Comments about Gerard Manley Hopkins

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TABITHAKWA46991: Friend who has fired the kingfishers and flamed the dragonflies – they catch your light however they move and beam it out of their eyes.,Bryana Johnson, Having Decided To Stay,beauty, christ, free-verse, gerard-manley-hopkins, poetry, the-image,

amouthfulofair: ‘In Henry V the Dauphin describes his horse as ‘le cheval volant’, the flying horse, and compares himself to a hawk, riding the air. And Hopkins is returning the favour, comparing the hawk to the Dauphin.’ Listen to the episode:

LAReviewofBooks: "McCarthy’s mastery of the gear, tackle, and trade of human pursuits (as Gerard Manley Hopkins called it) recalls, for me, the commanding precision of Melville." Peggy R. Ellsberg reviews Cormac McCarthy’s “The Passenger.”

SkepticalHusky: I first read Gerard Manley Hopkins when I was 18; I think I’m just beginning to understand him.


JoyceCarolOates: well, this is an interesting position. one can dispute texts/ editions of "All the King's Men." some older writers, like Auden, want to rewrite earlier work. some want to destroy it altogether (Kafka, Gerard Manley Hopkins). do authors have "rights" after death? (do any of us?)

poesispoesis: The glass-blue days are those When every colour glows, Each shape and shadow shows. Blue be it: this blue heaven The seven or seven times seven Hued sunbeam will transmit Perfect, not alter it. -- Gerard Manley Hopkins

poesispoesis: Nothing is so beautiful as spring (Gerard Manley Hopkins)

newlifeevergeen: “God's Grandeur” by Gerard Manley Hopkins - Classic Poetry with Jonathan...

aliterarybot: I did say yes O at lightning and lashed rod; Thou heardst me truer than tongue confess Thy terror, O Christ, O God —Gerard Manley Hopkins, 'The Wreck of the Deutschland'

jeremiahshane69: And minor sweetness scarce made mention of: I have found the dominant of my range and state - Love, O my God, to call Thee Love and Love. by Gerard Manley Hopkins (3)

JulianneStanz: The Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord. The English Jesuit poet Gerard Manley Hopkins, wrote in his poem, “The Blessed Virgin Compared to the Air We Breathe”: Let all God’s glory through, God’s glory which would go Through her and from her flow Off, and no way but so.

kjavadizadeh: Here’s the newsletter to go with this lovely episode: read to the end for my hare-brained theory on the poem’s final lines.

DrPeterFerry: This is a great podcast series. I wasn't familiar with Gerard Manley Hopkins before this episode and now I can't get the word choice of "unleaving" in the second line of "Spring and Fall" out of my mind. Another great poem choice!

isidro_li: Now Time's Andromeda on this rock rude, With not her either beauty's equal or Her injury's, looks off by both horns of shore, Her flower, her piece of being, doomed dragon's food. — Gerard Manley Hopkins

poesispoesis: blossom blossom blossoms… that blue is all in a rush/ With richness… (Gerard Manley Hopkins, Spring)

ColinMBrady: The invention of marmalade, the first chocolate icecream, 17th Century Mexican horticulture, the history of Jesuit meteorology, the sketch and notebooks of Gerard Manley Hopkins, and a martyr's eye; a fascinating day.

christbythesea: The correct answer to this week's Trivia Tuesday is B, Gerard Manley Hopkins, poet and priest!

gkmonthly: I am unendingly enthusiastic about the work of Gerard Manley Hopkins, O my chevalier!

beautyandfe: Look up! The sky has stories to tell New Moon 3.21.23 "O look at all the fire-folk sitting in the air!" Gerard Manley Hopkins

deCarvalhoDJ: Today is UNESCO World Poetry Day. Here is one of my favourite poems from my favourite poet: "Binsey Poplars" by Gerard Manley Hopkins.

ashcroftethics: Sorry, I’ve been reading Gerard Manley Hopkins and now all I need is to think about Duns Scotus all day. Diary permitting. Which it doesn’t.

mkimdorman: Unless you refresh the mind from time to time you cannot always remember or believe how deep the inscape in things is. -Gerard Manley Hopkins

CreightonPres: Nothing is so beautiful as spring. When weeds, in wheels, shoot long and lovely and lush; Thrush’s eggs look little low heavens, and thrush. Through the echoing timber does so rinse and wring. The ear, it strikes like lightnings to hear him sing. - Gerard Manley Hopkins

kukukadoo: (after making 37 gerard manley hopkins jokes at 1:34 am) (2:12 am going back for more gerard manley hopkins jokes) lydia tár, áre you gríeving

