments about Lucy Powell

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Independent: Government sets out ‘adaptable’ approach to regulating fast-developing AI

LucyMPowell: This regulation will take years to come into effect, meanwhile AI is a regular part of our everyday lives. The Government risks reinforcing gaps in our existing regulatory system, and making the system hugely complex for businesses and citizens to navigate

SaulStaniforth: After he was elected leader Corbyn appointed people like Hilary Benn, Lucy Powell, Heidi Alexander, Chris Bryant, Ian Murray, Owen Smith, Angela Eagle, Seema Malhotra, Luciana Berger, Gloria De Piero & Lisa Nandy to his shadow cabinet. They tried to remove him 9mths later.

mps_edits: Lucy Powell Wikipedia article edited by Caveman Caveman Caveman

People1st2022: The employment of serving MPs as presenters on different media channels is “very concerning”, shadow culture secretary Lucy Powell has said, adding that Ofcom “should be looking at these issues”. BUT they will not.

samanth60602681: The employment of serving MPs as presenters on different media channels is “very concerning”, shadow culture secretary Lucy Powell has said, adding that Ofcom “should be looking at these issues”. BUT they will not.

allansharpe: The employment of serving MPs as presenters on different media channels is “very concerning”, shadow culture secretary Lucy Powell has said, adding that Ofcom “should be looking at these issues”. BUT they will not.

realwinwithryan: The Tories and the Lib Dems talk about social mobility but short of winning the lottery the only way to guarantee young people from all backgrounds the opportunity to do better and to raise aspirations is through education. -Lucy Powell

BenCrouchUK: And sad to see Lucy Powell parroting this nonsense on behalf of Labour who could / should be committing to a royal commission at least looking at decriminalisation and legalisation/ regulation.

drogon_dracarys: “Shadow ministers, officials and think tankers are working on a paper, due to be published in May, which will lay the foundations of the [Labour] party’s approach to tech and the wider digital economy if it clinches victory at the next election.”

POLITICOEurope: A matter of weeks after Prime Minister Rishi Sunak put science and technology at the heart of his pre-election growth strategy, the UK's Labour Party is putting the finishing touches on its own tech pitch. It won’t just be about slamming Big Tech.

LucyWoodslucy70: The employment of serving MPs as presenters on different media channels is “very concerning”, shadow culture secretary Lucy Powell has said, adding that Ofcom “should be looking at these issues”. BUT they will not.

PA: The employment of serving MPs as presenters on different media channels is “very concerning”, shadow culture secretary Lucy Powell has said, adding that Ofcom “should be looking at these issues”

soniasodha: Thought Lucy Powell was very good on the World Athletics decision to keep women’s athletics female-only on Laura Kuenssberg just now. Said it was the right thing and there are lots of sports where inclusivity would mean compromising fairness and safety for women.

AngelCageBand: Here's a picture of Lucy Powell taken some time after resigning as Shadow Education Secretary when she thought she might lose a trigger ballot.

michaeljburry: Powell should have just said “I don’t know.” And say it again and again as he sits on his hands for the next 6 months. Then we might get some real price discovery.

luispon_c: Do you trust Powell or Satoshi?

NorthDigiFest: If you missed the brilliant Lucy Hammond, Tim Powell & Kev Curran in our opening session, "What is Digital Storytelling?" you can catch up at

StefSimanowitz: 10/. After reading the draft of Powell’s speech, a senior CIA agent expressed doubts about “the validity of the information based on ‘CURVEBALL’” Curveball was the code name of an Iraqi defector who had falsely claimed that Iraq had biological weapons

British_AOC: Lucy Powell is the British AOC!

PoliDigitalUK: Science Secretary ‘confident’ data laws mean public can continue to use TikTok

IndyPolitics: Science Secretary ‘confident’ data laws mean public can continue to use TikTok

1312_x2: Lucy Powell was calling them snowflakes the other day, they have become fully immersed in right wing language and thought

PyramidParrHall: ▶️ Andrew Bowie MP (Conservative) Minister, Energy Security and Net Zero ▶️ Lucy Powell MP (Labour) Shadow Culture Secretary ▶️ Stephen Flynn MP (SNP) Westminster Leader ▶️ Anne McElvoy Executive Editor, Politico Europe ▶️ John Allan Chairman, Tesco

