Comments about Barbara Ehrenreich

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willshetterly: " ...the problem is not classism, the problem is class itself." —Barbara Ehrenreich

PetreRaleigh: I got Native history, I got Barbara Ehrenreich, I got some King...I will be feeling bad about not having read all this stuff for months. I can't wait

joshglove: A lot of books have been banned this week; I recommend— -The Color Purple by Alice Walker -Looking for Alaska by John Green -The Hate You Give by Angie Thomas -The Giver by Lois Lowry -Nickel and Dimed by Barbara Ehrenreich -Simon Vs. The Homosapien Agenda by Becky Albertalli

Broken__America: In her now classic book, "Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America," Barbara Ehrenreich, went undercover as an unskilled worker to reveal the dark side of American prosperity.

billjank: 12/10. Only note is that if I make it past my two score and ten, I hope I’ve got the courage to embrace this.

laphamsquart: “We who officially value freedom of speech above life itself seem to have nothing to talk about but the weather.” —Barbara Ehrenreich, 1991

gabishiner: Barbara Ehrenreich on belittling breast cancer aesthetics feels relevant here:

TurnOnThePower: Currently reading "Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America by Barbara Ehrenreich. It is a bit dated (written in 1998), but still timely and an eye-opener to anyone who hasn't read it.

g_lamarche: “So great was the witches’ knowledge that in 1527, Paracelsus, considered the “father of modern medicine,” burned his text on pharmaceuticals, confessing that he “had learned from the Sorceress all he knew.” ― Barbara Ehrenreich, Witches, Midwives, & Nurses: A History of Women…

evanc78484: In fact, the idea of a God who is both all-powerful and all good is a logical impossibility.,Barbara Ehrenreich, Living with a Wild God: A Nonbeliever's Search for the Truth about Everything,god, logic, omnipotence,

leahnai09468980: In fact, the idea of a God who is both all-powerful and all good is a logical impossibility.,Barbara Ehrenreich, Living with a Wild God: A Nonbeliever's Search for the Truth about Everything,god, logic, omnipotence,

ndo60878: Crime seems to change character when it crosses a bridge or a tunnel. In the city crime is taken as emblematic of class and race. In the suburbs though it's intimate and psychological-resistant to generalization a mystery of the individual soul.,Barbara Ehrenreich,success,

jaimepartsch: The Hard Head and Wild Heart of Barbara Ehrenreich - In These Times

americnhumanist: “It’s not just a matter of religion infiltrating patriotism, however. There’s also the ongoing attempt in the United States to turn patriotism into a religion.” AHA 1998 “Humanist of the Year” Barbara Ehrenreich on “working-class American atheism.”

cyberalgo: “So even though I consider myself a fairly upbeat person, energetic and things like that, I never do very well on happiness tests.” —Barbara Ehrenreich

dnaps815: barbara ehrenreich suggesting hillary is autistic for her head nodding in 2008

LuckyErica3: they endure privation so that inflation will be low and stock prices high. To be a member of the working poor is to be an anonymous donor, a nameless benefactor, to everyone else." Barbara Ehrenreich, who worked minimum wage jobs as research for her book 'Nickel and Dimed.'

nate_stoltzfus: America's conscience dies. Ehrenreich has stood for character and social criticism as long as I can remember, like few others. Barbara Ehrenreich, a Writer for Change

SeditiousMe: When Barbara Ehrenreich wrote about toxic positivity…. Unreal. So true, and still so wrong.

inthesetimesmag: Hauntingly perceptive, razor sharp, and perfectly petty: remembering the inimitable Barbara Ehrenreich.

IxatDnats: This is the US model. Barbara Ehrenreich wrote a book about it:

rickyshake: Barbara Ehrenreich: T working poor are in fact t major philanthropists. They live in substandard housing so other homes will be shiny and perfect; they endure privation so inflation will be low and stock prices high. They are an anonymous donor, a nameless benefactor, t everyone

ashiepants: When I write the SeaWorld book it’s going to be fire. I’m going to be the millennial Barbara Ehrenreich (respectfully)

