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Comments about John Podhoretz

Jennalynn88: john podhoretz on a movie made for moviegoers review: 'john wick: chapter 4'
Radical__middle: john podhoretz back at it review: 'john wick: chapter 4'
Chrisstirewalt: yadda, yadda, yadda, then john got arrested.
Datdudemn: “by attempting to use mob action to change the rules of the very game they would happily have endorsed had the election results gone their way, it is the protesters who are seeking extra-democratic change, not the government.”
Commentary: the judicial reforms as they are (at this writing) constituted have kept the government on the back foot and on the defensive, which just makes the protesters taste the blood of their enemies in the water and only encourages them to continue. read more:
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Poem of the day

Michael Drayton Poem
Sonnet Lii: What? Dost Thou Mean
 by Michael Drayton

What? Dost thou mean to cheat me of my heart?
To take all mine and give me none again?
Or have thine eyes such magic or that art
That what they get they ever do retain?
Play not the tyrant, but take some remorse;
Rebate thy spleen, if but for pity's sake;
Or, cruel, if thou canst not, let us 'scourse,
And, for one piece of thine, my whole heart take.

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