Culture_WA: ▶️ Andrew Bowie MP (Conservative) Minister, Energy Security and Net Zero ▶️ Lucy Powell MP (Labour) Shadow Culture Secretary ▶️ Stephen Flynn MP (SNP) Westminster Leader ▶️ Anne McElvoy Executive Editor, Politico Europe ▶️ John Allan Chairman, Tesco

suemitch2017: Labour' says Lineker row is like something from 'Putin's Russia'

jacliz1: Labour' says Lineker row is like something from 'Putin's Russia'

owenboswarva: Science Secretary 'confident' data laws mean public can continue to use TikTok

mbga_uk: Pathetic Labour MP Lucy Powell Calls British Public “Putin’s Russians. So this applies to any labour voters, that if they are unhappy & disagree with Labour will be labelled. All this name calling by MPs really is childish & unprofessional.

TalkTV: “A much-loved sports presenter is taken off air for tweeting something the Government doesn’t like? It sounds more like Putin’s Russia to me”. Culture Minister Julia Lopez responds to Lucy Powell’s urgent question about the Government’s role in upholding impartiality of the BBC.

Jamin2g: Guess all of us, here on planet Twitter, lost it a bit over the Gary Linker saga but Lucy Powell took it to another level by comparing it to “Putin’s Russia”.

KenWhistance: One must assume that Lucy Powell MP will not be entering the Brain of Britain competition.

therightarticle: BBC chair Sharp faces fresh scrutiny amid Lineker impartiality row He’s been facing scrutiny for months. Is the idea for it to drag on so long we forget about it? He got the job because of his support of the Tories and in his role in the Johnson loan

Independent: BBC chair Richard Sharp faces fresh scrutiny amid Gary Lineker impartiality row ⬇️

icalzinirossi: 1/2 Lucy Powell (Shadow Culture Secretary) “The Prime Minister's claim that this disruption to the BBC's football coverage was nothing to do with the government might have credibility if Tory MPs hadn't spent more time talking about Gary Lineker than, say,

ZaqsPolitics: Sunak says Lineker BBC row 'a matter for them' as he defends asylum policy

LuckGeoff: It has passed Lucy Powell by that people do not like comparisons with Nazi Germany, in any arena. It minimises antisemitism, mass murder, is completely offensive to many, and unescesary, serving no purpose but to offend and cause harm. Shame on her!

mollyfolly2019: Lucy Powell - always on the side of the anti-Jewish apologists. Late to the party over Corbyn & now to thick to understand or call out the loose comparison with Nazism and watering down of the Holocaust. You’re backing a loser here and rightly plummeting in the polls

wales_steve: They think it's all over....etc etc Note the obligatory hypocrisy here from the LP, this time it's Lucy Powell forgetting that Cooper was criticising Lineker. Sunak calls on BBC to resolve row over Gary Lineker suspension

dfr10: Don’t think Naga Munchetty was quite prepared for that Lucy Powell interview.

fenit2105: Omg check out Naga Munchetty total lack of impartially re Gary linekar on breakfast with the shadow culture Secretary Lucy Powell disgraceful and reflective of sensorship

JulianPFoulkes: So much BS on the BBC this morning. Labour MP Lucy Powell referring to a similar tweet to Lineker’s by “BBC presenter” Alan Sugar. Unchallenged by Munchetti. Sugar’s done work for the BBC but he’s not their employee.

SarahSchijen: “Someone was cancelled because they expressed an opinion that the government of the day didn’t like. And that’s a very dangerous position to find ourselves in” Lucy Powell MP on BBC Breakfast calling it what it is. Let’s just think on that.

raphaeldogg: What a worthless, wobbling, principle-free worm Lucy Powell is. Imagine her in government. Imagine if you needed her to stand up for you. Jesus Christ.

OneNewsPage_UK: Lucy Powell on the row between Gary Lineker and the BBC:

techstwo12: BBC licence fee could be means-tested under Labour, says shadow Culture Secretary Lucy Powell

thesiriusreport: Powell admitting the USD is in trouble: USD is the only serious contender for the world's reserve currency.

thesiriusreport: This is an example of why Powell spoke about USD and its WRC status: US led international sanctions on Russia have begun to erode dollar's decades-old dominance of international oil trade as most deals with India have been settled in other currencies.

justinbaragona: Here's the batshit email sent to Sidney Powell that she forwarded to Maria Bartiromo as proof that Dominion voting machines were flipping votes. The writer talks about being "internally decapitated" and how "The Wind tells me I'm a ghost."

willsommer: The exhibits include hot new details on the source of the Dominion hoax, a woman who believes herself a ghost who was "internally decapitated" in a car accident. She claims Scalia was killed during a human hunting expedition, and advises Powell not to join that hunting club

FreelancersMake: Shadow culture secretary Lucy Powell has criticised the government’s approach to the arts, and claimed that the cultural sectors were "an afterthought in government rather than at the forefront of their plan for growth".

