Lewis Carroll Acrostic Poems

  • 1.

    There was an ancient City, stricken down
    With a strange frenzy, and for many a day
  • 2.
    "Are you deaf, Father William!" the young man said,
    "Did you hear what I told you just now?
    "Excuse me for shouting! Don't waggle your head
    "Like a blundering, sleepy old cow!
  • 3.
    Little maidens, when you look
    On this little story-book,
    Reading with attentive eye
    Its enticing history,
Total 3 Acrostic Poems by Lewis Carroll

Top 10 most used topics by Lewis Carroll

Never 39 Head 36 Life 32 Night 32 Hair 31 Time 25 Good 24 Face 23 Away 21 Answer 20

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Oscar Wilde Poem
A Villanelle
 by Oscar Wilde

O singer of Persephone!
In the dim meadows desolate
Dost thou remember Sicily?

Still through the ivy flits the bee
Where Amaryllis lies in state;
O Singer of Persephone!


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