KnulpTanner: « Still, if we care for fine verses how much more for a noble life ! » Gerard Manley Hopkins, lettre à Robert Bridges, 19 janvier 1879

amouthfulofair: ‘The words and the images tumble out so fast, and that’s by design, Hopkins wants to knock you off your feet and sweep you along, like the hawk in the wind.’ Listen to the episode:

ThinkingFaith: A Discussion of Gerard Manley Hopkins's poem "God's Grandeur":

ThinkingFaith: The poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins SJ have been a source of inspiration and comfort to countless people over the years, not least because of the way in which they capture the power and dynamics of belief in God. Explore his writing on World Poetry Day:

Oreilly1Peter: “ Nothing is so beautiful as Spring –    When weeds, in wheels, shoot long and lovely and lush”. Spring by Gerard Manley Hopkins . Shown is my little garden bursting into life and the room in Newman House where Hopkins died, appropriate for this world poetry day.

johnstonglenn: Gerard Manley Hopkins was the subject of the BBC's In Our Time OTD in 2019. Melvyn Bragg's guests were Catherine Phillips, University of Cambridge; Jane Wright, University of Bristol; and Martin Dubois, Durham University.

HenryEOliver: “Moonlight hanging or dropping on treetops like blue cobwebs.” Gerard Manley Hopkins, diary, 1864

HelenDean1850: 'And so he does leave Patience exquisite, that plumes to Peace thereafter...' More lines from Peace by Gerard Manley Hopkins (1844-1889). Worth checking out the whole poem!

HelenDean1850: And when Peace here does house, He comes with work to do, he does not come to coo, He comes to brood and sit. The closing lines from Peace by Gerard Manley Hopkins

MrsKrishan: Quarles "Emblems" cited in Philosophical Mysticism of Gerard Manley Hopkins (author Aakanksha Virkar Yates)

evanc23798: All things therefore are charged with love, are charged with God and if we knew how to touch them give off sparks and take fire, yield drops and flow, ring and tell of him.,Gerard Manley Hopkins, Letters to Robert Bridges and Correspondence with Richard Watson Dixon,god, nature,

_AndrewTucker: Do yourself a favor and listen to Stanley Kunitz talk about and read "God's Grandeur" by Gerard Manley Hopkins:

amouthfulofair: ‘This poem would be mind blowing if it were published today. But it was written in 1877. It’s so far ahead of its time that it’s hard to imagine how strange it would have sounded to Hopkins’ contemporaries.’ Listen to the episode:

songandjoy: “Look at the stars! look, look up at the skies!   O look at all the fire-folk sitting in the air!   The bright boroughs, the circle-citadels there!” Gerard Manley Hopkins

welfordwrites: The originality of Gerard Manley Hopkins. The English poet, who wrote only for himself, had a very unusual writing style.

drifters_escape: Duns Scotus's Oxford by Gerard Manley Hopkins (1879)

DavidCorbett_CA: "Fine and summer-like -- With Stokes on the Quinton Road. Chervil and wood-sorrel out. Hawthorn sprays papered with young leaves. -- Venus like an apple of light." --Gerard Manley Hopkins, diary entry March 25, 1868

dae_neri: Look at the stars! look, look up at the skies! O look at all the fire-folk sitting in the air! The bright boroughs, the circle-citadels there - Gerard Manley Hopkins

poetictouch: I have desired to go Where springs not fail, To fields where flies no sharp and sided hail And a few lilies blow. ~ Gerard Manley Hopkins

salehbadrah: I have desired to go Where springs not fail, To fields where flies no sharp and sided hail And a few lilies blow. ~ Gerard Manley Hopkins

_AndrewTucker: “Let him easter in us, be a dayspring to the dimness of us, be a crimson-cresseted east…” The Wreck of the Deutschland, Gerard Manley Hopkins

KSPrior: I cannot adequately describe the joy of introducing a bunch of English majors to the poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins. This will be one of my most cherished teaching memories.

LyudmilaShakh: The Prince of Wales reads ‘God’s Grandeur’ by Gerard Manley Hopkins.

aliterarybot: I kiss my hand To the stars, lovely-asunder Starlight, wafting him out of it —Gerard Manley Hopkins, 'The Wreck of the Deutschland'

Rad_One1: Poet Gerard Manley Hopkins on the destruction of the Paris Commune. The Paris Commune inspired Marx and Engels as the first example of a dictatorship of the working class. From pg 19

RhyminCarly: Gerard Manley Hopkins, “Heaven-Haven (A Nun Takes the Veil”

janeeliothardy: Beautiful, rather Gerard Manley Hopkins whose Pied Beauty also startling, superb.

intercablebot: Enjoy Gerard Manley Hopkins writing modern poetry in the next instalment in the experimental student film, 'The Scientist, part deux: Orange Juice'

kjavadizadeh: From the journal of Gerard Manley Hopkins, March 1871. “What you look hard at seems to look hard at you, hence the true and false instress of nature.”