Cartents3978: Poverty is not a character failing or a lack of motivation. Poverty is a shortage of money.,Barbara Ehrenreich,money-issues, poverty, poverty-and-politics, social-justice, the-poor,

damarisngugi181: I understood that no one could have lobbed such a stinging wad of shame out into the world without having a considerable personal reserve of it to draw on.,Barbara Ehrenreich, Living with a Wild God: A Nonbeliever's Search for the Truth about Everything,cruelty, shame,

DoutiDJ81917080: At best the family teaches the finest things human beings can learn from one another generosity and love. But it is also, all too often, where we learn nasty things like hate, rage and shame.,Barbara Ehrenreich,shame,

heyimnursekay: “Their first target was not the peasant healer, but the better off, literate woman healer who competed for the same urban clientele as that of the university-trained doctors.” Barbara Ehrenreich, Witches, Midwives, & Nurses: A History of Women Healers

inthesetimesmag: A chronicler of the everyday indignities of work in America, Ehrenreich reached a generation through acerbic wit and unapologetic materialist feminism.

jessicastites: Proud to have worked on this story. Sarah spent weeks immersing herself in Ehrenreich's oeuvre and it shows. If you only read one piece on Barbara Ehrenreich, read this one.

sarahljaffe: happy international women's day, and just in time my piece on the great Barbara Ehrenreich is online.

therightarticle: The Hard Head and Wild Heart of Barbara Ehrenreich

KapustaDiamond: All his papers and his research are at Cleveland State, most of his 'Point of View' newsletters have been digitized. It's accessible if anyone wants to see it and you can find 'The Illuminating Company' report he did with Barbara Ehrenreich with a quick Google.

NFJShane: The Hard Head and Wild Heart of Barbara Ehrenreich - In These Times

progressivepush: The Hard Head and Wild Heart of Barbara Ehrenreich - In These Times

CPostcapitalism: The Hard Head and Wild Heart of Barbara Ehrenreich

lynne_segal: HAPPY WOMEN'S DAY! To celebrate I'm reposting my tribute to Barbara Ehrenriech, who died 6 months ago – still fighting for women everywhere, espcially those in greatest need while also stressing the joy we could sometimes share in collective resistance.

mercilessplot: Looks like I should also be reading my Barbara Ehrenreich, Joan Didion, Studs Terkel, Lillian Ross, 40's New Yorker compendium, Fisk's Pity the Nation, *sigh*

GalineMod: New editorial portrait for an article about Barbara Ehrenreich and her work highlighting women’s struggles with low-wage service industry jobs. Always a pleasure working with InTheseTimes magazine and bringing the attention to the important political and social issues.

JackPrestonKing: My review of "Living with a Wild God: A Nonbeliever's Search for the Truth about Everything," by Barbara Ehrenreich

LaCrosseTribune: The author of 21 books, Barbara Ehrenreich (1941-2022) was also a social critic, journalist and activist. Born into a family of union supporters with a copper miner as a father,

PNACATTACK: Barbara Ehrenreich

jeremyfaust: Inside Medicine: Norm Macdonald had it right on how we talk about cancer. (So did Barbara Ehrenreich).

thatbberg: So far this year, I've read - Rethinking Positive Thinking (Gabrielle Oettingen) - Bright Sided (Barbara Ehrenreich) And now I'm about to start Toxic Positivity (Whitney Goodman). What else do I need to read about the dark side of positive thinking?

SusannaRustin: ICYMI: here is the great Barbara Ehrenreich writing in the Nation with Janet McIntosh in 1997 about "secular creationism" aka insufficiently discriminating attacks on biologically based explanations of human behaviour and experience

Teaos4: I agree. Reminds me of “Nickeled & Dimed”by Barbara Ehrenreich. Years ago, I asked all my Directors to read so they could better understand the lives of their team members working in a healthcare facility (CNAs, dining, housekeepers). It enlightened them & made them better mgrs.

LauraKatherineZ: And lastly this interview with Barbara Ehrenreich, which made me feel smarter and also made me feel that I have so much to learn (which duh)

viamalcontenti: Recently read Barbara Ehrenreich's SNARLING CITIZEN, and was reminded HW Bush was quite the cocky, enthusiastic culture warrior demagogue when it suited him. The book cast the whole narrative of Trump's unique horribleness in doubt--it has been a long, bitter trip from Robt Taft.

