Faizi Person Poems

  • 1.
    Is it what we mean by life?,
    A life with a dramatic attitude,
    A life with a hypocratic character,
    Always acting as if playing in a stage show,
Total 1 Person Poems by Faizi

Top 10 most used topics by Faizi

Lost 2 Love 2 I Love You 2 Soul 2 Anger 2 God 2 Bother 1 Conclusion 1 Society 1 Hidden 1

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Poem of the day

Edgar Albert Guest Poem
Success And Failure
 by Edgar Albert Guest

I do not think all failure's undeserved,
And all success is merely someone's luck;
Some men are down because they were unnerved,
And some are up because they kept their pluck.
Some men are down because they chose to shirk;
Some men are high because they did their work.

I do not think that all the poor are good,

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