Independent: Sue Gray’s Labour job not a conspiracy, says Lucy Powell

Independent: Johnson allies’ claims over partygate investigator Sue Gray ‘ludicrous’ – Labour

thecrewingco: Today we're sharing a blog about our last TCC Talk: Support Your Talent:

isearch247: Manchester Arena attack is scar on city, MP says -

FreelancersMake: Shadow culture secretary Lucy Powell has criticised the government’s approach to the arts, and claimed that the cultural sectors were "an afterthought in government rather than at the forefront of their plan for growth".

Design_Week: Shadow culture secretary Lucy Powell has shared Labour's future vision for the creative industries:

mosyandesign: RT Design Week: Shadow culture secretary Lucy Powell has shared Labour's future vision for the creative industries:

jamessheward: I forward this as a strong supporter of the Labour Creatives Network who has joined to support Lucy Powell and her team.

robpowellnews: Labour's Lucy Powell says there is "no chance of Sue Gray spilling the beans" while working for Labour over the misdemeanours she has investigated as a civil servant.

SkyNews: Shadow Culture Secretary Lucy Powell MP says Sir Keir Starmer and Sue Gray will respect the recommendations of the advisory committee before the Partygate report writer takes on the role of Labour chief of staff.

SkyNews: 'We must learn the lessons' Shadow Culture Secretary Lucy Powell is the MP for the Manchester Arena area. She says while the report will bring little comfort to the victims of the attack, the lessons must be enacted and constantly reviewed.

SkyNews: "Sue Gray has got the reputation of being one of the very best senior civil servants of our time." Lucy Powell, Shadow Culture Secretary says Sir Keir Starmer has been looking to "strengthen his team" ahead of the next general election

SkyNews: Any suggestion Sue Gray was party to some kind of conspiracy is for the birds, says Labour's Lucy Powell MP, as she defends Sir Keir Starmer's appointment of the Partygate probe chief.

BlewettSam: Labour defends Sue Gray after poaching the partygate inquisitor for Keir Starmer's office, arguing Boris Johnson's allies are 'ludicrous' to claim her investigation was a plot to oust him

SaulStaniforth: Last year Lucy Powell admitted New Labour had pursued 'trickle down' economics and it didn't work.

fertanish: I'm playing PDP III (Britton Powell, Lucy Railton, Huerco S) 'Pilled Up on a Couple of Doves' simultaneously with the new Necks album 'Travel' tonight...and I'll tell ya', my studio is the place to be right now.

MPExpensesUK: Claim 4002816-10 7 Sep 22 - Lucy Powell (Lab) £1,050.00 for Office Costs: Pooled Staffing Services - Parliamentary Research Service (Labour) 'Parliamentary Research Services'

karentaylor2100: If Labour want to win the next election have a person who is not fake. Lucy Powell came over intelligent, informed and dislikes the woke. Keir Starmer is none of the above I wouldn't entertain Mr Crasheroonie Snoozefest at all!!

PowellCotton: Hear Lucy Edamatie talking to Odeng Lomujalomi about the violence behind the Powell-Cotton museum's Didinga collection and what it means for these objects to be housed in the museum. Find Collections Conversations on Spotify or follow the link.

PowellCotton: The 'Dodinga Skirmish' Reframed Episode is now available on Spotify. In this 'Collection Conversation,' Lucy Edematie talks to Odeng Lomujalamoi about Percy Powell-Cotton's encounter with the Dodinga people in the 1900s. Image: Cowbell, Dodinga collection, Powell-Cotton Museum

KevinASchofield: Shadow culture secretary Lucy Powell: "Rather than getting football regulation over the line, the Tories are trying to line their own pockets on the backs of football supporters."