LDH_NEWS24: Barbara Ehrenreich, writer who explored American inequities, dies ... - The Washington Post

snaccrondsa: I guess I should say this is our comrade Barbara Ehrenreich and I read Nickled and Dimed when I was 18 and still think about it every day.

KinteSpace: RIP Barbara Ehrenreich: Exposed Inequality in “Nickel and Dimed,” Opposed Health-Industrial Complex We remember the author and political activist Barbara Ehrenreich, who has died at the age of 81 after a career exposing inequali…

theopenbook2: The Authority Gap : Why women are still taken less seriously than men, and what we can do about it Mary Ann Sieghart Smile Or Die : How Positive Thinking Fooled America and the World Barbara Ehrenreich

VeiledHeart: Marked as to-read: Bait and Switch by Barbara Ehrenreich

FutureDebris: The reality was, as the late writer Barbara Ehrenreich pointed out, “only the most privileged male workers—those who [were] members of powerful unions, or of skilled crafts and professions—actually earned enough to support a family" during the "family wage" era.

judystout1: On the Origins of the Professional-Managerial Class: An Interview with Barbara Ehrenreich

newrepublic: “Perhaps the most striking thing about the literature for and about the corporate woman is how little it has to say about the purposes, other than personal advancement, of the corporate ‘game,’” Barbara Ehrenreich once wrote.

RalphRSnyder: Barbara Ehrenreich nailed it in "Bright-Sided" (and also "Nickled and Dimed") The capitalist system is engineered to create obedience, and God help you if you have to deal with a family, school, employer who refuses to deal with your personal experience. 5/8

sean_gayle: 2 of 5 stars to Bright-Sided by Barbara Ehrenreich

CoyneoftheRealm: Abandon hope. What I hate about hope is its aura of passive expectancy. We don't need hope, we need courage. And persistence. -Barbara Ehrenreich

elanorharwood: So incredibly grateful for Barbara Ehrenreich's work on this topic. It's sustaining me while I'm recovering from surgery, feeling grumpy rather than blessed.

Philosophy101__: Barbara Ehrenreich worked in two modes: plainspoken and poetic. In both she displayed no patience for pretense  - Philosophy News

NatalieShayMac: Barbara Ehrenreich is such an idol. Loved this one.

according2pam: No matter that patriotism is too often the refuge of scoundrels. Dissent, rebellion, and all-around hell-raising remain the true duty of patriots. Barbara Ehrenreich

TrendsPrabash: Is it a crime to be poor ? By Barbara Ehrenreich!

bowiesongs: RIP Barbara Ehrenreich. The opening of "Fear of Falling" (1989)

gordonkatic: I’ve been reading a lot of Barbara Ehrenreich since she passed. As respected as she is, I think she’s still *underrated.* She doesn’t get the respect of, say, a Tom Wolfe or Michael Lewis, but she really should. She’s as good a journalist, but much more interesting a thinker.

kalpana1947: Sad to read of the passing of Barbara Ehrenreich, one of my heroes who exemplified passionate journalism. Her book "Nickel and Dimed" is a must read.

DavidSkillstad: "...dissent, rebellion, and all-around hell-raising remain the true duty of patriots." -Barbara Ehrenreich

jacobin: Barbara Ehrenreich was driven by both her undying anger at the profound injustices of life under capitalism and a fervent hope that the world doesn’t have to be this way.

theorypleeb: Burnham's name gets brought up as a way of dismissing PMC analysis, even though people should be turning to Barbara Ehrenreich for that. Still, he is an important critic of traditional Marxism and is worth reading if you care about social change theory.

alibreland: the fleishman piece didn’t faze me, a simple midwit who reads barbara ehrenreich

reustis: My students read Barbara Ehrenreich's essay "Nickel & Dimed" today. It shows how the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 crushed working poor people. It was a celebrated bipartisan Clinton/Gingrich joint. My students were appalled.

121reggae: Barbara Ehrenreich Barbara Ehrenreich is an American writer and political activist. Throughout her life, she has

KarenBa17688073: Mat, read, “Nickel and Dimed,” by the late, great Barbara Ehrenreich. It’s not a long book, don’t worry, it won’t overtax you, but it’ll open your eyes to what the working poor in this country go through. But…just what jobs are the poor supposed to get healthcare from?