Jaennecom: 2023-03-10 – Spring and Fall: To a Young Girl by Gerard Manley Hopkins

wholebodyprayer: Gerard Manley Hopkins - ‘The Blessed Virgin Compared to the Air We Breathe”

thomasknox: Only Gerard Manley Hopkins can solace me Binsey Poplars, by G M Hopkins (Writing of a beloved row of trees, felled in 1879) “After comers cannot guess the beauty been….”

fairliehope: ‘And for all this, nature is never spent;     There lives the dearest freshness deep down things…’ — Gerard Manley Hopkins

mark_robx: "What," I found myself asking with Gerard Manley Hopkins, "is all this juice and all this joy?…

Archieislander: I'm back to being Gerard Manley Hopkins again SPRING HAS SPRUNG

reconditenight: Introduce yourself with 7 books: 1. Summa Theologica, Thomas Aquinas 2. Solar Cycle, Gene Wolf 3. Dark Eidolon, Clark Smith 4. Dresden Files, Jim Butcher 5. Man Who Was Thursday, Chesterton 6. Gerard Manley Hopkins Poetry 7. The Concept of Sin, Josef Pieper

jonmsweeney: Edna St. Vincent Millay in a letter to Edmund Wilson (whom she called "Bunny"-we'll deal with that separately) said that she was working on memorizing poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins. She said, "Have you ever tried to learn him by heart?-It is great fun, very exciting, difficult."

JohnLoony: "A fettle for the great grey drayhorse his bright and battering sandal" (Gerard Manley Hopkins' definition of a horseshoe)

Shermanicus: And what is Earh's eye, tongue, or heart else, where Else, but in dear and dogged man? — Gerard Manley Hopkins, ‘Ribblesdale’

SGUYBRAY: Lecturing on my beloved Gerard Manley Hopkins today so wearing this very gay shirt to make up for all the gayness he couldn’t express.

Squiddingness: Any one praising William Blake, John Clare, Emily Dickinson, Gerard Manley Hopkins now they are popular should be forced to go back and praise them in their time when they were neglected, insecure, and ignored by contemporary literati

Kulambq: 'Each mortal thing does one thing and the same: Deals out that being indoors each one dwells; Selves — goes itself; myself it speaks and spells, Crying Whát I dó is me: for that I came.' ~ Gerard Manley Hopkins

EOrthodoxy: According to Maria Lichtmann, there are for Gerard Manley Hopkins three stages of Christ's incarnation: i) within the procession of the Trinity ii) in the Eucharist and iii) in his historical manifestation.

craigchirinda: I also asked the model to classify the sentimentality of “Spring and Fall” by Gerard Manley Hopkins:

craigchirinda: As the image below shows, like its predecessor, the Flan-UL2 model accurately classified the sentimentality of “Spring and Fall” by Gerard Manley Hopkins: (It can perform sentiment analysis)

FraserNelson: When Mary Wakefield first proposed a regular column we almost called it 'spare and strange' after the Gerard Manley Hopkins poem ('all things counter, original, spare and strange') Nothing better fits that description than her theme this week...

Kulambq: 'Towery city and branchy between towers; Cuckoo-echoing, bell-swarmèd, lark charmèd, rook racked, river-rounded; The dapple-eared lily below thee; that country and town did Once encounter in, here coped & poisèd powers ...' ~ Gerard Manley Hopkins

piss__taker: God’s Grandeur — Gerard Manley Hopkins

holt_rd: The world is charged with the grandeur of God - Gerard Manley Hopkins

holt_rd: Glory be to God for dappled things-- For skies of couple-colour as a brinded cow; For rose-moles all in stipple upon trout that swim; Fresh-firecoal chestnut-falls; finches' wings; Landscape plotted and pieced--fold, fallow, and plough … Gerard Manley Hopkins, ‘Pied Beauty’

simonjedge: The Hopkins Conundrum mashes up the story of Victorian poet Gerard Manley Hopkins with that of the shipwrecked nuns in his most famous poem, wrapped in a daft modern yarn satirising the Da Vinci Code industry. It shouldn't work but apparently it does

smmohit: Pied Beauty by Gerard Manley Hopkins (Questions

Sean_Kilpatrick: Gerard Manley Hopkins

LillieDickins15: The Gospel in Gerard Manley Hopkins: Selections from His Poems, Letters, Journals, and Spiritual Writings (The Gospel in Grea MPOMRIE

