Who is Sam Walter Foss

Sam Walter Foss (June 19, 1858 – February 26, 1911) was an American librarian and poet whose works included The House by the Side of the Road and The Coming American.

Life and career

Foss was born in rural Candia, New Hampshire, the son of Polly (Hardy) and Dyer Foss. His mother died when he was four years old, and he worked on his father's farm and went to school in the winter. Foss attended the Tilton Seminary, now Tilton School, before attending and graduating from Brown University in 1882. He would eventually be considered illustrious enough to warrant having his name inscribed on the mace. Beginning in 1898, he served as librarian at the Somerville Public Library in Massachusetts. He married a minister's daughter, with whom he had a daughter and son. Foss...
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Sam Walter Foss Poems

  • Husband And Heathen
    O'er the men of Ethiopia she would pour her cornucopia,
    And shower wealth and plenty on the people of Japan,
    Send down jelly cake and candies to the Indians of the Andes,
    And a cargo of plum pudding to the men of Hindoostan; ...
  • Philosopher, A
    Zack Bumstead useter flosserfize
    About the ocean an' the skies;
    An' gab an' gas f'um morn till noon
    About the other side the moon; ...
  • Meeting Of The Clabberhuses, The

    He was the Chairman of the Guild
    Of Early Pleiocene Patriarchs; ...
  • Ideal Husband To His Wife, The
    We've lived for forty years, dear wife,
    And walked together side by side,
    And you to-day are just as dear
    As when you were my bride. ...
  • The Prayer Of Cyrus Brown
    "The proper way for a man to pray,"
    Said Deacon Lemuel Keyes,
    "And the only proper attitude
    Is down upon his knees." ...
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Top 10 most used topics by Sam Walter Foss

Long 2 Wealth 2 Good 2 Head 2 Discord 1 Hunger 1 Wise 1 Ideal 1 Generous 1 Bride 1

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Poem of the day

Charles Baudelaire Poem
Un Plaisant
 by Charles Baudelaire

C'était l'explosion du nouvel an : chaos de boue et de neige, traversé
de mille carrosses, étincelant de joujoux et de bonbons, grouillant de
cupidités et de désespoirs, délire officiel d'une grande ville fait
pour troubler le cerveau du solitaire le plus fort.

Au milieu de ce tohu-bohu et de ce vacarme, un âne trottait vivement,
harcelé par un malotru armé d'un fouet.


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