Comments about Arlen Specter

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andreackelly: Why wouldn't Sen. Arlen Specter switch to independent? Party money?

MoistureVapor8r: Kavanaugh worked at Administrative Conference to the US (ACUS), where Trump placed McGahn (lawyer for the mafia & AlfaBank). ACUS led by man who worked for Arlen Specter (who blocked Anita Hill's testimony v Clarence Thomas), and dominated by pro-oil & gambling FederalistSociety.

StewartVerdery: Rick Santorum and Arlen Specter have entered the chat….

dw_subbed: I completely forgot Arlen Specter is dead

AdvInCensorship: Random archive find: 1963 panel discussion in Philly where Arlen Specter led off as a 33 year old assistant district attorney.

harisonmai50301: There is no higher value in our society than integrity.,Arlen Specter,Integrity, Value, Higher ,

TheRealRazielah: The problem is the Republicans have alienated and brainwashed their supporters against an Arlen Specter type of candidate... That's what they need to win...

maryluv09266301: There is no higher value in our society than integrity.,Arlen Specter,Integrity, Value, Higher ,

Sailing_fool: When you think Arlen Specter was some great victory of “enlightened republicans coming to their senses” and switch parties… only to ignore how he basically got everything in his career stripped of him in a heartbeat and shoved in some dark corner of congress for his reward.

wberhanu33: The late Ethiopian prime minister, Meles Zenawi, once called the war on terror ‘something of a godsend’ in a conversation with Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Specter. No wonder, then, that Ethiopia was one of the countries that supported the invasion of Iraq 20 years ago this week.

4st8: The GOP was competitive in Philly throughout the 1970s. In the 1978 Gov election GOP nominee Dick Thornburgh held Dem Pete Flaherty to a slim 4% win and in 1980 Arlen Specter carried the city by over 100k votes.

CavasinTracey: Other Silicon Valley Bank lobbyists worked for political figures across both parties, including former President Bill Clinton; former Sen. Mike Enzi, R-Wy.; former Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla.; Rep. Joe Courtney, D-Conn.; former Sen. Arlen Specter, D-Pa.; and former Rep. Jay Inslee,…

RepRenaissance: If I had patience, I'd make that Mr. Incredible meme with Arlen Specter, Pat Toomey, and then Doug Mastriano. The only thing I have to say to the PAGOP, who were formerly so strong, is vae victus.

brix_rosa: What would happen if I were to help a couple of seats in the House and Senate switch to Republican? I'm not talking about voting them out either. I'm talking vice versa Arlen Specter style. Break their corrupt democratic chains.

JustTheFacts0: "Other SVB lobbyists worked for political figures cutting across both parties including President Bill Clinton, former Sen. Mike Enzi, R-Wy., former Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., Rep. Joe Courtney, D-Conn., former Sen. Arlen Specter D/R-Pa., and former Rep. Jay Inslee, now governor"

CountryClubConZ: Rick Santorum overperforming Arlen Specter in the Philly Collar by quite a bit will never stop being funny. Specter was trash.

LeonelD90363851: It's inspirational to see someone who is dying smile.,Arlen Specter,Smile, Dying, See ,

Concordian808: Could the types of infiltrations questioned above be what Arlen Specter, et. al. were sensing and concerned about?

Larvional445: It's inspirational to see someone who is dying smile.,Arlen Specter,Smile, Dying, See ,

___lor__: Obama Super Majority Lie: 1) Obama sworn in 1/ 20/09 w just 58 Senators to support him He shuda had 59 but Repubs contested Al Franken’s election in MN and he didn’t get seated for 7 mos Obama's cause was helped in April when PA Repub Senator Arlen Specter switched parties.

PatriotNews: Savage studied political science at Stanford University and interned for former Pennsylvania Sen. Arlen Specter.

