John Drinkwater Strange Poems

  • 1.
    That was the proud woman, Naaman's wife.
    Basking at noon under the Syrian fans,
    While Naaman, the leprous mighty captain,
    Proud glowing flesh now silver-skinned and tainted,
  • 2.
    Now June walks on the waters,
    And the cuckoo's last enchantment
    Passes from Olton pools.

  • 3.
    He was a man with wide and patient eyes,
    Grey, like the drift of twitch-fires blown in June,
    That, without fearing, searched if any wrong
    Might threaten from your heart. Grey eyes he had
  • 4.
    And Jonathan too had honour in his heart,
    Jonathan who with an armour-bearer went
    Alone by Michmash to the Philistines,
    And met a spray of swords because of courage
  • 5.
    From babyhood I have known the beauty of earth,
    I learnt it, I think, in the strange months before birth,
    I learnt it passing and passing by each moon
    From the harvest month into my natal June.
  • 6.
    Then I asked: 'Does a firm persuasion that a thing is so, make it so?'

    He replied: 'All Poets believe that it does, and in ages of imagination this firm persuasion removed mountains; but many are not capable of a firm persuasion of anything.'

Total 6 Strange Poems by John Drinkwater

Top 10 most used topics by John Drinkwater

Long 9 Great 9 Hear 8 Thought 8 Deep 7 Earth 6 Strange 6 Brain 6 Mind 6 Bright 6

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Andrew Lang Poem
Woman And The Weed
 by Andrew Lang


In the Morning of Time, when his fortunes began,
How bleak, how un-Greek, was the Nature of Man!
From his wigwam, if ever he ventured to roam,
There was nobody waiting to welcome him home;
For the Man had been made, but the woman had NOT,
And Earth was a highly detestable spot.

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