Alice Christiana Gertrude Thompson Meynell Divine Poems

  • 1.
    Whose is the speech
    That moves the voices of this lonely beech?
    Out of the long West did this wild wind come -
    Oh strong and silent! And the tree was dumb,
  • 2.
    O Spring, I know thee! Seek for sweet surprise
    In the young children's eyes.
    But I have learnt the years, and know the yet
    Leaf-folded violet.
  • 3.
    I had not seen my son's dear face
    (He chose the cloister by God's grace)
    Since it had come to full flower-time.
    I hardly guessed at its perfect prime,
  • 4.
    Thou who singest through the earth,
    All the earth's wild creatures fly thee,
    Everywhere thou marrest mirth.
    Dumbly they defy thee.
  • 5.
    The Art of Painting had in the Primitive years looked with the light, not towards it. Before Tintoretto's date, however, many painters practised shadows and lights, and turned more or less sunwards; but he set the figure between himself and a full sun. His work is to be known in Venice by the splendid trick of an occluded sun and a shadow thrown straight at the spectator.

    Tintoretto's thronged "Procession to Calvary" and his "Crucifixion," incidentally named, are two of the greatest of his multitude of works in Venice.

  • 6.
    Quiet form of silent nun,
    What has given you to my inward eyes?
    What has marked you, unknown one,
    In the throngs of centuries
  • 7.
    Lord, where are Thy prerogatives?
    Why, men have more than Thou hast kept;
    The king rewards, remits, forgives,
    The poet to a throne has stept.
  • 8.
    Three times have I beheld
    Fear leap in a babe's face, and take his breath,
    Fear, like the fear of eld
    That knows the price of life, the name of death.
  • 9.
    Who looked for thee, thou little song of mine?
    This winter of a silent poet's heart
    Is suddenly sweet with thee, but what thou art,
    Mid-winter flower, I would I could divine.
Total 9 Divine Poems by Alice Christiana Gertrude Thompson Meynell

Top 10 most used topics by Alice Christiana Gertrude Thompson Meynell

Long 24 Sweet 23 Wild 19 Poet 19 Earth 16 Silent 16 Face 14 Young 14 Thought 12 Divine 9

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