CreoIeBabyBritt: I wonder what Pharrell has with Arlen Specter

Dan_Webz: All jokes aside, Ben holds a degree in Political Science from Stanford University and interned for Arlen Specter. So while you could condemn him as an actor moving into politics, he actually has a background and knowledge that would make him a good choice.

amandacarpenter: He interned for Arlen Specter in 2003? Huh

QRob31B: “Savage studied political science at Stanford University. While he was a student, he interned for former U.S. Sen. Arlen Specter.” 'Boy Meets World' star Ben Savage files to run for Congress, potentially filling Rep. Adam Schiff's seat

OshunRue: The seat is currently held by Rep. Adam Schiff (D), who announced in January he is running for Senate. Savage, who graduated from Stanford University in 2004 with a degree in political science, interned for the late Pennsylvania Sen. Arlen Specter in 2003.

ryanjfrederick: Ben Savage interned for Arlen Specter while he was a U.S. Senator and graduated from Stanford University with a degree in political science. He’s more than qualified to run for political office.

SuaSponteSteve: His degree from Stanford University is in Political Science and he interned for Republican Senator Arlen Specter. Also, Boy Meets World was awesome.

xenocryptsite: Somehow Arlen Specter started out as a Democrat and was a Republican by around this point, but he made it work out for himself I suppose.

MiddAthletics: Lindsey Burnham of the Middlebury women's squash team will head to the Arlen Specter U.S. Squash Center in Philadelphia, Pa. to play in the 2023 CSA Individual Squash Championships from March 3-5.

MiddAthletics: Nathan Feinstein of the Middlebury men's squash team will take part in the 2023 CSA Individual Squash Championships from March 3-5 at the Arlen Specter U.S. Squash Center in Philadelphia, Pa.

OctoberFerguson: Handheld phones with video joined to media sites have given us access to the 99.68% of the time when people are doing stupid shit. Arlen Specter once said murder rates were down, but the reporting of murders was up 400%, giving people an askew sense if reality.

KGMasekela: There's nothing more important than our good health - that's our principal capital asset. Arlen Specter

gmzisanasshoe: For any Record..My Criminal and Civil Investigations into Global Corruption involved alleged activities involving Patrick Byrne and Terpeschore Maras..and an alleged letter of protection..From Arlen Specter and others..

KatzOnEarth: This caught my eye, but a) this wasn't the Times and b) the only source for this sentiment I can find were two Republican senators: Arlen Specter and Lincoln Chaffee

gmzisanasshoe: The Ghost of Arlen Specter Hovers still..look at his Influence on The World...because we are The Leader..folks Look to The Miracle that is The USA to be Strong..and building US up...makes Everyone Every Category..That's Real MAGA..if done right.

ChristieIn16: Arlen Specter: Rick Santorum 'so far to the right' - POLITICO - POLITICO: Arlen Specter: Rick Santorum 'so far to the right' - POLITICO  POLITICO

TheRoot57252511: The year is 2010 and you are a Dem primary voter in PA. Do you vote for longtime Republican Senator Arlen Specter who switched parties the year before or upstart maverick Joe Sestak?

ByJohnLMicek: I am reminded this morning that the late Arlen Specter was once praised for using his own fight with cancer to champion research and funding. There seems scant difference now.

FrankSowa1: Get well. Be safe. I commend you for persevering like your predecessor Arlen Specter did! YOU ROCK FETTERMAN!! I support you all the way.

BigDominus: Never go Full Arlen Specter.......

brianros1: There is some good stuff in here. But the PA entry is a good example of why data really can't tell the whole story. Republicans have shown 0 capacity to nominate the sort of moderate who can win in PA since they drove Arlen Specter out of the party.

gmzisanasshoe: War Boys..get that Straight...looks like some folks are trying to make that connection..Mr. Byrne...just trying to round up Extremists...for the Feds...with his Letter from The Ghost of Arlen Specter..please..some folks know you

coachellavirgo: Last November Pennsylvanians apparently would have voted for one of their former senators, Arlen Specter, if his name had been on the ballot. Specter died in 2012.

JWalters314: 1994-95 served as its chairman. Greenberg was also vice-chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), which in 1996 published his report, “Making Intelligence Smarter: The future of U.S. Intelligence”; as a result of which, Senator Arlen Specter floated Greenberg’s name

ikkytito: it was Arlen Specter and Orin Hatch attempting to discredit Anita Hill -they sure tucked their tails in a hurry -only saved Anita's reputation-Thomas was confirmed-but we won't forget the pubic hair comment or the Long dong Silver

gmzisanasshoe: This is David Urban...former Chief of Arlen Specter...2016 Trump Campaign Adviser and all around Trump Guy...supposedly...

gmzisanasshoe: "You know..I've watched you guys sell a lot of shizz..JFK Republicans...The Punisher Op...tired...but rolling out the Ghost of Arlen Specter as the Punchline... please..we've gone beyond beyond Clown World..folks stopped buying it long ago..they want a Refund"

iamnickops: One of the greatest frauds ever perpetrated on the American public. Arlen Specter's "magic bullet" theory.

