John Cleveland Alone Poems

  • 1.
    WHO first reform'd our Stage with justest Lawes,
    And was the first best Judge in his owne Cause?
    Who (when his Actors trembled for Applause)

  • 2.
    How, Providence? and yet a Scottish crew?
    Then Madam Nature wears black patches too!
    What, shall our nation be in bondage thus
    Unto a land that truckles under us?
Total 2 Alone Poems by John Cleveland

Top 10 most used topics by John Cleveland

I Love You 3 Love 3 Queen 3 Live 3 World 3 Fire 3 Alone 2 God 2 Good 2 Heaven 2

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Poem of the day

Ella Wheeler Wilcox Poem
Answered Prayers
 by Ella Wheeler Wilcox

I prayed for riches, and achieved success;
All that I touched turned into gold. Alas!
My cares were greater and my peace was less,
When that wish came to pass.

I prayed for glory, and I heard my name
Sung by sweet children and by hoary men.
But ah! the hurts - the hurts that come with fame.

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