DebbieDKZ: God created each creature for a purpose, and when we fulfill it, we are offering praise to our Maker. -- Gerard Manley Hopkins

NotLikeTheCar: He wrote out the Gerard Manley Hopkins poem, “The Leaden Echo & The Golden Echo” (you can hear Anthony Hopkins reading it, here:

dontattempt: INSCAPE - the essential inner nature of a person, object, or artwork. (Coined by Gerard Manley Hopkins)

classicvirtues: A Gerard Manley Hopkins poem relevant the season of Lent:

newlifeevergeen: “God's Grandeur” by Gerard Manley Hopkins - Classic Poetry with Jonathan...

NahanniFinanci1: "The world is charged with the grandeur of God." -Gerard Manley Hopkins

welfordwrites: Pied Beauty: a poem by Gerard Manley Hopkins. One of Hopkins’s best-loved poems, it offers an excellent example of “sprung rhythm”. Click the link!

welfordwrites: No Worst, There Is None, a poem by Gerard Manley Hopkins. A look at a despair-ridden sonnet that the poet never intended to be read by anyone other than himself.

houseofprayerem: ‘If what my soul doth feel sometimes, my soul might ever feel!’ Explore the poetry of George Herbert and Gerard Manley Hopkins with Nicola Mason (Sat 25 Mar), and consider what help they can offer us on our own journey of prayer and relationship with God.

StephenPiment: Generations have trod, have trod, have trod;     And all is seared with trade; bleared, smeared with toil;     And wears man's smudge and shares man's smell: the soil Is bare now, nor can foot feel, being shod. — Gerard Manley Hopkins

McalisterAndrew: I share Gerard Manley Hopkins’ longing:

Radiant_Mag: When the poet Gerard Manley Hopkins penned the lines of his poem entitled “Pied Beauty,” he simultaneously created something beautiful with phrases such as “fresh-firecoal chestnut-falls; finches’ wings” and praised God for the beauty he created.

BelindaGreb: "What would the world be, once bereft Of wet and wildness? Let them be left, O let them be left, wildness and wet, Long live the weeds and the wildness yet." Gerard Manley Hopkins

OmglolU: Born in Stratford, east London, on 28 July 1844, Gerard Manley Hopkins was the eldest of nine children and was brought up in a prosperous Anglican household

Adamc0leman: Found this abandoned pub in Monasterevin several months ago, named for Gerard Manley Hopkins. He used to visit an Anglo-Irish family here when he was teaching in Dublin in the 1880s, partly to assuage his terrible loneliness but also to avoid the 1,800 exams papers on his desk

squinancywort1: The Windhover "I caught this morning morning's minion king-dom of daylight's dauphin dapple-dawn-drawn Falcon, in his riding" Gerard Manley Hopkins ...a hovering kestrel

OmglolU: Gerard Manley Hopkins

OmglolU: Robert Seymour Bridges OM (23 October 1844 – 21 April 1930) was an English poet. A doctor by training, he achieved literary fame only late in life. It was through Bridges's efforts that Gerard Manley Hopkins achieved posthumous fame.

OmglolU: In 1863, he enrolled at Corpus Christi College at Oxford University, where he met Gerard Manley Hopkins, who he would remain friends with until Hopkins’s death in 1889.

hardreeds: There’s a story in Paul Mariani’s bio of Gerard Manley Hopkins where he recounts a sermon Hopkins gave his fellow Jesuits in which he preached on the multiplication of the loaves and fishes, and he honed in specifically on the phrase: “he bade the men sit down”

MiguelngelF6: Glory be to God for dappled things – For skies of couple-colour as a brinded cow; For rose-moles all in stipple upon trout that swim; Fresh-firecoal chestnut-falls; finches’ wings... Gerard Manley Hopkins - Pied Beauty

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Poem of the day

Felicia Dorothea Hemans Poem
Night-Scene In Genoa
 by Felicia Dorothea Hemans

In Genoa, when the sunset gave
Its last warm purple to the wave,
No sound of war, no voice of fear,
Was heard, announcing danger near:
Though deadliest foes were there, whose hate
But slumber'd till its hour of fate,
Yet calmly, at the twilight's close,
Sunk the wide city to repose.

Read complete poem

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