BrianforYeshua: Arlen Specter for Senator. He's not for sale. He never was. He never will be.

Junicisoph: I hope they all did. Maybe the old turtle could do himself and the country a redeeming favor by pulling an Arlen Specter and becoming a Democrat. Or simply getting his crew to vote with Dems in is final trip before he leaves this world.

TerribleTed45: Just like that other guy who kept switching parties. The late Arlen Specter. 'My party leadership has left me': Trump-backed too old NJ State Senator Sam Johnson (age 87) leaves GOP to join Dems. The guy's so old he should be in the La Brea tar pits along with the other dinosaurs

mendhamsliver: Actual Arlen Specter moment

ActorAaronBooth: What in the Arlen Specter is happening in NJ?

wildstein: Since news of State Sen. Samuel Thompson's party switch came while the Eagles are playing in the Super Bowl, here's the TV ad Joe Sestak ran against Arlen Specter in the 2010 Pennsylvania U.S. Senate primary.

Oman187: Too bad Arlen Specter is already dead, that call would have killed him

s0phistry: Bizzaro Arlen Specter but it’s actually Chris Smith

MikeFromWoburn: Arlen Specter thought Goodell screwed the Eagles before? LOL He must be spinning like a tornado now.

gmzisanasshoe: Have fun with that...good luck buying anything when the Lights Go Out...The Corona Project taught folks nothing.. least some...Maybe Mr. Byrne and the Ghost of Arlen Specter might be happy...

gmzisanasshoe: Arlen Specter...Agent it comes..someones in the the response...

gmzisanasshoe: Arlen Specter and ...

gmzisanasshoe: Arlen Specter..and yes..Spygate...

gmzisanasshoe: "You can get away with anything you want as long as the Ghost of Arlen Specter and Chucky puts a letter in a Safe.. allegedly...with some other dopes.." wow...he clowned you 3 letters...and made you folks look fantastic..Roll with that... pathetic...and Federal Judges

schweizok2: Arlen Specter

Godgift64107811: The First Amendment freedom of religion is as important today as when the Bill of Rights was first written. -Arlen Specter kalim~ SUMBUL GRACING BB16 FINALE

Mid_Atlantic_1: Arlen Specter >>>>

AaronBlake: (For reference: This dinner often features members roasting one another and generally pushing boundaries. I will forever remember some of the very off-color jokes Arlen Specter told one year.)

burke23219165: Arlen Specter and Barry Goldwater are similar in a way that one vote pleased a group of people even though they voted for a lot of things that makes that group mad

Mainmanjcr: Donald Trump Fox News Alex Jones Hannity ABC NBC CBS NYT WAPO CNN MSNBC Drudge Jaime Raskin Disease filled jerk running his lying mouth about the State of Anything A congenital liar who can’t have a healthy body after lie after lie. Arlen Specter II another pathetic liar.

streetsquash: This upcoming weekend, StreetSquash will send three high school teams to SEA Team Nationals at the Arlen Specter U.S Squash Center. StreetSquash enters the High School Boys A division as defending champions. Read more here:

121reggae: Arlen Specter, United States Senator, Died at 82 Dead, Arlen Specter October 14, 2012, he was a United

BentleytheDog: More like Arlen Specter, who also wouldn’t be a coalition partner at the largest U.S. anti war rally in the past 20 years.

CountryClubConZ: Arlen Specter was a traitor in the end but at least he helped give us Alito.