LucianoG_NYC: “No matter that patriotism is too often the refuge of scoundrels. Dissent, rebellion, and all-around hell-raising remain the true duty of patriots.” ― Barbara Ehrenreich

atlas_chugged: Weird how everyone called Barbara Ehrenreich and Alison Roman racist for midly criticizing Marie Kondo and Chrissy Tiegen. Their criticisms were both proven to be correct later, but no one seemed to care or notice.

annbauerwriter: One of the worst-argued pieces I've ever read in which a psychologist (?) once married to Barbara Ehrenreich asserts we should stop worrying about the origins of covid because "most infections resulting from lab research accidents are relatively mild."

flythewhitenest: 3 of 5 stars to Living with a Wild God by Barbara Ehrenreich

wmnjoya: Kenyan middle class lives in what Barbara Ehrenreich called "a fear of falling," plastering positive smiles on their faces when they know their lives are bs, but they can't say so because it could mean being out on the street.

ireneekwon: A scholar I respected really showed her racism and xenophobia through her unwarranted attack on Kondo

thistlemouth: Anyone know if Barbara Ehrenreich wrote anything more substantial along the lines of her preface to Male Fantasies?

ggarchar: Growth implies a plurality of legitimate options, if not a positive imperative to keep moving from one insight or experience to the next. -Barbara Ehrenreich

esaeger: "So many employers won't hire anybody for anything unless they have a college degree. Why? [Because] it proves that you're capable of sitting still in boring situations for long periods of time." - Barbara Ehrenreich

alibreland: not all of his followers are economically ailing, but the middle and upper classes still respond to economic anxiety (fear of falling by barbara ehrenreich, etc.) and existential climate threats. our geriatric lawmakers aren't the most concerned with that, which nick gets

AnarresProject: Our new discussion on the work of feminist author Barbara Ehrenreich, who passed away last year. What was your favorite work of hers?

arshia__: it a faux pas to say barbara ehrenreich was good

JennCoull: 3 of 5 stars to Witches, Midwives, and Nurses by Barbara Ehrenreich

AnarresProject: New podcast now available. Listen to "Remembering the Radical Imagination of Barbara Ehrenreich (1941-2022)". ⚓

gwils_17: we should probably all have to do what Barbara Ehrenreich did for Nickel & Dimed tbh

CoyneoftheRealm: 10 years ago. Barbara Ehrenreich said about the Obama inauguration: Lovely-- MLK, Jay Z, Stonewall, equal opportunity for girls, an inaugural poem about the working class! Now can we raise the minimum wage, restore women's rights (eg, abortion), and end race-based incarceration?

JamesCo27633708: 1/ I never did like Lance Armstrong. He's long been one of cancer's biggest bright-siders and pink-washers, even declaring at one point that it was "the best thing that had ever happened to him." —Barbara Ehrenreich.

JamesCo27633708: 2/ “Sorry, cancer sucks. It is not a "growth opportunity" or a chance for self-reinvention. Believe me.” —Barbara Ehrenreich.

CoyneoftheRealm: Barbara Ehrenreich: Since cancer is not a growth opportunity it’s best to avoid cancer and do something else if you want a personal growth experience

JulieWark: "Barbara Ehrenreich: “The ‘working poor’ are in fact the major philanthropists. They live in substandard housing so that other homes will be shiny and perfect; .... They are an anonymous donor, a nameless benefactor, to everyone.”"

PeterAWBlair: Fox Mulder is the Barbara Ehrenreich of the X-Files universe, Dana Scully is the Herbert McCabe

MattFlisfeder: "I hate to see 'PMC' turned into an ultraleft slur. We’re going to have to work together!" Barbara Ehrenreich

kimvie: "Barbara Ehrenreich had a question: How...would the 4 million women (most with children) soon to be pushed off the rolls and into the labor market make their way on wages of $6 or $7 an hour -- an amount...universally agreed was not a living wage?"

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Emily Dickinson Poem
Did you ever stand in a Cavern's Mouth
 by Emily Dickinson


Did you ever stand in a Cavern's Mouth-
Widths out of the Sun-
And look-and shudder, and block your breath-
And deem to be alone

In such a place, what horror,

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