ParliamentToday: Lucy Powell responds to the publication of the football white paper. Read more:

MPExpensesUK: Claim 4002802-60 5 Sep 22 - Lucy Powell (Lab) £94.70 for MP travel from Stockport to London Terminals by train (Standard Single). 'Trainline September 2022'

RobinComms: This is the entirety of what the Shadow DCMS Secretary's 2022 Conference speech had to say about arts and culture - this really is all of it.

British_AOC: Lucy Powell is the British AOC!

SCFCJosh96: it's also ridiculous politics from Labour tbh. Imagine the pushback when we find out Lucy Powell's governmental department spend £3k on new kit. It'll be absurd but still get coverage on Talk TV / GB News / whatever.

AFO_Festivals: Lucy Powell MP, Shadow Secretary Of State For DCMS Joins The All Party Parliamentary Group For Events The All-Party Parliamentary Group for Events will be hearing from AFO, yet again and this time we hope to get a meeting with Lucy Powell. Read more here

RajeshThind: ‘Lucy Powell, shadow culture secretary, said: “This is a damning report which makes the BBC Chair’s position increasingly untenable because it throws into serious doubt the impartiality and independence that is so fundamental to trust in the BBC.’

lucy_grayson: just watched Top Gun: Maverick. what a lot of fun! also deeply in love w Glen Powell x

HarryYorke1: Notable that Labour is also hardening position on Richard Sharp Lucy Powell says: “This is a damming report which makes [Sharp's] position increasingly untenable because it throws into serious doubt the impartiality and independence that is so fundamental to trust in the BBC."

HarryYorke1: In a damning report, the committee now says Sharp should "consider the impact his omissions will have on trust in him, the BBC and the public appointments process”. Responding, Labour's shadow culture secretary Lucy Powell says Sharp's position is "increasingly untenable"

BrxHouseTheatre: Aimée Powell - Lyn and Lucy (multi-rolling parts)

FrenchiesMan: Zoe Powell Lucy Clement Daniel Herbert

ParliamentToday: Lucy Powell responds to reports the football white paper will be delayed. Read more:

theboatrace: 'Blondie' Changes B: Janeska de Jonge (King's) 2: Lucy Havard (Gonville & Caius) 3: : Beth Taylor (Newnham) 4: Carys Earl (Gonville & Caius) 5: Jessica Spain (Queens') 6: Nicky Wojtania (Churchill) 7: Iris Powell (Churchill) S: Hanna Prince (Newnham) C: Kate Crowley (SydneyS)

RealScottRitter: Colin Powell's Career-Ruining UN Testimony:

JailletAlain: Today 20 years ago, 5 February 2003, Colin Powell shook a vial of flour at the UN, alleging Saddam Hussein was developing weapons of mass destruction.

CliveSmartagain: Labour’s Shadow “Culture Secretary”, Lucy Powell, has said when they get into power, the TV License fee will change “Means Tested”, households on benefits will pay nothing, households in work will pay more.

SStankman: Powell just another Janet Yellen but homlier Market laughing in his face $spy $meta $lucy $si $coin

theImranAli: Lucy Powell MP, Shadow Secretary of State for DCMS joins the All Party Parliamentary Group for Events

Independent: Labour attacks ‘cosy relationships’ as head of BBC chair probe stands down

EventNewsBlog: Lucy Powell MP, Shadow Secretary of State for DCMS joins the All Party Parliamentary Group for Events

NOEAnews: New update from Government regarding the All Party Parliamentary Group for Events:

NewsTrend33: BBC licence fee could be means-tested under Labour, says shadow Culture Secretary Lucy Powell

EnglishJaun: BBC licence fee could be means-tested under Labour, says shadow Culture Secretary Lucy Powell

simonbg12: BBC licence fee could be means-tested under Labour, says shadow Culture Secretary Lucy Powell. (I’m so glad to see this)

Hephaestus7: BBC licence fee could be means-tested under Labour, says shadow Culture Secretary Lucy Powell

1kilroywashere: How about MPs claiming free TV licences paid for by taxpayers - Shadow Culture Sec Lucy Powell BBC licence fee could be means-tested under Lab

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Poem of the day

Felicia Dorothea Hemans Poem
Night-Scene In Genoa
 by Felicia Dorothea Hemans

In Genoa, when the sunset gave
Its last warm purple to the wave,
No sound of war, no voice of fear,
Was heard, announcing danger near:
Though deadliest foes were there, whose hate
But slumber'd till its hour of fate,
Yet calmly, at the twilight's close,
Sunk the wide city to repose.

Read complete poem

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