Priyankafan139: It's inspirational to see someone who is dying smile - Arlen Specter ARISING WINNER PRIYANKA

g_jaysn: My Favorite historical Democrats Grover Cleveland, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, John Glenn, JFK ,RFK, Ed Koch, John Lewis, Tip O’Neill, Leo Ryan, Arlen Specter, Harry Truman

DavidCranmerUn1: "Lady in Red" seen in the Zapruder film). Bill Sloan wrote that Warren Commission assistant counsel Arlen Specter attempted to humiliate, discredit, and intimidate Hill into changing her story. Specter later graduated from Yale Law School and opened a law firm with

JamesBHayes: When Nancy pelosi said that she was having an exorcism at her house, what she actually meant was she was having dinner with the late Arlen Specter.

Godgift64107811: It's inspirational to see someone who is dying smile. -Arlen Specter DESERVING FINALIST SUMBUL

MoaObstetric: "There's nothing more important than our good health - that's our principal capital asset." -- Arlen Specter

TrueQuotation: A typical vice of American politics is the avoidance of saying anything real on real issues. — Arlen Specter

TReese82: Happy what would b 93rd B-Day to the late great Politician Arlen Specter!

TimInHonolulu: 1. Is Jim Jordan about to meet his match? Carlos Felipe Uriarte is the Asst AG for Legislative Affairs. He politely explained to the guy who couldn't pass the bar exam how it all works. His vast legislative experience goes back to working for Arlen Specter.

BobbLobblaw: If this were New England, zombie Arlen Specter would have risen to sue

VarunSivakumar: This is obviously stupid, but I also think based the nonsense Arlen Specter perpetuated, there should be a congressional investigation into this

GrandmasWeb: Craig Snyder, a former chief of staff to ex-Republican senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania, said the Freedom Caucus members are “bomb-throwing nihilists who try to tear down the institution without regard for consequences."

AnncyGoransson: Craig Snyder, a former chief of staff to ex-Republican senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania, said the Freedom Caucus members are “bomb-throwing nihilists who try to tear down the institution without regard for consequences. It’s all about how to advance their personal brands.”

lxeagle17: This didn't use to be the case. In 2004, Arlen Specter was primaried by Pat Toomey. Specter had weaknesses on the right, but he won by a whisker — he and the PA GOP establishment (Santorum etc) hit Toomey on the "he is too extreme to win a general election!" angle.

kabiu: Craig Snyder, a former chief of staff to ex-Republican senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania, said the Freedom Caucus members are “bomb-throwing nihilists who try to tear down the institution without regard for consequences…

TartanmanDavid: Craig Snyder, a former chief of staff to ex-Republican senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania, said the Freedom Caucus members are “bomb-throwing nihilists who try to tear down the institution without regard for consequences..

CTIronman: Yeah, Robinson is an uncompromising social conservative; but remember Jesse Helms was undefeated in 5 senate races in NC; this isn’t a state electing Arlen Specter & John Heinz

AnonVXR: I was Arlen Specter constituent in college until my mom told me he was a fukin snake (for real) and I came across his single bucket theory jfk bullshit

KeithNHumphreys: "Most federal government-imposed fines are just modestly expensive licenses for corporate misconduct" - Arlen Specter

baseballcrank: I suspect that some number of Pennsylvania Democrats back in the day would similarly have preferred the more conservative Pat Toomey to Arlen Specter.

thomascbowen: Arlen Specter joke!

daman_kour9: HAMARI SHAAN NIMRIT It's inspirational to see someone who is dying smile. - Arlen Specter

jimstinson: The Club relished targeting liberal Republicans like Senator Arlen Specter (R-Pa.). In 2004, Toomey himself almost took Specter out in the primary. In 2010, Specter switched parties and lost to Toomey. (4)

ethereal712: you had Wayne Gilchrest from MD's eastern shore. He had a left of center voting record that was more so than a handful of House D's at that time, prior to his primary defeat in 2008. Even the much hated Arlen Specter was nowhere near as progressive as the Rockefeller R's were,

AnonVXR: Generally credited to Warren Commission staffer Arlen Specter[3] (later a United States Senator from Pennsylvania),

awprokop: (This is an Arlen Specter reference)

emerangie: Can a handful of democrats pull an Arlen Specter?

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Emily Dickinson Poem
Did you ever stand in a Cavern's Mouth
 by Emily Dickinson


Did you ever stand in a Cavern's Mouth-
Widths out of the Sun-
And look-and shudder, and block your breath-
And deem to be alone

In such a place, what horror,

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